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 Adland Digest FREE Edition #607
  Tuesday, Feb 26, 2008

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Worldwide Holidays for February 2008

1st February

Confederal Agreement Day: Senegal.

2nd February

Lincoln's Day: United States of America.

3rd February

Heroes' Day: Mozambique.

San Blas: Paraguay.

4th February

Independence Day: Sri Lanka.

CCM Day: Tanzania.

5th February

Constitution Day: Mexico.

President's Day: Congo.

6th February

Waitangi Day: New Zealand.

7th February

Independence Day: Grenada.

Tet: Vietnam.

8th February

Culture Day: Slovenia.

Revolution Anniversary: Iraq.

Virgen de la Candelaria: Puno, Peru.

Youth Day: Congo.

9th February

Feast of Saint Maron: Lebanon.

10th February

Feast of St. Paul's Shipwreck: Malta.

11th February

Armed Forces Day: Liberia.

Makha Bucha Day: Thailand.

National Foundation Day: Japan.

Youth Day: Cameroon.

12th February

Lincoln's Birthday: United States of America.

Union Day: Myanmar.

14th February

St. Valentine's Day.

15th February

Chinese Spring Festival: Mauritius.

Folklore Day: South Korea.

Revolution Day: Iran.

16th February

Presidents' Day: United States of America.

18th February

Independence Day: Gambia.

General Holiday, Various Provinces: Canada

19th February

National Day: Nepal.

21st February

Shaheed Day: Bangladesh.

22nd February

Independence Day: Saint Lucia.

Union Day: Egypt.

Washington's Birthday: United States of America.

23rd February

National Day: Brunei.

Republic Day: Guyana.

25th February

National Day: Kuwait.

People Power Day: Philippines.

27th February

Independence Day: Dominican Republic.

29th February

Leap year comes once every four years - 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020.



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Editor's Comments 

Barry Scott -Digest Editor

Thank you to the members who have provided their stories and reactions regarding the last issue. All of your comments and reactions to the topic regarding the scammers and the effects it has had on your business will be beneficial in providing possible ways of resolving or alleviating its effects in upcoming issues. Please stay posted as I hope to be adding some extra features into the newsletter. 

As always and feedback or questions are always welcome, just click on my name below

Sincerely, Barry Scott Editor


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The Importance Of Content

By Harry Hoover
Ad-weary consumers are demanding more from marketers than the old fashioned chest-thumping commercial messages we have been dumping on them for years. Let's face it, they TiVo and they listen to their own tunes on iPods in order to escape commercials. Circulation and readership is down in the old media formats. What's a marketer to do?

Instead of marketing products and services, an increasing number of marketers perform content marketing as a way to break through the clutter and the ennui. What's content marketing?

Junta42 says it "is a marketing technique of creating and distributing relevant and valuable content to attract, acquire, and engage a clearly defined and understood target audience - with the objective of driving profitable customer action."

Make note of two key words in the above description: "relevant" and "valuable."

Content comes in many forms ranging from articles, news releases, research reports, white papers, surveys, audio and video. Even some humorous TV commercials - think Super Bowl ads - could be shoved into the list. Content can be delivered in a host of ways and it can be used tactically in order to accomplish a final strategic purpose: getting consumers to pay attention to your message.

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Creating that relevant and valuable content we talked about earlier does several things for us. On the web, people link to pages that contain compelling, interesting or educational content. More links means more referrals from other sites means more traffic. High link levels may also give you higher search engine rankings. And the cycle continues.

Smart marketers don't just wait for people to come find their valuable and relevant content, they push it out. RSS and eNewsletters are two key ways to repurpose and push out content or to alert people about where they can find it.

It shouldn't surprise you that traditional PR tools are among my favorites for getting the word out about the content. A news release about your latest new hire isn't that compelling but a release about access to your free Media Relations White Paper is. (Did you notice how I just pointed you to my media relations white paper?)

I've been a believer in content marketing for years but just didn't call it that. We'll be coming back to this subject and I think you will become an advocate too.


