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Why Solar?
7/19/2007 4:12:53 PM
Have you ever experienced a power outage of more than a few hours or days? I have. It is no fun. A major inconvenience to say the least. I lived through the hottest week of the summer of 2006 without electricity. No air-conditioning, no TV, no computer.  Some of our neighbors went out and bought portable generators to provide them with at least minimal comforts. They noisy and cost them a small fortune in fuel just to keep them running. One of my neighbors had a small solar panel on their roof. It was enough to power their tv and maybe a refrig. but that was about it. I thought that was the way to go though. Clean, quiet reliable power. I investigated solar to see if I could get a system big enough to power my whole house. A system that would free me from dependency on a corporate entity whose only real interest is to turn a huge profit. I discovered that a system capable of providing my needs would cost me somewhere between twenty and forty thousand dollars. Thats way beyond my means. I pretty much gave up on the idea. I few months later while I was doing a little web surfing I came across a company with a solution to my problem.Here is a link to this company.
The company's goal is to convert twenty five percent of
American homes to solar power by the year 2025. Their primary reason to do this is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce our country's dependence on foriegn oil. Their idea is to rent solar panels to homeowners for the same monthly rate that the homeowner pays for electricity now. No upfront costs, no maintenance fees, only a small security deposit required and that is payable only after the homeowner has seen and agreed to the engineers final design.
I liked their idea so much that I signed up as an ecoprenuer. So if you are interested in being less reliant on your electricity provider, helping in the fight against global warming or helping to reduce our country's dependence on foriegn energy supplies you should check this company.
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