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 Adland Digest FREE Edition #631
  Friday, July 4, 2008

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Worldwide Holidays for July 2008

1st July

Canada Day.

Communist Party Foundation: People's Republic of China.

Family Day: Lesotho.

Freedom Day: Suriname.

Heroes' Day: Zambia.

Independence Day: Burundi, Rwanda.

Republic Day: Ghana.

St. Peter's and St. Paul's Day: Colombia.

Union Day: Somalia.

2nd July

Il Palio, Siena:
Continuing in ancient tradition, the contradas compete on horses around the town square of Siena, Italy, every July 2nd and August 16th.

Unity Day: Zambia.

4th July

Independence Day: United States of America.

United States Friendship Day: Philippines.

5th July

Independence Day: Algeria, Cape Verde, Venezuela.

Unity Day: Rwanda.

6th July

Independence Day: Comoros.

Republic Day: Malawi.

7th July

Constitution Day: Cayman Islands.

Independence Day: Solomon Islands.

Serbian Day: Former Yugoslavia.

9th July

Independence Day: Argentina, Bahamas.

11th July

Revolution Day: Mongolia.

12th July

National Day: Sao Tome.

Orangeman's Day: Ireland.

14th July

Bastille Day: France.

National Day: Iraq.

15th July

Sultan's Birthday: Brunei.

17th July

Independence Day: Slovakia.

Revolution Day: Iraq.

Rivera Day: Puerto Rico.

18th July

Constitution Day: Uruguay.

19th July

Independence Day: Laos.

Martyr's Day: Burma.

Sandinista Day: Nicaragua.

20th July

Day of the Sea: Japan.

Independence Day: Colombia.

21st July

Liberation Day: Guam, Poland.

23rd July

Revolution Day: Egypt.

24th July

Simon Bolivar Day: Ecuador, Venezuela.

25th July

Constitution Day: Puerto Rico.

Guanacaste Day: Costa Rica.

Republic Day: Tunisia.

Revolution Day: Cuba.

Santiago Day: Spain.

26th July

Independence Day: Liberia, Maldives, Puerto Rico.

Revolution Day: Cuba.

28th July

Independence Day: Peru.

30th July

Independence Day: Vanuatu.

Somers' Day: Bermuda - two day cricket game between the western and eastern sides of the Islands of Bermuda.

31st July

Emancipation Day: Bermuda.



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Editor's Comments 

Barry Scott -Digest Editor

With a number of countries celebrating National holidays in the first week of July, there is sure to be an increase in traffic on the internet. This is probably as good a time as any to update your ads as you know there will be viewers.

Watch for more specials coming your way via email, there will be numerous specials and offers throughout the summer, but watch as some are on a very limited basis.

Enjoy your holidays and the summer weather and we will see you next week.

As always and feedback or questions are always welcome, just click on my name below

Sincerely, Barry Scott Editor


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Increase Online Traffic by High Search Engine Ranking

By Rahman Mehraby
Every website needs to increase online traffic to have a stronger presence on the Internet. One way of doing this is through high search engine ranking. Today it's known to all internet marketing specialists that search engines can boost website traffic if managed appropriately.

Search engines provide two types of listings: organic listings, and paid listings. Both methods could help increase online traffic to your website, but there's some difference between these methods.

If your website is optimized by an organic SEO specialist, you'll gain organic listings and enjoy high search engine ranking. With paid listing services, you have to pay to be listed in search engine result pages. The more you pay, the higher you get listed.

Best Practices to Increase Online Traffic

As mentioned earlier, organic SEO can help you be listed naturally high in the search engine result pages. So, Internet searchers can find you more easily (higher search engine ranking). Unlike paid listings, your website won't be removed from these pages when you stop paying search engines. It sounds great to gain natural high search engine ranking. Here's the important question: What's the best way of getting highly listed in search engines?

Organic SEO consultants recommend good content publishing or syndicating as the best method to increase online traffic. In other words, it's information age. Web users go online to get information. There's huge amount of information online. Yours should satisfy both human visitors and search engines. So, you should create the information that:

* Is original and fresh,

* Is looking at a topic from a different perspective,

* Adds value to people's lives,

* Addresses and solves someone's problems,

* Is keywords-rich,

* Is well-optimized for search engines,

* Is interesting enough to be linked to, and

* Gets your website high search engine ranking.