About the Author:
Harry Hoover is a partner in My Creative Team. He has 30 years of experience in crafting and delivering bottom line messages that ensure success for serious businesses like Bank of Commerce, CruisingTheICW.com, Duke Energy, Focus Four, Jacobsen, Levolor, National Gypsum, North Carolina Tourism, Premier, Rubbermaid, Ty Boyd Executive Learning Systems, VELUX, and Verbatim.


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7 Proven Ways to Turbo Charge Your Traffic

By Joseph Jester
You have probably seen countless articles that talk about the importance of generating website traffic. In fact it is nearly impossible to operate a profitable internet business without traffic. The importance of traffic generation cannot be overstated. So, we can all agree that traffic is an essential element for any internet based business. How do we turbo charge our website traffic?

If you already have a site you might be wondering how to get noticed on the web. Perhaps you are selling the same product as hundreds of other aspiring entrepreneurs, but just can't seem to find a way to get your share of the traffic. You need to critically examine your traffic generation strategy. These seven proven techniques should help you turbo charge your website traffic.

1) Invest in Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Google Adwords and Yahoo Overture are advertising programs that can provide vast amounts of targeted traffic to your website. Although with this proven technique can deliver tons of traffic they do so at a cost. Every time a prospect clicks on your ad you incur a fee. It doesn't matter if they purchase anything on your website. One of the advantages of pay-per-click advertising is that you can be very specific about how much you want to spend on a per click and per day basis. You can also target specific keywords to ensure that your visitors will be interested in your products and services. This technique can be expensive, but if used effectively it can literally flood your site with traffic.

2) Reciprocal Linking With Other Websites

When exchanging links with other sites, both sites can benefit. Now certainly not all sites are created equally. Linking to high traffic sites will help you with the search engines. It will also allow you to get traffic directly from the connection. This strategy takes more time than pay-per-click advertising, but can be very powerful.

3) Use Viral Marketing

Viral marketing allows you to spread the word about your company's products and services with minimal cost. This method takes a bit more time to develop, but can help generate traffic for an extended period of time. The basic strategy is to somehow attach your company name, website address, affiliate link, etc. into an item that you can give away to your visitors. An example might be a funny video. If people like the video they will probably keep a copy and pass it along to others. As the funny video spreads around the internet your company name, website address, affiliate link, etc. spreads with it. Viral marketing could be thought of as an electronic form of word of mouth marketing. Viral marketing can be used with a wide variety of products such as articles, cartoons, software, screen savers, music, and eBooks. The point is that you need to embed your information into products that people want and will share. Viral should not be confused with virus. It is a very powerful low cost approach to traffic generation.

4) Use Proper Keywords On Your Site

Having the proper keyword or phrase is an important factor in ranking well in the search engines. Once you identify your sites keywords, you need to optimize your site for those keywords.

5) Write Articles To Lead Traffic To Your Site

Submit original articles to article directories to generate links to your site. These links will help your site to rank well with the search engines. Well written articles will help bring interested readers to your website.

6) Join And Post On Forums

Show your expertise by posting on forums. Most forums allow participants to include a link below their signature. Not only will you establish trust and credibility on the forum, you will generate additional links to your site.

7) Offer newsletters.

Share your expertise with readers by publishing a newsletter. If you can peak your readers curiosity they will reward you with traffic.

If you are competing online you must strive to stay a step ahead of you competition. Some of these tactics will require time, others can literally generate traffic with the flip of a switch. In order to ensure a steady stream of traffic you will need to utilize a combination of these tactics.


About the Author:
Joseph Jester is the owner of FinancialFreedomQuest.com and writes on a variety of home business topics. To learn more Joseph invites you to visit: FinancialFreedomQuest.com
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Adlandpro Tips

Some detail into Adlandpro's products and services for the new or experienced user.


Common Technical Questions

Why do your Adlandpro statistics have more hits for my websites, than my website manager statistics , which have always been 100% accurate?

Here are some most obvious reasons.
  • Somebody clicked on our site but your server was down or busy and they didn't wait any longer.
  • Somebody was able to connect to our site but due to connection problems on the way between you and them, click on your link on our site resulted in unresolved domain or DNS error. Your site didn't load.
  • User clicked several times impatiently on our site on your link (each click is a hit recorded) but there was only one visit to your site.
  • Search engine or other spidering software crawled our site, encountered your ad but your stats didn't show it because stats only look for human clicks.

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