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Las Ratnayake

343 Posts
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101 Ways Your Business Can Change the World
8/9/2007 7:10:17 PM

Hi Susan,

Thank you for inviting me to post to your forum. I have a ebook to share with everyone.

THis is a free ebook that will bless many people. Pass it on to all your friends.

Here is the link:

101 Ways Your Business Can Change the World.


Las Ratnayake

Las R Heaven is so Real My Power Mall Send messages directly to 1000's of desktops. Invite me to be your friend.
Re: 101 Ways Your Business Can Change the World
8/10/2007 1:04:14 PM

Las, We are so happy that you have joined us!


I too, am a PowerMall member and I agree with you that this free ebook is a wonderful thing that we are given the opportunity to share. You are correct in that, this will bless us all. Thank you for sharing it with everyone here.

Best wishes in all you do,

Re: 101 Ways Your Business Can Change the World
8/10/2007 4:38:24 PM

OOPS! I almost forgot! I want everyone to know about uVume!

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