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Syndicate Good Content for Higher Search Engine Ranking

When you create good content and publish it at your site or syndicate it to other sites, you will gradually gain high search engine ranking for particular keywords. If done carefully, you can achieve your goal (to obtain and increase online traffic in large scale) in shorter span of time.

There are different methods to make this happen. In all the methods, you have to make sure that you've selected the right keywords to lead the targeted traffic to your site. A huge amount of traffic, which isn't targeted, will be a waste of time and money. Your niche-related key phrases should be first discovered.

The next step you should do is to distribute your content on the web and create awareness for what you've got to say. This is done through the following methods:

* Article Marketing,

* Social Media Marketing,

* Press Release Marketing,

* Video Marketing,

* RSS,

* etc.

When all the above methods lead Internet searchers to your site with keyword-rich content, you'll manage to increase online traffic to your website. This will be targeted traffic, which can be more easily converted too. As you've achieved high search engine ranking for your niche-related key phrases, only potential visitors click to land at your web pages. They are the most prepared visitors to become your customers or fans.

The Role of Search Engines to Increase Online Traffic

Now, it's time to address specifically and directly the role of search engines in boosting your website traffic. Content syndication website are very frequently spidered by search engines. So, all inbound and outbound links are indexed and followed at those sites including yours. The result: you gain more backlinks that means higher link popularity. Obviously, it leads to higher search engine ranking.

Search engines score your website, to a great extent, for the quantity and quality of the links you get from other websites. The more links you get as a result of more content syndication, the higher listings you achieve in search engine result pages. This is how to increase online traffic through high search engine ranking.

Organic SEO consultants plan particular quality niche-related content syndication strategies for each web site so that they can increase online traffic with the high search engine ranking resulted accordingly.


About the Author:
Leading small business expert Sandra Martini is the "Automatic Business Coach." Sandra delivers simple proven, yet innovative, ways entrepreneurs can implement processes and systems to create a waiting list of clients while giving them more money, time, and freedom in their businesses. For free articles, free resources and to sign up for her free audio mini-seminar "5 Quick & Easy Ways to Put Your Marketing on Autopilot" visit http://www.SandraMartini.com


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What Are Back Links and How Do I Get Them?

By Matt Helphrey
Back links may sound like a foreign term to those just starting a home based business. If you are not familiar with back links, I highly recommend you learn what they are all about and make them a daily priority. Let me explain what exactly back links are, how you can get them, and why they are so important.

A back link is a one way link or url that is on someone else's website or blog. They call it a back link because it is pointing back to a different website. If I were to leave a comment on someone else's blog, I would leave my website url on that blog so people can find my website. That url that I left behind would be considered and counted as one back link.

Now that you know what a back link is, let me explain why they are so important to your home based business.

We are all familiar with the major search engines on the internet, i.e. Google, MSN, Yahoo, and the like. Those search engines rank websites for keywords (search terms) based on the authority of the websites. The websites with the most back links are considered more authoritative and will ultimately rank higher in the search engines for their selected keywords.

This ensures that the people who work hardest at getting the back links will get ranked higher and receive the most traffic. That's why it is so important to start getting those back links adding up so your home based business can receive the high quality free traffic the search engines bring.

There are many ways to get back links, and you should do everything within your power to use all methods as much as you can. Here's a few ideas to get you going.

You can write articles and submit them to article directories. The directories allow you to leave a back link in the article resource box. Not only will you get traffic and build rapport with the articles, but it's also a great way to build back links.

Find blogs with likewise themes and leave comments on their blogs. With your comment you can leave a back link. The more you do this, the more the back links add up.

Search for website directories and submit your website to be posted on their directories. There are tens of thousands of online directories you can submit to, many of which are free. Some of them will ask you to give a reciprocal link, but one way links are the best way to go.

Join a forum and set up your signature in the forum. The signature is a place where you can put your back link and you will get one back link for every post you make.

So now you have all the information you need about what back links are, how they are important, and how you can get them. Use all these methods and come up with your own. Just start getting your back links out there and in mass numbers. It's a very tedious process to do but will ensure the long term success of your home based business.

Set a daily quota to hit and work to hit that number every day. Getting back links every day will really set your business up to succeed and should be considered an absolute priority.


About the Author:
Matt Helphrey invites you to learn more Home Based Business Opportunities . His website demonstrates a proven home business that can work for you. Sign up for my free informative Money Making Tips and Tricks Newsletter.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Matt_Helphrey                   Copyright (c) 2008 Matt Helphrey


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