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G. Lee Meyer

137 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
The Natural Laws of the Universe - Monday Motivator
9/10/2007 1:52:19 PM

Hi all,

Sorry I missed sending out the motivator last week. I'm back now. We took a nice long holiday enjoying the last days of summer on the lakes here in Michigan. Now the leaves are beginning to fall and the evenings are getting cooler. I'm  looking forward to fall harvest time, apple picking and the beautiful color of the season. Nature is such a wonderful example of the abundance of creation. Every season is chock full of expectation. So I chose this for today.


 The people that really succeed in the world
 are the people who look for the circumstances they want, and,
 if they can't find them, they make them.

 The lure of the distant and the difficult is deceptive.
 The great opportunity in your life is where you are right now.
 Properly perceived, every situation becomes an opportunity for you.

 Your destiny is not a matter of chance,
 it's a matter of the choices you make.
 Being successful is not something you wait for,
 but rather something you achieve with effort.
 Things won't turn up in this world until you turn them up.

 You develop your opportunities
 by applying persistence to your possibilities. 
  ©2005 by Max Steingart

Do you see the cup half full,  half empty or overflowing?

Blessings for YOUR Success,

G. Lee

Hope you'll view my album Grateful and Blessed at;

G. Lee Meyer
Neil Sperling

1645 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Person Of The Week
Re: The Natural Laws of the Universe - Monday Motivator
9/23/2007 10:49:44 AM

So true- opportunity is all around us - we often see lack in our bank account and get into negative thinking..... but look at all the buildings in your town or city- just think of all the money held in mortgages - look at the roads and think - what a blessing to use and how much money are you acctually driving on.... look at everything with an attitude of gratitude and abundance.... you whole life changes!
