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 Adland Digest FREE Edition #608
  Saturday, March 1, 2008

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Worldwide Holidays for March 2008

1st March

Heroes' Day: Paraguay.

Independence Movement Day: South Korea.

2nd March

Adowa Day: Ethiopia.

Independence Day: Morocco.

Peasants' Day: Burma.

3rd March

Discovery Day: Guam.

Liberation Day: Bulgaria.

Martyr's Day: Malawi.

National Unity Day: Sudan.

4th March

Lantern Festival: Taiwan.

6th March

Independence Day: Ghana.

8th March

Congolese Women's Day: Congo.

Decoration Day: Liberia.

9th March

Baron Bliss Day: Belize.

Commonwealth Day: Gibraltar.

10th March

Labour Day: South Korea.

11th March

National Day: Lithuania.

12th March

Independence Day: Mauritius.

Renovation Day: Gabon.

13th March

National Day: Grenada.

14th March

St. Joseph's Day: Colombia.

15th March

Anniversary of Hungarian Revolution (1848/49): Hungary.

J.J. Robert's Birthday: Liberia.

17th March

Evacuation Day (Boston only): United States of America.

Nyepi Day: Indonesia.

St. Patrick's Day: Canada, Ireland, United States of America.

18th March

Aruba Day: Aruba.

Marien Ngouabi Day: Congo.

19th March

Youth Day: Zambia.

20th March

Independence Day: Tunisia.

Start of Spring: Europe.

21st March

Benito Juarez's Birthday: Mexico.

Youth Day: Tunisia.

22nd March

Abolition Day: Puerto Rico.

23rd March

Pakistan Day: Pakistan.

24th March

Africa Day: Zambia.

25th March

Annunciation: Liechtenstein.

Independence Day: Cyprus, Greece.

26th March

Independence Day: Bangladesh.

27th March

Armed Forces Day: Burma.

Evacuation Day: Angola.

29th March

Boganda Day: Central African Republic.

31st March

Freedom Day: Malta.



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Editor's Comments 

Barry Scott -Digest Editor

    Wow! The beginning of March, does anyone else feel like the Holiday season was just a couple of weeks ago? When you look back over the last few months do you feel like things have improved, declined or are just about the same? The reason I ask is that I recently read a study regarding the effects of the weather on the human psyche. I always thought spring was like an awakening and there was an energy to that, but apparently I was wrong. For most people the beginning of Spring usually has the same feeling as getting up for work Monday morning, nothing looks great, the start of another day etc...  it is only in the later part of the Spring season that people start to feel energized and have a positive outlook. So if you are thinking about what you have accomplished don't downplay it or focus on the negative, it is probably just the weather talking! Have a great weekend.  

As always and feedback or questions are always welcome, just click on my name below

Sincerely, Barry Scott Editor


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How To Build Relationships With Other Marketers Through Discussion Forums

By Michael Rasmussen
� 2008, BulletProof Marketing, Inc.           

If there's one thing that I've learned over the last few years in Internet Marketing, it's this...

You can't succeed on a high level if you insist on being a "lone wolf".

In other words, if you want to make it really big online, you've got to create relationships with other online marketers.

Here's why:

#1 - They will be your most active and loyal affiliate partners. Whenever you launch a new product, you can almost always count on them to send your offer to their list.

#2 - They will be the best JV partners. Let's face it, there are a lot of shady people out there, and if you've ever done a large JV with people... you know what I'm talking about. The people who know you personally are the ones who will make the best partners for joint ventures.

#3 - You will get to enjoy an online support group of like-minded people. Anyone who has read "Think And Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill knows that you will always succeed at a higher level by forming a "Mastermind Group".

A Mastermind Group is essentially a group of people gathered together for a single purpose. The combined strength of everyone's effort and intention will be more powerful than your own individual efforts.

In other words, you can accomplish a LOT more if you've got a group that supports you. Now let's talk about...

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The key word here is "personal contact". If you want people to stand up and take notice, you've got to make the effort to contact them personally, and start a communication with them.

If you're wondering what to say to them initially, here are a few ideas:

Send a comment or a question about a post that they made.

Compliment them on a response that they posted to help out another person.

Ask them about their product, and tell them that you're interested in promoting it to your list.

You see, most online marketers are people just like you and me. They work from home, and they would love to make some personal alliances with people who are committed to being successful online.

Here are 3 things you need to know about contacting other marketers initially.

#1 - One great way to reach them is to send them a PM, or a "private message" through the actual forum itself. Most of the big online forums have this feature, so this one is a no-brainer.

#2 - Send a personal email to them. The best subject lines to use are things like:

"Comment about your forum post" "Question about your forum post" "Forum post - feedback"

#3 - Do NOT send canned emails to them. Nothing will offend a marketer more than sending a "copied and pasted" response to them... something that you clearly have sent to other people.

