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 Adland Digest FREE Edition #526
  Thursday, January 04, 2007

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Internet and Profit Newbies
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That's the Dumbest Thing I've Ever Heard

It's the first issue of the Adland Digest for 2007 and I'm glad to bring you some articles fresh from our Advisors as well as a very insightful article from Joe Vitale on attitude.

Joe Vitale, our guest writer, demonstrates how dismissing every possible opportunity for change, progress, and success can keep you safe from harm but can also keep you from achieving your goals.  A short excerpt from this article:

"...When we dismiss people and ideas because the entire world doesn't agree with them, we get to be right. But we also get to stay empty inside. By dismissing what could work, we dismiss our own growth. We dismiss what's possible..."

Brilliantly written.  Read the rest here

Also, Copyright (Not to be confused with "copywriting") is a term that is a term used so often nowadays that its true definition has been dissolved in hype and misinformation.  Many thanks to our Profit and Newbies advisor, Linda Caroll for providing this article and clearing up the muck & sludge surrounding this term which is much more than just a "C" with a circle around it.

Finally, Kenneth R. Sword Jr, the Blogging Advisor shares with you a look at how Blogging is on the rise.  Do you blog?  Maybe it's high-time you did.


Michael Dela Cruz, Adland Digest

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Internet and Profit Newbies

If you're new to making money on the internet, get to know the Do's and Don'ts of taking the step into the world of generating income online. 

[Linda Caroll's photo]
Linda Caroll
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Who Owns the Copyright to Your Writing?

Dear Linda;
Is there a way to prove that an article or piece of writing is mine even if a legal copyright wasn't filed? Thanks!

John J.

Hi John,

First, the obvious. I'm not a lawyer, so please don't substitute my advice for one. However, you'll find helpful links at the bottom.

What is copyright?
First of all, you need to understand what copyright is, because proof is a different story.

A copyright provides the copyright holder the right to restrict unauthorized copying and reproduction of their original work (i.e. literary work, movie, music, painting, software, etc.)

Copyright exists, automatically and immediately, when your original work has been fixed in a tangible medium as long as you are a citizen of a Berne Convention country, a Universal Copyright Convention country, or a country that is a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO).

This covers citizens of USA, Canada, Australia, the UK - many, many other countries.

You might also like to know that your copyright doesn't exist just in your country... The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) has adopted two treaties (the WIPO Copyright Treaty and the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty) that address international copyright protection in the digital world.

What are the copyright holder's "rights?"
As a copyright holder, in regard to your original work, you have the right;
- to make and sell copies of the work (including electronic copies)
- to import or export the work
- to make derivative works
- to publicly perform the work
- to sell or assign these rights to others

How do you prove copyright?

The easiest way, of course, is to have file a copyright registration. While you won't want to do that for every article you write, if a piece of work can create substantial income for you, such as a book or ebook, the $30-$50 fee (depending on your location) might be worth it.

Mark the work with the word 'copyright', with the letter "c" in a circle, followed by your name and the date of creation. Mail it to yourself by registered mail. Do not open the envelope when you receive it. The postal stamp and receipt verifies the time frame should you need it in the even of a legal dispute. Again, this is more helpful in the case of a book or substantial work than for an article.

Deposit a copy of the work (marked as in #2, as above) in a bank or with a solicitor's office. Again, this establishes the date in the event of a dispute. Also perhaps more applicable in the case of a substantially sized work.

Place a copy of the work (also marked as in #2, as above) on an Internet server, which serves as a "tangible medium". Whereas paper serves as the "tangible medium" in the first three instances, the Internet server serves as the "tangible medium" in the case of digital materials.

How do you dispute a copyright violation?

In most cases, copyright violation occurs because of lack of knowledge. Many people have the mistaken idea that they can reprint anything they find on the Internet.

I recently had a company in the UK help themselves to one of my articles and take author credit for it. I promptly went to www.archive.org and pulled up the article from my site back in 2000. I sent them a link to it. They promptly gave me author credit, a link to my site and a written apology.

If the copyright violation is not accidental or done because of lack of knowledge, a cease and desist can be sent to the website owner as well as the website host. Most hosting companies will address the issue if you let them know that they are hosting content that is in violation of copyright.

If you wrote a piece of writing, or created any copyrightable work, you own the copyright unless (a) it was created under a work for hire arrangement that specified that the payor owns the rights or (b) you specifically assigned the rights to another party.

More info about copyright

In the USA, you can file a copyright registration ($30 usd) or get more information from the Library of Congress Copyright Office

In Canada, you can file a copyright registration ($50 cad) or get more information from the Canadian Intellectual Property Office

Linda Caroll,

Linda's clients have been featured in Forbes, People Magazine, Home & Garden TV and more. Visit her website design site at LindaCaroll.com


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Web Logs, Blogs and the Art of Blogging

The ongoing growth of Blogs and RSS feeds

Kenneth Sword

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Blogging, or Weblogging, Is Growing In Popularity

Blogging, or weblogging, is growing in popularity by leaps and bounds, and is not going to go away anytime soon.

It's free (or cheap), and so easy that your average third-grader can have his or her own blog up and running in ten minutes. There are millions of blogs, but basically, there are three main types of blog:

One type is the personal blog. It's basically an online diary. Most personal blogs are the author's own observations, ideas, rants, recommendations, - whatever one wants to write about is fair game. You can use a personal blog to keep up with your family, record your travel journeys, discourse on politics, anything.

The second type is the business communication blog, or intra-company blog. These are used by companies big and small to facilitate communicating with others working for the same company or on the same project. It's easier than sending forty email messages. Companies can use a blog as an online newsletter, a project notebook, a place to highlight accomplishments, or even as a "what's up today" alert.

