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 Adland Digest FREE Edition #654
  Monday, November 24, 2008

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Worldwide Holidays for November 2008

1st November

All Saints' Day: Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Finland, France, French Polynesia, Gabon, Germany, Italy, Ivory Coast, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Mauritius, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Senegal, Seychelles, Spain, Switzerland, Venezuela.

Bullfighting Season: Peru.

Independence Day: Antigua & Barbuda.

Remembrance Day: Slovenia.

Revolution Day: Algeria.

2nd November

Memorial Day: Brazil, Ecuador.

3rd November

Culture Day: Japan.

Independence Day: Dominica, Panama, Ecuador.

4th November

John Paul's Nameday: Vatican.

5th November

Guy Fawkes' Day: Britain.

10th November

Anniversary of Ataturk's Death: Turkey.

Mustafa Kemal Atat�rk, (1881-1938), Turkish soldier, nationalist leader, and statesman, who founded the republic of Turkey and was its first president (1923-1938). The name Atat�rk (Father Turk) was bestowed upon him in 1934 by the Grand National Assembly as a tribute for his unique service to the Turkish nation.

11th November

Armistice Day: Belgium, France, French Polynesia.

Independence Day: Angola.

Independence of Cartagena: Colombia.

King's Birthday: Bhutan.

Remembrance Day: Bermuda, Canada.

Republic Day: Maldives.

Veterans Day: United States of America.

12th November

Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Birthday: Taiwan.

15th November

King's Birthday: Belgium.

Peace Day: Ivory Coast.

Proclamation of the Republic: Brazil.

17th November

Army Day: Zaire.

Prince Charles' Birthday: UK.

18th November

Independence Day: Morocco.

National Day: Oman.

Vertieres' Day: Haiti.

19th November

Army Coup Day: Mali.

Discovery Day: Puerto Rico.

Garifuna Settlement Day: Belize.

Prince Ranier's Day: Monaco.

20th November

Revolution Anniversary: Mexico.

22nd November

Independence Day: Lebanon.

24th November

New Regime Anniversary: Zaire.

25th November

Independence Day: Suriname.

27th November

Thanksgiving Day: United States of America

28th November

Independence Day: Albania, Mauritania, Panama.

Republic Day: Burundi, Chad.

29th November

National Day: Poland.

30th November

Heroes Day: Philippines.

Independence Day: Barbados.

National Day: Benin.

St. Andrew's Day: Scotland.



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A substantial income (huge $100 Commissions)...Chance to get a website just like this one to resell this package...The money goes to YOU directly -- there is no middle man.
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Editor's Comments 

Barry Scott -Digest Editor

The busiest shopping day of the year for the United States is 4 days away! The economy appears to be making an attempt at a  turnaround or at the very least remain steady. We will be looking at a huge increase of visitors to Adlandpro as our U.S. members will be off work for approximately 5 days which generates traffic during the week day as well as a demand for products and services.

With that said it is not a bad idea to look over your ads, check you URL links and see if you have any last minute promotions you want to offer as this is probably your last chance to do that before the traffic levels start to increase.  

As always and feedback or questions are always welcome, just click on my name below

Sincerely, Barry Scott Editor


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Create Wealth by Marketing Harder in a Recession

By Ken Nickless
When a recession or hard times hit it is a natural trait to become more conservative and try to save money by cutting out the things which are not deemed to be necessary. However during recessionary periods it is the entrepreneurs who tend to prosper because they see this as a period of time in which to exploit niches and markets which are being discarded by those who prefer to 'wait and see' what the market is going to do. The problem is that by the time they have 'waited and seen' they have missed the boat in being able to create extra wealth by not aggressively marketing their products or services.

There is an old saying that you have to 'Speculate to Accumulate' and it is even more relevant during harder times.

People still have to eat, they still need to buy at least some clothes, shoes, household essentials, insurances, vehicles, and they always buy plenty more stuff over the festive season and holiday periods. If they feel that they are too overweight they will still buy weight loss products. Many will still take out loans, either to improve their homes rather than moving, or let's face it, just to enable them to get through the difficult times. And the list goes on and on. But above all these purchasers are looking for bargains!

So why not give them what they want?

The internet is crammed full of products, services and ideas which people still need, so it is just a case of selecting the right ones and aggressively marketing them in order to achieve two things:

1. Have a happy customer who believes that have got excellent value for money.

2. To provide you with a means to create extra wealth.

Won't this cost me too much money to promote?

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Look at the facts.

Put $500 into your savings account. If you are lucky and get 6% interest you have made thirty bucks in a year. Total $530. Yeah right!

Spend $500 advertising a product through pay per click on the internet. For example let us say that the product you choose returns $25 in commission per sale. And let us take a pretty poor scenario that you only make one sale for every 150 clicks on your advertisement. To break even you would have to pay $0.16 for your keywords cost per click. Anything below that and you are in profit. If you get your keyword costs down to say $0.12 then it will cost you $18 to make $25. That is a $7 profit. This might not sound as if you are going to become an overnight millionaire but look at the return, 39% on your investment! And remember you have already go your investment of $18 back. And this could have all taken place within a couple of days. Not a year. Get the point?

