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Vol. 1 issue #155 June 09, 2005



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3 POWERFUL Ways To Profit From Your BLOG... Starting TODAY!
©2005 By Cory Threlfall


Cyberspace has a NEW marketing tool, even though they've
been around for quite some time, yet, ONLY recently have
been recognized as a Powerful communication tool for
Internet marketers.

If you've been following the latest Internet marketing
trends like I have, then you've definitely heard of them.

What's this new marketing tool I'm taking about that every
Serious marketer should have in place?

BLOGS! ...(A.K.A. Web-Log).

Now, just for those of you who aren't quite sure what a
BLOG is, here's a quick definition:

A BLOG(A.K.A. Web-Log) is basically a journal that is
available on the web. The activity of updating(usually on a
daily to weekly basis) a blog is called "Blogging" and
someone who keeps a Blog is a "Blogger".

There you have it, quick and to the point.

If you want to read up more about "Blogs", here's a link to
an article I wrote earlier that goes more in depth.

Okay. For the rest of this article I want to focus on how
ONE can $$Profit$$ from having there own Blog.

I'm going to list three ways that I think are the Best and
most Powerful ways to get the most out of your Blog.

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Greer's General Info

Greer Trumble   
Greer Trumble (user id: hispeed) is offline. Last login: 6/8/2005 1:06:31 PM 533 Friends
Member since 5/28/2005
Mr. Greer Trumble
Gender Male
Age 50
Location Fayetteville, NC, United States
Interests religion, psychology -- doctoral studies
Company Hi Speed Enterprises
URL View Hi Speed Enterprises's web site
Industry Internet, web hosting, web design, programming C++, Perl/CGI, PHP etc.


So, with that said, let's go to Profit Tactic #1.

Profit Tactic #1. Writing "Articles".

Writing "Articles" are a very Powerful way to profit from
your Blog.

There are many reasons why "Articles" are valuable to your
Blog, but, for the purpose of this article I'm going to
give you the most important part, and that's your "Resource
Box" at the end of your article.

Your "Resource Box" is like a classified ad and holds
critical information about You, your websites and what you
have to offer them after they've read your article.

The links within your "Resource Box" could lead to your own
Product or Service you have to offer, or they could lead to
a Affiliate Product related to the content of your article.

This is a great way to give them something of "Value",
which is the information within the article, and a great
way to get them to take action by way of getting them to
click on one of the links within your "Resource Box".

That's "Profit Tactic #1".

Profit Tactic #2. Writing "Product Reviews".

Writing "Product Reviews" is a great way to profit from
your Blog simply because they allow you to Soft-Sell your
potential customer by way of giving them your personal
opinion on the product you are recommending and then
providing them with a link if they wish to look into it
further, instead of throwing a Sales Pitch at them.

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Nobody likes to be sold, but, offering them your insight on
a Product and/or Service that could help solve the problem
they're dealing with is yet another great way to profit
from your Blog and make you look like a Hero.

That's "Profit Tactic #2".

Profit Tactic #3. "Text Ad" Programs.

"Text Ad Programs" like Affiliate Power Ads or Google
Adsense are yet Another great way to profit from your Blog.

I've listed these two "Text Ad" programs for a reason, One
is a Pay-Per-Click(Google Adsense) and shows related ads to
the content on that particular webpage and the other
one(Affiliate Power Ads) makes You up to $60 to $100
dollars in commissions on a single click.

Here are the links for you to check them out further if you

Google Adsense --

Affiliate Power Ads --

They are both FREE to join and only take you minutes to
set-up depending on your experience.

Here's an example of how mine looks if you were to set-up
your Blog through Blogger.com -- http://www.blogger.com
with both of these programs. http://theiwe.blogspot.com

MANY WAYS TO MAKE MONEY AT HOME! Need a Few Quick Bucks or Want to Make a Lot of Money Over Time, Without a Job, a Business, or Hassles? You've Found the Right Place! http://paydotcom.net/r/82184/ebo07/27030588/

The great thing is... they'll be displayed on every page of
your Blog when you make a post.

I also provided a link below that shows you How-To set this
up "Step-By-Step", making it Easy for you to get started.

Now, I'm sure there are many other ways to $$Profit$$ from
your Blog, but these ones in my mind are the most Powerful.

Well... there you have it, "3 POWERFUL Ways To Profit From
Your BLOG... Starting TODAY!".

If you haven't started a BLOG, maybe it's time you
considered it since NOW you have some incentive.

I truly hope this article helped you realize the $$Profit$$
potential your Blog could have and how you can start
incorporating it... Starting TODAY!

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-- Or if you want to get MORE 'Insider' marketing Secrets,
subscribe to Cory Threlfall's ezine called... The Internet
Wonders eZine -- http://www.internetwondersezine.com or you
can visit his BLOG at -- http://theiwe.blogspot.com



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