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 Adland Digest FREE Edition #640
  Monday, August 25, 2008

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Worldwide Holidays for August 2008

1st August

Confederation Day: Switzerland.

Emancipation Day: Trinidad & Tobago.

People's Liberation Army Day: China.

2nd August

Discovery Day: Trinidad.

Freedom Day: Guyana.

3rd August

Independence Day: Niger.

Martyrs' Day: Guinea.

4th August

Independence Day: Burkina Faso, Jamaica.

5th August

Workers' Day: Iceland.

6th August

Accession Day: United Arab Emirates.

Farmer's Day: Zambia.

7th August

Battle of Boyaca: Colombia.

Republic Day: Ivory Coast.

8th August

Peace Day: Iraq.

9th August

Independence Day: Georgia.

National Day: Singapore.

10th August

Independence Day: Ecuador.

11th August

Heroes' Day: Zimbabwe.

Independence Day: Chad.

12th August

Queen's Birthday: Thailand.

Armed Forces Day: Zimbabwe.

13th August

Arequipa Week: Peru.

Independence Day: Central African Republic, Congo.

Women's Day: Tunisia.

14th August

Gohst Month begins: Taiwan.

Independence Day: Pakistan.

15th August

Independence Day: India.

National Day: Liechtenstein.

Republic Day: South Korea.

16th August

Il Palio, Siena:
Continuing in ancient tradition, the contradas compete on horses around the town square of Siena, Italy, every July 2nd and August 16th.

Independence Day: Gabon, Indonesia.

Republic Day: Dominican Republic.

17th August

Death of San Martin: Argentina.

18th August

Jashn: Afghanistan - celebrating liberation from the British, in 1919, and lasts for a week.

20th August

Istvan's Day - Celebrations marking the formation of Hungary.

Lovers' Day: Taiwan.

Independence Day: Senegal.

21st August

Independence Day in The Baltics:
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania.

24th August

Independence Day: Russia.

National Day: Ukraine.

National Flag Day: Kazakhstan, Liberia.

25th August

Constitution Day: Paraguay.

Independence Day: Uruguay.

Independence Day: Belarus.

27th August

Independence Day: Moldova.

28th August

Chung Yuan Festival: Taiwan.

29th August

Independence Day: Uzbekistan.

30th August

Children's Day: Afghanistan.

St. Rose of Lima Day: Peru.

Victory Day: Turkey.

31st August

Independence Day: Kyrgyzstan, Trinidad & Tobago.

National Day: Malaysia.

Pashtunistan Day: Afghanistan.



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Editor's Comments 

Barry Scott -Digest Editor

Tracking your ads is one of the most important things you can do. The numbers are there and these are essential in determining your success rate. When you are running your ads in the Impressions or Traffic Exchange you are supplied with statistics that you can use to determine what's working and what's not working. Even if you are running free ads or Renewable Ads and you have selected the option of being notified by email, you will receive an email telling you your ad had a visitor. This can be used as a stat tracker to determine how well your ads are doing.

We usually use a CTR% (Click Through Rate Percentage) of 0.20% or higher as a measurement of success for Impressions and Traffic Exchange. Classified ads are a little tougher to determine based on the competition in a certain category and the fact that they are amongst other ads. However you can get a feel for this based on what you are up against in the advertised category and country and then make the decision based on that.

please remember, if an ad is not performing well after a month, its likely this will not change and the ad should be edited or replaced to bring better results.     

As always and feedback or questions are always welcome, just click on my name below

Sincerely, Barry Scott Editor


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Why an RSS Feed is Better Than Email Marketing

By David J. Ogden
Do you blog on a consistent basis? If you do you stand an excellent chance to build a following by giving people the opportunity to subscribe to your RSS feed. In this article we will take a look at why an RSS feed is better than email marketing, and how you can make you a lot of money in the future with it.