We all receive canned spam messages every day, so why would you send something like that to another marketer. It's not efficient, because it will make you look bad, and probably cost you the relationship.


I hope you feel inspired to get out there and make the effort to contact at least one other online marketer today. The 15 minutes you might spend doing it will make a huge difference in your income.

And in case you aren't already a member of the Free Advertising Forum, go ahead and visit this website to join up. There are nearly 200,000 other marketers on there... people just like you. Here's the URL to join for free. http://www.FreeAdvertisingForum.com


About the Author:
Michael Rasmussen is a successful Internet Marketing Consultant and author of many top-selling eBooks. Michael has been marketing online since the early days and he knows what it takes to make money and succeed online. Stop by his Web site and subscribe to his Free monthly newsletter full strategies and techniques for successful web site promotions that can help YOU!

Go to http://www.MichaelRasmussen.com

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10 Things You Must Do to Make Money Online

By Robert Emmerson
I am often asked for the top 10 keys to internet success, and how to avoid the scams and pitfalls of doing business on the Internet. I have found these ten things helpful in my journey making money on the Internet. They have benefited many people over the years.

1. Don't believe the unbelievable. Nobody makes millions on the internet overnight without working. If it sounds too good to be true, believe me it is.

2. Start with the end in mind. Set goals for yourself and track your progress. Success is different to everyone. Someone may want to make a few extra bucks online, others want to retire before thirty. Both are possible, but both require the effort to make them happen.

3. Always look to improve. Research what is working in your business and copy the success of others if you are not sure what to do. Success always leaves clues, find them and follow them.

4. Gain knowledge by Networking with other Internet marketers, from your chosen business. I have found that most successful online business people are not only willing to help. There are countless Blogs, forums and social networking sites to utilize.

5. Be determined to never give up. The market is huge for virtually anything you want to do on the Internet. If you have chosen a market that is saturated, or not working try something else until you find what works for you.

6. Ask for help if you need it. every successful internet business started somewhere.

7. Only do what you like to do. Don't go into something just because you think there is an easy way to make money doing it. you can make money doing anything, but you have to have the desire. You can only have the desire for something you actually like.

8. Promote, promote, promote. Talk to anyone who will listen to you about your new business. Nothing gets done without promotion.

9. Treat your online business like a brick and mortar business. You will need the same dedication and determination to succeed online as you would offline. Have a grand opening, invite everyone you know to check out your new web page. Chances are even if you don't think it is perfect they will love it, and some may become your first customers.

10. Take the time to learn and understand SEO. This could quite simply be the most important aspect of making big money online in any field. If you don't know SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, and it is changing constantly.

If you keep these ten thinks in the forefront of your mind you will succeed in your efforts to become successful making money online.


About the Author:
Robert Emmerson is a freelance writer specializing in Internet marketing, Blogging, and making money online. You can read all of his articles, and get tips and tricks to make money on the Internet at http://www.robemmerson.com
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Adlandpro Tips

Some detail into Adlandpro's products and services for the new or experienced user.


Common Technical Questions

I was applying to be an Adlandpro Affiliate why was my Affiliate URL rejected?

These are probably the top 7 reasons why this happened!   

1. Submitting a URL which refers to Adlandpro - The purpose of the program is to divert external traffic into Adlandpro.com.  If you are submitting a URL which refers to Adlandpro.com then traffic is not coming from outside the site and thus defeats the purpose of the program.   

2. Incorrect or Invalid User Linked - Make sure that the code you used refers to YOUR UserID.  There is a portion of the code which appears like "?ref=281002"  the portion after "ref=" must be your UserID.  If not, this must be changed.     

3.Submitting a non-English Character Set URL - Because the vast majority of our user sites are in English, affiliate sites must be in English or will not be accepted.  We do not have international subsidiaries at this time.  If your site was rejected, make sure the character set is not in a different language.      

 4. Page Not Found - This is pretty self explanatory.  The page which you submitted is non-existent and our automated system cannot access it.  Make sure the URL you submit is correct.        

5. Time Outs - Sometimes servers will be down for whatever reason and we understand that this happens from time to time.  When we get this error message on URLs you submit, we try them once more the day after.  If it is still down, we suspect a greater issue is responsible and thus remove the submission from the database. 

6. Link is Banned - There are a lot of websites out there which use simulated clicks to divert traffic to websites.  We watch for these carefully on our Affiliate Links.  Make sure you are not using a site which uses pop-under, spiders, robots, or any other auto-surfing technology to create activity on your Affiliate URL. 

7. Inappropriate Content - We will not approve any websites which link to, distribute, or is in any way associated with Adult-Related or Pornographic material, pirated software or copyrighted material, Questionable Content, or any subject or theme which may be considered offensive in nature.


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