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Vol. 1 issue #98  Feb 17, 2004


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How to Get Search Engine Traffic Part I
© 2003 By  Jim Daniels

Of all the traffic my websites have generated over the years
(literally millions of visitors) ONE traffic source stands head
and shoulders above the rest...

Search Engine Traffic.

Specifically, traffic from google.com, yahoo.com and
search.msn.com - the leaders web searching.

Since visitors from search engines find sites on their own, the
traffic is top quality and the conversion rate is excellent. And
since it is without cost, search engine traffic simply cannot be beat.

In this article you'll discover how YOU can maximize traffic from
search engines. And no, I do not have a trick or overnight
solution. If you are looking for that, you can stop reading now.
But what I will share with you today WILL increase your search
engine traffic. I can all but guarantee it. Sure, it will take
some time but believe me, it is well worth a little patience.400% MORE










So let's go...

The first thing to consider is how the best search sites
determine where to send their clients -- the searchers. It does
not happen by accident. In fact all search engines have complex
algorithms that determine how they rank sites.

But after all the smoke clears, I can point directly to ONE
essential component that leads to ever-growing traffic from the
major search engines...



Quality is what matters most to the top search engines. They want
to give quality results to the people using their search engine.

Read that again. It is important to understand. As a webmaster,
quality is something you need to be very concerned with. And
there are two specific areas where quality really counts...

1. Quality of Content AT your Website
2. Quality of Links TO Your Website.

Let's talk about those two components in a bit of detail.

Quality Component #1: Informative content at your website

A quality website with solid, reliable and substantial content
will always do better than sites trying to "trick" their way to
good ranking. Think about it for a moment. Why do the top search
sites have such a huge market share? Simple. They provide quality
search results. That's how they got more people use them to find
what they were looking for.

Therefore, websites offering lots of quality information are
usually the first sites presented in their search results.



There is no secret to this. And providing quality content takes
work. I do it by writing articles like the one you are reading
now. And you can do it by writing articles for YOUR niche market
and posting them at your site.

If your site focuses on collectibles, don't just post up your
items and hope to sell them. Instead, write an article about a
specific collectible every week. Tell it's history and why it is
worth so much. Write about how to tell an original from a
counterfeit. You get the idea.

In a year you will have 52 keyword-rich web pages (or more) that
will help grow traffic to your website. In two years you'll have
100+. And this content is the cornerstone of your website.

[Tech note: As you post each article at your website, make sure
the new web page links back to your main page. Also make sure
your main page has a link to either a site map or an article
listing. That will help search engines find all that great
content when they spider your site.]

I've been writing about this aspect of web marketing for seven
years now. And I can remember a few years back when many experts
were writing, "Don't waste your time on content, just put up a
single page sales letter." But what would the web be like if it
were just a network of single page sales letters?

The web is all about information.


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There is no secret to this. And providing quality content takes
work. I do it by writing articles like the one you are reading
now. And you can do it by writing articles for YOUR niche market
and posting them at your site.

If your site focuses on collectibles, don't just post up your
items and hope to sell them. Instead, write an article about a
specific collectible every week. Tell it's history and why it is
worth so much. Write about how to tell an original from a
counterfeit. You get the idea.

In a year you will have 52 keyword-rich web pages (or more) that
will help grow traffic to your website. In two years you'll have
100+. And this content is the cornerstone of your website.

[Tech note: As you post each article at your website, make sure
the new web page links back to your main page. Also make sure
your main page has a link to either a site map or an article
listing. That will help search engines find all that great
content when they spider your site.]

I've been writing about this aspect of web marketing for seven
years now. And I can remember a few years back when many experts
were writing, "Don't waste your time on content, just put up a
single page sales letter." But what would the web be like if it
were just a network of single page sales letters?

The web is all about information.


MANY WAYS TO MAKE MONEY AT HOME! Need a Few Quick Bucks or Want to Make a Lot of Money Over Time, Without a Job, a Business, or Hassles? You've Found the Right Place! http://paydotcom.net/r/82184/ebo07/27030588/


Let's face it, nearly ALL people online are here to get
information. Not many people want to pay for it either. After
all, you can find in-depth information on any subject imaginable.
Sure, you sometimes have to pay for the best quality information,
but if you surf long enough you can get to the truth of any
subject using the World Wide Web.

If you are a website owner, the paragraphs above translate into a
simple strategy. Feed the search engines that facilitate locating
this valuable content. Create content for your niche market. Grow
a website that is information rich and the visitors will come. It
may take time but they will come.

Of course, there are ways that you can move the process along a
bit. The best way is to show search engines what your content is
about and how important it is. This is done by building...

Quality Component #2: Niche links INTO your website

You may have heard of the importance of getting other sites to
link to yours. And yes, getting lots of links coming to your site
is important. But the QUALITY of those links is even more

I will not get into Google page rank or any other specific
algorithms on any search engine. The fact is, NOBODY is privy to
that specific information. But I can say for sure, based on
experience, that the quality of links coming to your site is VERY

When it comes to the actual links, quality is measured primarily
by these two factors...

In part II you will learn about

[X] WHICH sites link to your site
[X] Exactly HOW sites link to your site

The author, Marketing Coach, Charlie Cook, helps
independent professionals and small business owners
attract more clients and increase their earnings
with the 5 Principles of Highly Effective Marketing.
Sign up to receive the Free Marketing Guide and the
'More Business' newsletter, full of practical tips
you can use at http://www.charliecook.net
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