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My Introduction To You
2/15/2007 11:02:57 PM

Hello everyone.

Since I haven't had the time to reply to each of you I wanted to set this up so that I could at least say hello and introduce myself.

I haven't had time to complete my profile and about me pages and everything yet and I didn't want you to think that I was rude or standoffish.

I just got involved here and hope to make the best of it and learn some new things from you all.

I am currently involved with Success University and am working on a few web site projects.

I never have had much success with making any money on the net but I never really put enough consistant effort into it eithrer.

So I have decided that I was going to change that as I am getting really tired of working for everyone else and making them money and taking home penuts.

I am a very upbeat kinda guy and very positive too. I have been involved in Outside and Direct Sales as well as being a Professional Chef and Restaurant Manager.

Anyway, I hope that this will give you a little insite until I can get everything else set up.


Married for 6.5 years. Met my Wife on the internet in 1999 and went to China to meet her in 2000. Her and My oldest Daughter came to the us in 2001. We just adopted my Wife's neice from China in November to give her a better life here. My oldest Ruby  plays the Clairnet and Tiffany plays the Alto Sax. Both girls have very good grades 4.0 Ruby and 3.5 Tiffany. Tiffany has only been here since August of 2006 and couldn't speak, read or write any English when she got here. She is now at a 6th grade level in all of thoes areas. Wish I could do that!!

So there you have it in a nutshell. I welcome any replies and coments that you may have and I will be working on getting the rest of my profile finished this week.

So till then stay POSITIVE!!!.

Most People Fail Because of the Inability to Make a Timely Decision!      Napolean Hill

Get a free copy of Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill by visiting my Success University web site.

Barry Galen

