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 Adland Digest FREE Edition #641
  Thursday, August 28, 2008

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Worldwide Holidays for August 2008

1st August

Confederation Day: Switzerland.

Emancipation Day: Trinidad & Tobago.

People's Liberation Army Day: China.

2nd August

Discovery Day: Trinidad.

Freedom Day: Guyana.

3rd August

Independence Day: Niger.

Martyrs' Day: Guinea.

4th August

Independence Day: Burkina Faso, Jamaica.

5th August

Workers' Day: Iceland.

6th August

Accession Day: United Arab Emirates.

Farmer's Day: Zambia.

7th August

Battle of Boyaca: Colombia.

Republic Day: Ivory Coast.

8th August

Peace Day: Iraq.

9th August

Independence Day: Georgia.

National Day: Singapore.

10th August

Independence Day: Ecuador.

11th August

Heroes' Day: Zimbabwe.

Independence Day: Chad.

12th August

Queen's Birthday: Thailand.

Armed Forces Day: Zimbabwe.

13th August

Arequipa Week: Peru.

Independence Day: Central African Republic, Congo.

Women's Day: Tunisia.

14th August

Gohst Month begins: Taiwan.

Independence Day: Pakistan.

15th August

Independence Day: India.

National Day: Liechtenstein.

Republic Day: South Korea.

16th August

Il Palio, Siena:
Continuing in ancient tradition, the contradas compete on horses around the town square of Siena, Italy, every July 2nd and August 16th.

Independence Day: Gabon, Indonesia.

Republic Day: Dominican Republic.

17th August

Death of San Martin: Argentina.

18th August

Jashn: Afghanistan - celebrating liberation from the British, in 1919, and lasts for a week.

20th August

Istvan's Day - Celebrations marking the formation of Hungary.

Lovers' Day: Taiwan.

Independence Day: Senegal.

21st August

Independence Day in The Baltics:
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania.

24th August

Independence Day: Russia.

National Day: Ukraine.

National Flag Day: Kazakhstan, Liberia.

25th August

Constitution Day: Paraguay.

Independence Day: Uruguay.

Independence Day: Belarus.

27th August

Independence Day: Moldova.

28th August

Chung Yuan Festival: Taiwan.

29th August

Independence Day: Uzbekistan.

30th August

Children's Day: Afghanistan.

St. Rose of Lima Day: Peru.

Victory Day: Turkey.

31st August

Independence Day: Kyrgyzstan, Trinidad & Tobago.

National Day: Malaysia.

Pashtunistan Day: Afghanistan.



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Editor's Comments 

Barry Scott -Digest Editor

I was reading some of the economic forecasts worldwide and most of the experts are calling for a downward trend in some countries. This does not mean that the world economy is in or heading for a recession. You can look at it as the rollercoaster of world economics. Personally, I think at times we over react and put too much merit into these experts which in turn becomes part of the cause.

My view is, just because an economy is slow does not mean that money cannot be made. Pulling back on your promotions will not help, I am not saying that you spend recklessly, but rather continue with what you are doing just redirect your ad campaigns and promotions to reflect what the economic times. If you are not promoting your product no one will know, this includes the people with money to spend.

In good economic times people are more likely to spend on a whim, it's easier to take a chance on something when you have money in your bank account. When the economy is slow, people look for what they need or at least think they need. This is the focus required, look at your ads! Do they reflect the wants and needs of the economy and if not then it's time to change them. Are your ads set up for a whim or I need to have that purchase?

As always and feedback or questions are always welcome, just click on my name below

Sincerely, Barry Scott Editor


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Internet Marketing Forums

By Brian McCoy
Marketing is an important aspect of any business, be it small or large. Through marketing, the business gets the power to reach millions of people around the world. Large firms have large capital and hence can be adventurous when it comes to advertising. The problem with small firms is that they do not have enough money to market their product physically in the form of free samples or banners and posters. For such firms, internet marketing is highly profitable and rewarding as well. A very rarely used method of marketing is via internet marketing forums. Through internet marketing forums, you can easily and effectively increase the traffic on your product website.