An RSS feed is where you will update digital content with your blog. The feed itself will be delivered directly to all subscribers without being filtered.

This is one of biggest benefits of having an RSS feed versus an email marketing list. You always run the risk that your email will not get delivered to your list due to spam filters. The other thing is it is automatically done every time you post with a blog as opposed to having to go to your autoresponder and create a separate email message.

Today visitors come to a blog expecting to be entertained. If you have a quality blog it will make sense that they want to subscribe to your RSS feed, so they do know whenever you are adding content to it.

The number one benefit of an RSS feed is that you can keep in contact with your visitors easily. It is a great create repeat visitors, as you can see.

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Today blogging is more interactive than anytime in the past. You want your visitors posting comments on your blog post!

You want them listening to an audio or watching the video as well. You can even create contests and let them participate or vote in polls to get their opinion on things. This is ways that blogging has become more interactive.

This brings them back in the way that you let them know when you have updated your blog through your RSS feed. This makes the whole experience beneficial both to your reader and to you.

We should also mention that people can receive your RSS feed in other ways besides just her blog. These can include article feeds, which many internet marketers will use to help keep content to their own blog or ezines up to date web.

As you can see an RSS feed offers many benefits over traditional email marketing. If you like to blog, and are doing it on a consistent basis, you stand excellent chance of building loyal readers and making more money in the future because of it.


About the Author:
David Ogden is the editor for affiliate-profit-masters.com and at-home-business-world.com, resource websites for Real People, who want just good information about home business opportunities.
Want to make money online now? Sign up for our FREE Internet Business Training Program and start receiving all the home business training, resources, tools and advice you need to become a successful work at home professional!


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Discussion Forums - A Great Source of Product Creation Ideas

By Shane Connolly
Visit any popular forum and you will see how much activity takes place each day. As a quick tip, go to any search engine and type in your favorite topic followed by the word forum. The most popular forum for this topic will be returned, and you can see how active it is. Each day, people with the same interests visit forums looking for advice, sharing problems and helping others.

This is a great opportunity to become part of a community. You can also help others and even make money providing this help. After all, if you want to find out where people express their problems and look for a solution, take a quick look on any forum. You'll soon see some excellent examples. If you can identify problems forum members encounter, and can supply a solution, you are creating the perfect product - a product with a ready made market. You know the product will sell, even before you have created it!

Joining a forum is easy. However, you can't just sign up and start selling to members. You need prove you are a valuable member by helping others and sharing your knowledge. You must respect the rules of the forum. If you do, the payback can be huge. As you become familiar on a forum, you can begin to add even more value by creating solutions for members and other people interested in a particular topic. Check and see what the main problems being discussed are.

Research the problem and identify any existing solutions. If there are none, you can start work on your new project immediately. There may be products that address the problem, but are of poor quality. This is a situation where you can create a better alternative, and provide value for money. Often expensive solutions exist, especially if there is very little competition. This is where you could produce an affordable, improved alternative.

If you want to find out more about any topic, spend some time on a related forum. It's the ideal research tool and the perfect place to generate great product ideas.

To your success,
Shane Connolly


About the Author:
Shane Connolly is a EzineArticles Expert Author.
Find out more about forum marketing and other internet marketing techniques at http://emarketing-help.com today!
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Adlandpro Tips

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Common Technical Questions

I am new to the Community and I am trying to build a friends list?

There are a few ways you can invite members to be friends:

You can look them up one by one by using a name or country (you can pick any name), through the find people search or reports which contains new members like yourself and send each one an invitation.

Reports (gives you a list of friendliest, newest or most active members:


New Members search:


Most Friendly Members:


Most Active:



You can create a Forum and have members find your forum, if they check out your forum you will have their name and you can invite them to be a friend. There is a Forum wizard to help you create this:



If you have any questions regarding email notifications or if we can help in anyway please contact us.

Comments & Questions: https://www.adlandpro.com/ContactForm.asp