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Jan (aka) Jaz Green
I believe we are 'time travelers' temporarily existing in a flesh body until our next life mission. (Jan aka Jaz original thought) ... Invite me to non-ad forums You OWN! /// ALL who have not been previously BANNED; are welcome to JOIN and comment in FORUM POSTS/ Ads & REFERRAL LINKS are WELOME~FREE @ Jaz Jets $$$
3/8/2021 9:43:04 PM
John Priestley
This is a forum dedicated to sharing ideas and services to promote your opportunity that don't cost you anything - not a penny - zilch - the good, the bad and the ugly. Share and share alike... Please only post comments on really FREE products and services and then say why they are so good. Why should we use them? No pure advertising! It is best to submit your text in English so that the majority of the members can understand it. Have a grand day and write soon. Be safe and stay healthy.
1/29/2021 2:36:53 AM
Jonathan Alexander
Ok this is my first post so bear with me if this is the wrong place. I have a business where I sell an advertisement system that can be used to promote a business. What I have not had up until now are business leads. Now when I say leads I mean people who want to start a business, not do a job. Where do I find these and you can call me at the following number 3104699862
6/4/2018 4:10:16 PM
Steve Lanier
A forum for Pain Patients who are facing FORCED tapering and sudden abandonment by your pain doctor! Alone you can't accomplish much together we can change our situation! As a pain patient myself suffering from Radiculopathy, stenosis, abiglongword neuropathy, trigeminal neuralgia and migraine & cluster headaches I know all about pain, unfortunately and likely know something that might help or know someone that does! I also know the CDC LIED about prescription opioid deaths in their research!
5/6/2018 4:09:54 PM