Ask Questions

There are a few tips, which if taken into account, can help a great deal in improving the efficiency of internet marketing forums. When you are new on a forum, the first thing to do is to ask questions. After you have introduced yourself, do not forget to ask about fellow posters. Never ask questions without having a clear intent. Your questions should be relevant and worded politely. Go through as many posts as you can so that you can get an idea as to how the forum works and what its rules are.

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Answer Questions

After asking questions, the other important task is to answer questions. Actually, the way you answer the questions put forward to you is more important than the questions you ask. Answering other's questions helps build a good relationship with the poster. However, you should never answer a question of which you are not sure of. Wrong information can be very bad for your online reputation.

Use A Signature

Another important way to attract the users to your product website is by using a signature. These signatures appear at the end of every one of your posts. Thus, a signature is simply a free advertisement of your website. However, a misleading signature can be very unhealthy and lead to expulsion from the forum. Thus, the most important step to gain success from internet marketing forums is to build a good, solid, and trusting relationship with other users.


About the Author:
Brian McCoy is a six figure earner and one of the top income earners in the home business industry. Brian works with entrepreneurs around the world. He devotes the time, energy, and effort into his team and works with them to ensure their success.
To learn more about Internet Marketing, visit Brian's Abunza website.


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Selecting Your Domain Name

By Krista Garren
I have been asked many times by new clients how to select a business domain name. I've answered some commonly asked questions to assist you with one of the most important purchases you will make for your online business.

1. Should Your Business Name Be Your Domain Name?

99.9% of the time, the answer to this question is Yes. We are living in the Internet age, and consumers are becoming savvier at purchasing goods and services online. When people think of your product (or service) they'll connect it with your website, which makes repeated visits to your site easier for your customers.

What if the domain name is already taken? All is not lost. You have some options:

� Offer To Purchase - If you are connected with a brand name then you may want to pursue purchasing this name from its current owner. The domain contact information can be obtained in the form of a "Whois" lookup. Inquire as to whether they are open to selling the domain name, but be aware they'll likely charge a higher fee for it than you would normally pay.

� Back Order - This is becoming a very popular trend. Domains can now be "back ordered"; meaning simply that when the current owner's domain registration expires, should they not renew, the domain will become available for you to purchase. This may also carry a higher fee than a normal registration.

� Alternate Ideas - If your business is relatively new, it may be wise to consider alternative extensions. For example, mybusiness.com may not be available, but "mybusiness.net" or "mybussines.biz" might be. The Internet has exploded in the last year with alternate extensions and there are plenty to choose from.

2. Should My Domain Name Include Keywords?

This is an excellent idea! Consider for a moment that you are a candle maker whose business name is "Amy's Jar Candles". Your business name already uses "jar candles" as key product branding. Registering "amysjarcandles.com" is a terrific way to target your incoming audience which results in a better chance for sales. For example, chances are that anyone shopping for candles would have a general idea of what type of candle they need, such as a jar candle, or pillar candle. Buyers are far more likely to try out phrases like "jar candles" or "pillar candles" in the search engine rather than just "candles" because it will produce relevant results quicker. Having a domain name that matches your product or service branding is crucial because the easier it is to remember, the more likely it will be tried in a browser and/or search engines.

3. What Extension....com, .net, .org?

Domain names have been disappearing at a rapid rate and new extensions have been introduced to keep the pool of available names flowing. What if the ".com" extension for your domain name is not available? In this instance it's likely that you can register the ".net" or ".org" (or other) variation of your business name. Which do you choose? Should you select a ".net" or ".org" extension, or consider a country specific alternative such as ".ru" or ".co.uk"?

