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 Adland Digest FREE Edition #620
  Wednesday, May 7, 2008

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Worldwide Holidays for May 2008

1st May

Labour Day: Algeria, Argentina, Austria, Barbados, Belgium, Belize, Bolivia, Bonaire, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Chile, China, Colombia, Congo, Ecuador, Egypt, Ethiopia, Finland, France, French Polynesia, Gabon, Gambia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, India, Iraq, Italy, Ivory Coast, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco, Mozambique, Nigeria, Norway, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, Singapore, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Tunisia, Uganda, Uruguay, Venezuela, Yemen, Zaire, Zambia.

May Day: Bangladesh, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Ghana, Gibraltar, Mexico, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, United Kingdom.

Women's Day: Cuba, Tanzania.

Workers' Day: Burma, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Romania.

2nd May

King's Birthday: Lesotho.

Labour Day continues in Bulgaria, Slovenia, and Romania.

3rd May

Constitution Day: Japan, Poland.

Vesak Day: South Korea.

5th May

Children's Day: South Korea.
Cinco de Mayo: Mexico.

Coronation Day: Thailand.

Liberation Day: The Netherlands.

6th May

Corregidor Day: Philippines.

Martyr's Day: Lebanon, Syria.

Samuel K. Doe's Birthday: Liberia.

8th May

Independence Day: Israel.

Parent's Day: South Korea.
VE Day: France.

9th May

Liberation Day: Czech Republic, Slovakia.

10th May

Matsu (Goddess of the Sea): Taiwan.

Independence Day: Micronesia.

Vesak Day: Malaysia, Singapore.

13th May

St. Mary's Day: Colombia.

14th May

Flag Day: Paraguay.

Kamuzu Day: Malawi.

National Unification Day: Liberia.

15th May

Independence Day: Paraguay.

     Teacher's Day: South Korea.
 17th May

Constitution Day: Nigeria, Norway.

Discovery Day: Cayman Islands.

18th May

Battle of Las Piedras Day: Uruguay.

Flag Day: Haiti.

Victoria Day: Canada.

19th May

Ataturk Youth Day: Turkey.

Flag Day: Finland.

20th May

National Day: Cameroon.

Party Day: Zaire.

21st May

Buddha's Day: South Korea.

Navy Day: Chile.

22nd May

Heroes' Day: Sri Lanka.

Sovereign Day: Haiti.

23rd May

Labour Day: Jamaica.

24th May

Bermuda Day: Bermuda.

Culture Day: Bulgaria.

Independence Battle Day: Ecuador.

25th May

Africa Day: Liberia, Zambia, Zimbabwe.

Independence Day: Eritrea, Jordan.

Liberation of African Continent Day: Gabon.

National Day: Argentina.

Revolution Day: Sudan.

26th May

Constitution Day: Denmark.

Holy Spirit Day: Greece.

Independence Day: Guyana.

27th May

Kataklysmos: Cyprus.

28th May

Waisak Day: Indonesia.

31st May

Regiment Day: Brunei.

Republic Day: South Africa.





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Editor's Comments 

The art of putting together an advertising campaign! If you are not hiring an ad agency, which few of us can afford to do for a home based business, setting up a campaign can be easier than you think if you follow a few simple ideas! We all have a tendency to place ads quickly and in some cases run an identical campaign everywhere we can with one or two ads. This may work if you are a notably recognized business with a market niche, but if you're not you will be advertising to a very narrow audience.   

Setting up a campaign can be defined as offering a variety of looks to the viewer with or with out them knowing this. Remember this; two viewers can be looking for the same product and come across the same ad for this product, one may react to it and one may not, this is the exact reason there has to be variety. Creating three different ads for one website, each with their own unique heading and ad body but going to the same URL starts to cover a wider audience.

This is just the start, the idea being you can track what is working based on a broader appeal to the market and in time you will know which of these ads are successful. You can now start another campaign using your successful ad as the role model and create two additional ads to compliment it and from what you have learned (both good and bad) implement this information in the new ads but again not duplicating the ads.

You can do this everywhere you advertise, but like the ads, make the campaigns somewhat different. Yes you will have plenty of information to track and there is some work involved doing this, however the benefits will be; reaching the broadest market you can possibly reach, research information at your fingertips from the feedback you have received and of course the most important an increase in sales, just to name a few.  

As always and feedback or questions are always welcome, just click on my name below.


Barry Scott Editor


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Internet and Business Online - A Tale of Cause and Effect

By Scott Lindsay
In fond remembrance of primary school lessons with Dick and Jane I present this tutorial on cause and effect.

In preparation for this lesson we need to know that cause is an action that results in a movement. You also need to know that effect is the end result of the action.

Okay, we'll start off easy.

If the cause is a boy teasing a dog then the effect may be a dog barking at a boy.

If the cause is a student studying for a test then the effect may be a better grade than if they had not studied.

If the cause were a woman opening a bottle of water the effect may be access to liquid refreshment.

If the cause is a business owner marketing their website the effect may be more visitors and improved cash flow.

And finally, if the cause is a business owner who pays no attention to marketing the effect will be minimal visitation and very few sales.

All right the technical aspect of the lesson is over, now on to some practical applications.

Everything we do in life is subjected to the ebb and flow of cause and effect. Every action we can supply will result in a return answer for that action. Sometimes the effect is positive and sometimes it can cause us to revisit the cause.

Online business is constantly subjected to the world of cause and effect. These two terms are inextricably linked.

Did you know that even inaction is a cause and it usually has a negative effect when applied to business?

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The role of online business is to use the greatest cause to exact the greatest effect. In other words if you want a positive outcome you must enact a cause that corresponds well with a positive effect.

Sometimes we sabotage our own efforts by setting a negative cause in motion and then wonder why we see very little beyond a negative ending.

If you want your business to succeed you need to work to ensure you set in motion those things that will contribute to your overall success. That means that you don't simply 'wing' it, rather you devise a plan that considers what effect will likely occur in response to the cause you enact.

Your decisions need to be forward thinking. If, when you follow a decision to its logical conclusion you determine it will have a negative effect then the idea should be abandoned even if it seemed initially positive.

For instance you might envision a contest for your website, but the structure of the contest could result in misunderstanding and accompanying liability. In this scenario dropping the idea and finding a new cause with a better effect might best serve you.

What that means is your business should have strategic planning that will enable you to move forward having looked at your actions from multiple angles. Only then should you make a decision based on that information.

This whole article boils down to the old adage, "A failure to plan is a plan to fail."


About the Author:
Scott Lindsay is a web developer and entrepreneur. He is the founder of HighPowerSites and many other web projects.
Make A Website with HighPowerSites.com or Build A Website with BuildAGreatSite.com. Start a HOME BUSINESS and Resell Ebooks at BooksWealth.com.


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 I want to be an Affiliate but what URL are you asking for?

Your affiliate link is the web site address of the page on which you have placed your affiliate link?  Once you have placed your affiliate link code onto a page, it is the address of that page which you must submit to our system for approval.  The link is then verified either manually or automatically and provided the link is correct, as it should be if you copied and inserted the code exactly) then you will be approved. 

Please note:  The URL should be the exact URL where the link is located, if it is not your Home Page then place the URL of the page on your website where it is located. 

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