The third type of blog is the marketing blog. The marketing blog is used to promote a company's products or services, communicate with customers (and hopefully prospects), and to help in relationship building in the impersonal online world. A marketing blog can also increase web traffic (and thus increase revenues). It can help with branding, or creating an identity for your company.

If you have a small or home business, you can promote it with a blog. You can let visitors to your blog know when you've posted new content or added new products, and they can link right to your website to see for themselves.

You can also use newsfeeds like RSS or XML feeders to notify your readers when your blog has a new posting. Those little orange boxes you see on websites, like this are newsfeeds, and basically, if you use newsfeeds, you can pick your favorite sites (no more bookmarking) and receive updates on a regular basis, either via My Yahoo! (Google and MSN also support free newsfeeds), or via free news readers.

You can also self-promote your blog by telling people about it in emails, ezines, and your website.

You can create your own blog, truly in just minutes, at any blog service. They all have a guide that explains things and step-by-step instructions. And, if you don't like it, there's a delete button and you can delete and start over!


Kenneth R. Sword Jr


So far, I have given away over $47,500.00 in advertising memberships. Are you next?
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What Are You Dismissing?

By Joe Vitale, www.MrFire.com 

I had lunch with a dear friend the other day. While
I enjoyed the company and the food, I left feeling a
little depressed.

When I thought about it, I realized my friend was
brilliant at dismissing every book, concept, guru,
self-help method, or healing approach he had read or
heard about.

He was not directly negative or purposely critical.
He sincerely wanted something that would work in his
life. But he was unconsciously dismissing everything
that came his way.

At one point I told him about a guru I had studied
over two decades ago. I told him that people said, "My
guru was obviously enlightened. He radiated it."

My friend cut in saying, "I'm sure there are people
who saw that guru and didn't think he was any smarter
than a paper bag."

Well, my friend is right.

But my friend is also unhappy.

I think there's a lesson here. When we dismiss
people and ideas because the entire world doesn't agree
with them, we get to be right. But we also get to stay
empty inside. By dismissing what could work, we dismiss
our own growth. We dismiss what's possible.

It doesn't matter if the book you read and love is
loved by anyone else. It doesn't matter if the teacher
you admire is admired by anyone else. It doesn't matter
if the healing method that worked for you doesn't work
for everyone else.

What matters is you. Your happiness. Your health.
Your healing. Your well-being.

Truth is, no method works for everyone. No teacher
is right for everyone. No book is going to inspire

It all comes from within. You are the first and
final authority on your life.

Rather than dismissing what is possible so you can
be right, what can you accept so you can grow?

Dismissing is often a way to deflect the messages.
It's a self-defense mechanism. If you dismiss the
book, idea, or method offered to you, you get to be
right --- and stay right where you're at.

Every successful person I know has accepted new
tools into their lives over the years, spent thousands
of dollars on personal growth and self-study, and
never regretted any of it.

The key is not dismissing, but digesting.

For example, Nerissa and I had dinner with friends
recently. One friend was complaining about her job.
From her perspective, there was no way out of the
misery she felt at her place of work. Bad boss.
Bad hours. Bad pay. You name it, it was bad.

Later we were joined by other friends. As "chance"
would have it, one of the new friends had connections
where our complaining friend worked. He gave
our unhappy friend a name, and said he could help her
resolve her issues. He went on to say that this
connection was a supervisor, head of many
departments, and could probably resolve
whatever was wrong.

I was stunned. So was Nerissa. We were seeing
magic happen right before our eyes.

But what did our unhappy friend do with her new
lead and new hope?

She dismissed it.

She didn't write down the name or the number, or
show any signs that something wonderful had just

Do you see how this works?

Sometimes we can self-sabotage the things we
say we want. We simply dismiss the good.

People often write me and ask what one single
product can they get that will transform their lives.
When I tell them I so loved Dr. Robert Anthony's
material that I financed, recorded and now market
his "Beyond Positive Thinking" CD set, they are sold.
They go to http://www.BeyondPositiveThinking.com 
and buy it.

Yet some people complain, "It cost $99." Ah,
of course it cost money. Are you going to pay it
and get what you want or are you going to dismiss
the greatest self-help material of all time? Do you
want the good you say you seek or not?

Let me end this with another example:

Yesterday I received a letter in the mail about a
new audioprogram about dissolving illusions. I read the
piece but dismissed it. I figured it was simply stuff I
had already heard before and probably even recorded
elsewhere myself.

Then today I got another mailing, this time from a
different source, but selling the exact same
audioprogram. I read it over closely. I thought, "This
is interesting, but I bet there's little new in it." I
then placed the mailing aside.

An hour or so later, as I was reviewing this very
article you're reading right now, I suddenly realized
that I was doing the very thing I am warning you not to
do: I was dismissing an opportunity to learn.

I dug out the mailing, filled out the order form,
and dropped it in the mail. The audios are on the way.

The point is not that you buy everything that comes
your way, but that you don't dismiss everything that
comes your way. Sometimes a dismissal is a mask. It's
your self-sabotage at work, keeping you where you're
at. To grow, you must allow.

Again, you are the final authority on your life.
Tune in to yourself and do what's right for you. And as
you do this, be alert to those times when you may be
dismissing the next gift to come your way.

Let your guard down, and let life in.


Dr. Joe Vitale is author of way too many books to list
here, including the #1 best-selling book "Spiritual
Marketing," the best-selling e-book "Hypnotic Writing,"
and the best-selling Nightingale-Conant audioprogram,
"The Power of Outrageous Marketing." His latest books
are the best-selling "The Greatest Money-Making
Secret in History" and "Adventures Within." He's
being called "The Buddha of the Internet." Sign up
for his monthly ezine and see many articles by him
at http://www.MrFire.com 

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