Does your business cater to the local community? If so, then it might be wise to consider searching for a country specific domain extension for your area first. For example, .com is universally regarded as a US or international extension, while .co.uk refers to the United Kingdom. Should a UK buyer be looking for car parts in his neighborhood "mikescarparts.co.uk" is more likely to be a local websites than "mikescarparts.com".

Businesses with an International audience can benefit from registering their name with the ".net" extension while ".org" can be useful for identifying a non-profit organization. Since the registration restrictions for ".org" have been removed however, this extension is open to anyone.

There are no rules on which extension to register, but should you decide to register a .com alternative, be very sure you market your company using the entire domain name. Most buyers assume a ".com" extension and without specific information may be unable to locate your site.

4. Long Domain Names...Good or Bad?

This is a topic on which you will find wide variation on opinions. Your domain name can be up to 67 characters in length, that's a lot of space!

The argument for a longer domain name is mainly that it's easier for the human mind to recall later. If your business name is "I Design and Host Websites" you probably wouldn't want to register "idahw.com" with the hope that someone would associate this with your company, product or service by remembering what that stands for.

For example, "gacwh.com" is a sequence of unrelated letters that could be difficult to type correctly; whereas if it that is registered as "getacheapwebhost.com" it is more likely to be remembered. Long domain names also have the added advantage of having room for your keywords. For example, if you have a site listed on Google with a domain name like "jansartsupplies" it may do better in a search for "art supplies" than a name such as "mikesartstuff.com."

The other side of this argument is that shorter names are easier to remember and type, and thus less prone to errors. For example, "websitedesign.com" is less susceptible to typos than "Icanbuildyourwebsiteaffordably.com"

The issue with shorter or more general names is that ones like "candles.com" and "tires.com" are generally not going to be available. If you Sdecide to register a short name, possibly your company's acronym, be sure it's a meaningful combination of characters that is easy to remember. I would recommend finding a domain name which represents your products in the shortest and most meaningful way possible. Businesses with long names may need to shorten their domain name down to assist users with remembering and typing long names; shorter names are also easier to fit in the title bar.

5. Should I use Plurals and Hyphenations?

Domain registration engines will usually suggest an alternative if the name you are searching for is taken. Sometimes this will include adding a hyphen or even "my" or "the" to the name.

If you wanted the term "design.com" and it was taken, you may find yourself staring at alternatives such as "mydesign.com", "thedesign.com" or even "designs.com". Which should you choose?

My rule of thumb for my clients is not to register "designs.com" if they cannot also register "design.com" The reason is that many times buyers may forget to type the "s" at the end of the name and your sale may go to someone else. There are those who will argue that this theory works in reverse, but why take chances? If you decide to register a name as "my..." or "the..." remember to market using your entire domain name.

Hyphens are another popular way to successfully register your name when the non-hyphenated version is no longer available. An advantage is being able to get the name that you want; however, it's my opinion that the disadvantages far outweigh this.

Hyphens are easy to forget. Users are comfortable with typing phrases like "jarcandles.com" but may have trouble remembering to include a hyphen if you registered "jar-candles.com". This may result in a sale for your competitor and translates to lost sales for you.

Hyphens are also an issue with verbal recommendations. Consider a verbal recommendation for a store named "anas-jar-candles.com." This may translate at some point to: "Wow, I visited Ana's Jar Candles dot com today and saw some really neat stuff." Later, you would probably type "anasjarcandles.com" into your browser hoping to visit. Ouch.

Prior to purchasing your domain name it's important to carefully consider your business community, target market, and keywords. Just ten minutes spent jotting down ideas can mean the world of difference when it comes to success with your online business.


About the Author:
Website designer Krista Garren publishes the "Design Like an Expert" monthly ezine where you can learn EASY, fun and money saving website design strategies to build a BUSINESS BOOSTING website. To learn more, check out her ezine and sign up for her FREE how-to report at http://www.designlikeanexpert.com


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