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Sue Dietrich

281 Posts
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Golden Rule
11/24/2007 3:44:10 PM


I am sure many of us has grown up learning the Golden Rule. “ Do unto other as you would have them do unto you” The same rule applies to Marketing. The rule applies to your customers, products everything when you think about it.
Have good customer service just as you would expect from a retailer.
Have good prices just completive as a customer would want and expect.

Have a good presentation of your business and your product.
Have a good web presence for your business.
Have a good contact information in case someone is not happy with the product.

There is also that Thirty Second Rule when it come to Retail.

Get their attention!! They say that first Thirty Seconds when a customer sees a product is
When they decide if they are interested or not. In the many years I have dealt with retail I know this to be a known fact.

Move things around. So that means keeping your web site up and ever changing so people will not be bored with it. Don’t make it to flashy or to dull. Too flashy will make people run too dull people will just click it off.

Don’t make your email over powering when promoting your web link for your product, like was discussed in a earlier Blog use your own words.

Most of All

Keep Smiling J

Joyce Sanders

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Re: Golden Rule
11/24/2007 4:05:14 PM
How right you are Peaches!! Many people do not  understand this about marketing.   They treat it as a cut throat business and that is not true.   It is simply sales.  People buy from people they know and those that they are familiar with. 

Great post!!


Sue Dietrich

281 Posts
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Re: Golden Rule
11/24/2007 4:38:43 PM

Thank you for that beautiful Rose :)

Keep Smiling

Nick Sym

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Re: Golden Rule
11/25/2007 12:55:43 AM

Breast Cancer Awareness On My Site! Free exposure that works
Sue Dietrich

281 Posts
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Re: Golden Rule
11/25/2007 10:58:37 AM
Oh I love Butterflies and Flowers :)