Sell one product a day and you are in profit by $2555 for the year. At virtually no cost to you. You just keep reinvesting what you make to make more.

'Speculate to Accumulate'!

Move on to other products and rinse and repeat your successes. Find products that will give you $30 to $40 commissions, there are thousands of them out there in the marketplace. Find ways to get better click through rates. Look at how your competition advertises the product and learn from them. Once you start to make profits reinvest a portion of it into the sorts of tools that will give you an edge on this competition. Subscribe to internet forums and learn how to improve your copy-writing skills or find which search engines give you a cheaper pay per click price. Above all, do not believe that a recession means that you cannot create more wealth for yourself. Do it carefully, research your products and their acceptance by the market, select your keywords to match the product and its unique advantages, write sales copy that grabs the buyers attention and gives them a definite call to action, test and re-test to get the best from your campaigns, and go for it!

Recession, what recession?

Speculate to Accumulate.

For more P.P.C information please visit: The Wealth Blog


About the Author:
Ken Nickless is a 64 years retired businessman and entrepreneur now living in Brisbane, Australia. Having spent over forty years in the manufacturing arena specializing in MIS systems introduction, Quality Control implementation and Operations Management Ken now spends his time with website development and internet marketing. In his spare time Ken enjoys golf and spending more time with family and friends.


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Finding a Support System

By Diego Norte
Do you have days where you feel like you're the only one dealing with the business owner issues you face? It might be time to find a support system.

While your family and friends have an idea of the things you're going through with your new business, they may not have the first hand experience. This will make it hard for them to relate, understand, and make suggestions. You need to find people who have already been there. So where can you look for these peers?

1. The internet - It's an obvious place to start. Your business is online, your customers are online. Who else would know more about running and online business than a fellow online business owner? They can be a wealth of knowledge, providing you with experiences and sources. They will know of other sites and helpful software. They can lend an ear when you need to vent or just can't seem to figure out how to solve a problem. Look for message boards and email groups.

2. Community small business groups - While your business is an online venture, it is still a business. Most cities have several groups and resources for their small business owners. Try checking with your local chamber of commerce or looking for a small business newsletter that circulates in your area. You may be able to find small business support groups that meet from time to time to discuss issues facing businesses in the area.

3. Look to your competition for help - This may seem like a silly idea. After all, they are your competitors. However, you may find that if you ae not in direct competition with you, they may be very willing to trade ideas. If their similar business caters to a small local community and they don't have an internet presence, you would not be competing directly. You may even find yourself able to partner and increase gains for both parties.

Having a support system of people you can bounce ideas off of and exchange information with is a great idea, especially when you're just starting out. You will find yourself with questions on things like what to do if you need to "close" while you're on vacation. A support system will give you a place to gather information and answers from people who have been there and tried out various things already. More than that, it will give you a place to vent or be encouraged on those bad days. Maybe you think it's just your business that has slowed to a crawl, only to find that several of your peers are experiencing the same thing and have ideas as to why it's happening.

You may also find yourself needing to invest in software and your peers will have great input as to which is the best for your needs. After all, they have already tried it. At some point, you may even find yourself the person giving the newbies answers and it always feels nice to be the experienced person.

So get out there, make some friends, and you and your business will benefit from having a good strong support system.


The Author:
The Author is Diego Norte, you can visit his web site at http://www.diegonorte.com/ 
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The pay plan will be a COMPANY FORCED RECYCLE MATRIX and THERE IS NO SPONSORING REQUIRED, get paid via a FREE GLOBAL DEBIT CARD. Even if you failed in recruiting and just can't refer others, this is for you.

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Adlandpro Tips

Some detail into Adlandpro's products and services for the new or experienced user.


Common Technical Questions

I feel as though I am not getting the hits to my website that I should be with my ad, am I doing something wrong or have I missed something?

The first thing I would recommend is to first check and test the URL you provided for the Ad to ensure there are no errors or typos. You can always test the ad yourself by clicking on the View button and then click on the ad header to see if it is going to your web site.  

If everything is technically sound another suggestion would be to look at the ad itself, is it written so that it is enticing to the viewer? The Ad Heading is like a newspaper headline, they will read the story underneath if the headline grabs there attention. If the story under the heading is good they will click on the ad.

You can also set up an ad campaign, this is defined as offering a variety of looks to the viewer with or without them knowing this. Remember this; two viewers can be looking for the same product and come across the same ad for this product, one may react to it and one may not, this is the exact reason there has to be variety. Creating three different ads for your website, each ad with their own unique heading and ad body, but going to the same URL starts to cover a wider audience.

Avoid Ad spam! This is having very similar ads (Different Heading but same Ad Body) or they are the same ads all in the same ad category. It is not accepted by our classified policy and viewers are wise to this and for most they will skim past all of these ads, which of course will have a negative effect on clicks to your website, as all your ads will be passed by the viewer.

If you have any questions regarding email notifications or if we can help in anyway please contact us.

Comments & Questions: https://www.adlandpro.com/ContactForm.asp