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 Adland Digest FREE Edition #637
  Monday, August 11, 2008

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Worldwide Holidays for August 2008

1st August

Confederation Day: Switzerland.

Emancipation Day: Trinidad & Tobago.

People's Liberation Army Day: China.

2nd August

Discovery Day: Trinidad.

Freedom Day: Guyana.

3rd August

Independence Day: Niger.

Martyrs' Day: Guinea.

4th August

Independence Day: Burkina Faso, Jamaica.

5th August

Workers' Day: Iceland.

6th August

Accession Day: United Arab Emirates.

Farmer's Day: Zambia.

7th August

Battle of Boyaca: Colombia.

Republic Day: Ivory Coast.

8th August

Peace Day: Iraq.

9th August

Independence Day: Georgia.

National Day: Singapore.

10th August

Independence Day: Ecuador.

11th August

Heroes' Day: Zimbabwe.

Independence Day: Chad.

12th August

Queen's Birthday: Thailand.

Armed Forces Day: Zimbabwe.

13th August

Arequipa Week: Peru.

Independence Day: Central African Republic, Congo.

Women's Day: Tunisia.

14th August

Gohst Month begins: Taiwan.

Independence Day: Pakistan.

15th August

Independence Day: India.

National Day: Liechtenstein.

Republic Day: South Korea.

16th August

Il Palio, Siena:
Continuing in ancient tradition, the contradas compete on horses around the town square of Siena, Italy, every July 2nd and August 16th.

Independence Day: Gabon, Indonesia.

Republic Day: Dominican Republic.

17th August

Death of San Martin: Argentina.

18th August

Jashn: Afghanistan - celebrating liberation from the British, in 1919, and lasts for a week.

20th August

Istvan's Day - Celebrations marking the formation of Hungary.

Lovers' Day: Taiwan.

Independence Day: Senegal.

21st August

Independence Day in The Baltics:
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania.

24th August

Independence Day: Russia.

National Day: Ukraine.

National Flag Day: Kazakhstan, Liberia.

25th August

Constitution Day: Paraguay.

Independence Day: Uruguay.

Independence Day: Belarus.

27th August

Independence Day: Moldova.

28th August

Chung Yuan Festival: Taiwan.

29th August

Independence Day: Uzbekistan.

30th August

Children's Day: Afghanistan.

St. Rose of Lima Day: Peru.

Victory Day: Turkey.

31st August

Independence Day: Kyrgyzstan, Trinidad & Tobago.

National Day: Malaysia.

Pashtunistan Day: Afghanistan.




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Barry Scott -Digest Editor


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Sincerely, Barry Scott Editor


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Why Social Media Optimization?

By Harsh Dutta
SMO or Social Media Optimization is the latest trend in the field of online marketing. From hindsight SMO seems like an inevitable consequence of the rapid growth of social sites on the net as well as the recent bursts in popularity of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and SMM (Social Media Marketing) but it differs from them in many ways. SEO as the name suggests involves more publicity on the organic searches of the various search engines but SMO involves more publicity on all the other sources. The term Social Media Optimization is attributed to a certain Mr. Rohit Bhargava.

Let us breakdown what SMO actually means. This requires us to understand what social media is. Social media is different from traditional media in the sense that it is much more interactive basically involving open discussions and dialogues about the relevant content which in turn can be anything and everything. Social media includes all the various social networking sites, internet forums, blogs as well as audio/video sharing. So now SMO can be taken to be an optimizing technique involving such online communities.

Your main aim in SMO is to promote yourself on the afore mentioned forums. But this does not mean blatant and mindless plugging. This process must be done very intelligently but don't get scared off, anybody can do it.

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If I put it in one line all then you have to modify your content so as to make it more promotion friendly. You want to be more visible on the internet as a whole excluding the search engines but the two are not mutually exclusive because if you are more visible throughout the web then your organic search ranks will automatically go up. You can easily publicize your site by making bookmarking and tagging easy. Just like anywhere else, a catchy title goes a long way in SMO. Your content should be concise and focused. Try to go for the top user status. The key here is to create link bait. It is kind of a word of mouth thing for the digital age. You want your link to be distributed as much as possible. For that you have to participate very fervently and regularly, and keep in mind that this is a two way process so be open and reply and comment on other peoples' blogs etc.

Because it is still in its nascent stage, everyday new benefits and uses of SMO are being discovered. The single most important benefit of SMO is the targeted nature of its approach. Your links are promoted only and exactly where people might be interested or would sooner or later require your services. This ensures quality traffic i.e. traffic only from prospective clients. It can also generate quantity. SMO has been known to attract large amounts of traffic in a very short span of time but this does not mean that its effects are only short term. It guarantees steady traffic for a long time. Content sharing can be done in both audio and video formats, which is always an added advantage.

Looking at so many advantages you might be tempted in indulging in practices like spamming or distribution of biased information or violation of community rules or even paying for votes. But in accordance with online ethics such acts must be avoided at all.


About the Author:
Harsh Dutta is an EzineArticles Expert Author.


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Use RSS Feeds to Increase Your Blog Traffic

By DJ Judkins
Blogging is a great way to promote your business, but only if you can get people to read your blog. Are you looking for a fast, easy way to increase your blog readership? RSS feeds of your blog are the quick way to get your blog in front of thousands of people.

What are RSS Feeds?

RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication, and the premise of an feed is just as simple. This simple script takes any new content on your website and packages it in a quick and easy html coded bundle that can be added to any other website, so that hundreds of other websites can display new content on your blog as you post it. Readers can also subscribe to an feed so that they instantly can tell when you have added new content to your blog. RSS feeds are the fastest way to alert readers to the fact that you have posted new content and feeds are also the best way to distribute your blog content around the web.

Usually an RSS feed doesn't give readers an entire post or an entire article but it gives them a short teaser and a link back to your blog to get readers to visit your blog. This can be a great way to get more readers to hit your blog.

How Can an Feed Drive Blog Traffic?

Most people don't have time to surf the Web all day long waiting for their favorite blogs to add new content or searching for new blogs that have content they are interested for. If a reader likes your blog that reader can subscribe to your feed to receive updates through email when you update your blog or that person can add the script for your RSS feed to his or her own blog so that everyone that reads that person's blog will see your blog too. If the content on your blog looks interesting it will draw a lot of readers from blogs that have similar content.

Submitting your Blog Content to Other Sites

The best way to get lots of traffic to your blog is to make sure that the feed of all the different categories of your blog get submitted to sites that are set up to be cleaning houses for feeds. There are lots of websites that distribute RSS feeds from blogs to other sites around the Web and allow readers to sign up for RSS feeds from the blogs that they like but it can take a lot of time and effort to submit your own RSS feed to all of those sites.


About the Author:
In 2007 DJ Judkins left his job of 17 years and went full time as an online entrepreneur and now works in his pajamas at home. His popular 12 part E-Course on generating Free Website Traffic has yet to be matched. To Find Out More Information Go To: http://www.newwebtraffic.com


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