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 Adland Digest FREE Edition #625
  Monday, June 2, 2008

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Worldwide Holidays for June 2008

1st June

Independence Day: Samoa.

Madaraka Day: Kenya.

National Day: Tunisia.

2nd June

Republic Day: Italy.

Youth Day: Tunisia.

3rd June

Foundation Day: Australia.

King's Birthday: Malaysia.

4th June

Independence Day: Tonga.

Labour Day: Bahamas.

Revolution Day: Ghana.

5th June

Constitution Day: Denmark.

Liberation Day: Seychelles.

President's Birthday: Guinea.

6th June

Constitution Day: Sweden.

Memorial Day: South Korea.

9th June

Independence Day: Argentina.

10th June

Army Day: Jordan.

National Day: Portugal.

Portugal Day: Macao.

11th June

National Day: Libya.

12th June

Chaco Peacel: Paraguay.

Independence Day: Philippines.

13th June

Vincent's Day: Germany.

14th June

Flag Day: United States of America.

15th June

Independence Day: Iceland.

18th June

Independence Day: Egypt.

19th June

Labour Day: Trinidad and Tobago.

20th June

Flag Day: Argentina.

22nd June

Midsummer's Day:
Festivals throughout Finland and Sweden.

23rd June

National Day: Luxembourg.

24th June

Carabobo Day: Venezuela.

Inti Raymi: Peru.

Saint John's Day: Andorra.

25th June

Independence Day: Croatia, Mozambique, Slovenia.

26th June

Independence Day: Madagascar, Somalia.

27th June

Independence Day: Djibouti.

Johannus Day: Finland.

Khal Phansa: Thailand.

28th June

Birthday of Kuan Kung (God of War): Taiwan.

29th June

Independence Day: Seychelles.

Saints Peter's and Paul's Day: Chile, Italy, Malta, Peru, Spain, Venezuela.

30th June

Army Day: Guatemala.

Bank Holiday: Sri Lanka.





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Editor's Comments 

Barry Scott -Digest Editor

It is Monday morning, hope you had a great weekend! Speaking of the weekend which of course is still the busiest period for the online business even with the nicer weather this time of year! How did you do? Have you looked over your advertising stats to see what worked and what needs working on? Don't let yourself get caught up in the nice weather, you have to stay on top of your ad campaigns even if they are doing well, even if you woke up this morning and the sun is shining and even if you can hear a golf green calling your name. This is the best time to look things over, while it is fresh and it may help you with the next campaign. Remember when your ad is working at its best, you will then have the chance to go say "Hi" to that golf green!     

As always and feedback or questions are always welcome, just click on my name below

Sincerely, Barry Scott Editor


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Your Customers Expect You To Have Credit Card Processing

By Jim Osterman
For anyone who has ever worked in retail - even an online retailer -- they have no doubt heard the phrase: "The customer is always right." That is a short way of saying that having one's own store tacitly says you are interested in delivering goods and services.

However, that phrase can be turned a couple of different ways that may bring the heart and soul of e-retailing into sharp relief and that is no one ever succeeded in business if they ignored what their customers were asking for. And that means services as well as merchandise.

Consider this - you have an Internet teddybear store and you can't keep the blue ones in stock before they are all sold out. At the other end of the spectrum are the purple ones which have not sold since day one. While this example is rather elementary it would only make sense that you would do everything possible to stock blue, while returning to the purple to the manufacturer.

What you wouldn't do one day is discontinue the blue line, stock only the purple line and expect people to remain loyal customers. Because when we are in our consumer mode we do not want to be preached at - we want what we want, when we want it, the way we want it and we want a darn good price to boot!

The same can be said of credit card processing services online. While there was a time that people may have hoped some of their favorite shopping sites had merchant services they were accommodating when they didn't. They even thought that being able to accept credit cards was something that small online mom-and-pop businesses couldn't handle.

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But over time consumers got more and more used to being able to use their credit cards when they shopped online, and they were no long willing to be so accommodating. They started to expect to at very least being given the option to pay by credit card.

While this was going on competition among credit card processing companies was heating up and they were making inroads with those smaller online entities that used to not be on their radar. And once Small Business A added merchant account, the others quickly followed.

Suddenly those small business consumers used to think couldn't handle credit card now offered the option and the expectation was raised that any ongoing online retailer would have an ecommerce merchant account.

The net result of all these machinations is that now over 80 percent of all goods and services procured online are paid for using as credit card, and that number is expected to increase.

So if you e-business does not accept payments online you are, in effect, telling a substantial number of customers that their business does not matter to you. And is that really the message that you want to send out? Because there is plenty of competition that wants their business and takes credit cards.

Take the time to add credit card merchant services. Or to turn a phrase: "Give them what they want."


About the Author:
Jim Osterman is a Web content developer with Charge.com, a leader in the credit card processing industry, offering progressive merchant services solutions.
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The Only Foolproof Way To Create Profitable PPC Ads Every Time!
By Sean Houser
Some people may think that PPC is a set and forget tool. In reality pay per click campaigns are not set it and forget projects. Without proper planning and monitoring, they can become a big waste of money! Try these proven techniques to get the most ROI out of your PPC campaigns...

- You first want to organize your campaign in a word document before you set it up for real. Once the structure of a campaign gets messed up, it's very difficult to fix. Start with an outline before you begin the initial setup phase. This will make it much easier down the line.

- Do your keyword research. Not every prospect uses the same words you do. If you are targeting end users, avoid industry jargon. Use the words your customers use.

- Don't worry about getting the top spot for a very popular keyword. Focus on getting a bunch of lesser searched but much cheaper keywords. This way you won't be paying through the nose per click.

- Set your campaign for phrase matches and exact matches. You may even want to just leave it on exact match. This is usually much more targeted and will result in higher quality traffic.

- Always test your ad copy. Have 2-5 ads all running at the same time and continually delete the poorly performing ones.

- Optimize your landing page. Do not use your home page as your landing page. Sending visitors to your home page is expensive because your quality score will lack and results in poor conversions.


About the Author:
Sean Houser is an EzineExpert Author in internet marketing, MLM, MLM training and list building.
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Some detail into Adlandpro's products and services for the new or experienced user.


Common Technical Questions

When I look at my stats what  does this mean? What are views, hits and CTR %, how do my credits apply to this?

Views are every time your ad is displayed either in the Traffic Exchange or as a Banner or Text ad on our web pages it uses one credit. The view of the ad or banner is situated in a way that the viewer provided they are viewing in a normal or standard monitor version (not oversized view) will see the ad without having to scroll to see it.

A hit is when someone clicks on your Ad or Banner which will open up your web site or automatically open their email program and populate it with your email address.

CTR % is the Click Through Rate, which is the number of times an ad or banner is clicked on compared to Views. As an example 100 views and 1 hit, would give you a CTR of 1.00 meaning your ad has a click thru rate of 1 out of 100 views. A good measure or standard to look for is 0.20%, anything over that is probably giving you some leads, less than 0.20% and you should consider editing the ad or changing the banner.  

If you have any questions regarding email notifications or if we can help in anyway please contact us.

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