
Affordable Steel Detailing Services in Surrey, Canada

Uplift your upcoming Steel Detailing Project with Silicon EC Canada’s best-in-class Steel Detailing Services. Our steel detailers are digitalizing the modern Steel Structure building process using 3D Steel Structure Modeling Software, reducing delays and rework costs. Enhance the building system performance, maintenance, design, and coordination with our design error-free 3D BIM Models, resulting in more economical and ecologically friendly solutions. Come and Explore our affordable CAD Drawing Services today.

Our Services

Steel Fabrication Drawings Services
Steel Shop Drawing Services
Steel Structural Detailing Services
Stair Handrail Detailing Services
Joist Steel Detailing Services
Tekla Steel Detailing Services

We serve our CAD Shop Drawing Solutions across Canada with cities like Vancouver, Montreal, Toronto, Calgary, Ottawa, Brampton, Victoria, Kingston, Kelowna, etc.

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