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 Adland Digest FREE Edition #666
  Thursday, January 15, 2009

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Worldwide Holidays for January 2009

1st January

Founding of Republic of China: Taiwan.

Independence Day: Cameroon, Haiti, Palau, Sudan, Western Samoa.

National Liberation Day: Cuba.

New Years Day: Algeria, Antigua & Barbuda, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Bahrain, Barbados, Belgium, Belize, Bermuda, Bolivia, Bonaire, Botswana, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Congo, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Finland, France, French Polynesia, Gabon, Gambia, Germany, Ghana, Gibraltar, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Ireland, Italy, Ivory Coast, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Luxembourg, Malawi, Malta, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Senegal, Seychelles, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sudan, Swaziland, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, Trinidad & Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States of America, Uruguay, Venezuela, Zaire, Zambia, Zimbabwe.

3rd January

Revolution Day: Burkina Faso.

4th January

Independence Day: Burma.

Martyrs of Independence Day: Zaire.

6th January

Army Day: Iraq.

Children's Day: Uruguay.

9th January

Martyr's Day: Panama.

11th January

Republic Day: Albania.

Unification Day: Nepal.

12th January

Revolution Day: Tanzania.

13th January

Liberation Day: Togo.

15th January

Arbor Day: Jordan.

Coming-of-Age Day: Japan.

Lima Foundation Week: Peru.

Tamil Thai Pongal Day: Sri Lanka.

19th January

Martin Luther King Jr.
(1929-1968): United States of America.

20th January

Award Day: Mali.

21st January

Altagracia Day: Dominican Republic.

Army Day: Lesotho.

Errol Barrow Day: Barbados.

22nd January

Discovery Day: Saint Vincent.

26th January

Australia Day: Australia.

Duarte Day: Dominican Republic.

Liberation Day: Uganda.

Republic Day: India.

27th January

Saint Devota's Day: Monaco.

Vietnam Day: Vietnam.

28th January

Democracy Day: Rwanda.

31st January

Independence Day: Nauru.




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I'm writing to tell you about my new website Business and how you can be making cash With your very own Internet Business and Website thanks to "The Web Cash System."! Here's what you'll discover when you visit my Website: - How to link with Fortune 500 companies like EBay, Amazon, Wal-Mart, Office Depot (and More) and get paid. - How to start a business where you don't have to sell anything, talk to, or manage anyone. - Start a business with no inventory. - Access to media Advisors who are available to answer questions you'll have. - Earn up to 45% and up to $1,000 per referral. To see my website click on the link below or call: 1-800-719-8268 x23785

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Editor's Comments 

Barry Scott -Digest Editor

Free or Paid Advertising, which one works?

Free ads serve their purpose in that they can be used to promote your product or service and generate sales. You can also use free ads to test out new ad campaigns to see if they generate interest before you invest money into the ad itself.

Paid ads will of course give you different types of exposure and are in a higher profile which usually results in a higher amount of views which will generate more hits to your website which increases your sales opportunities. 

I think the answer to the question above is almost like a trick question because most people think that one is better than the other and the fact of the matter is both provide you with a unique service or assessment the other cannot provide. You can utilize both types of ads to your benefit so why you would not want to have both types working for you?

As always any feedback or questions are always welcome, just click on my name below

Sincerely, Barry Scott Editor


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How to Create Desire For Your Product Or the Wow Factor - Driving Your Sales Way Up

By Manny Nowak
Now lets start very simply - see the two titles, which one interested you the most, which one created in you a desire to find out more, which one is boring? How is your product being received? Do you create a boring impression in the customer, or a WOW factor, a desire for your product? OK, so you sell a boring product, so what, you still have to create the wow factor in your customer and by doing that you will generate much more business.

Take a look at your website, does it say WOW or does it say b-o-r-i-n-g? Take a look at your printed material, WOW or boring? Take a look at your presentation, WOW or boring?

I know you think it is fluff, but let us look at some examples and see what happens.

Some industries have understood this factor for years, while others have not. Take a look at cars. If the average business sales person sold cars, what would they be selling them as? My bet is they would be selling transportation, trying to fill your need to get from point to point. That is boring. Successful car sales people sell color, speed, comfort, looks, and prestige. Why do you buy a particular car?

Real Estate people have known the location, location, location factor for years. People buy houses because of location. They do not buy them because they need a place to live. We all need a place to live, but we want a great house in a great location.

The product I represent is "The Alternative Board", help for business leaders. Boring. So what I sell is increased profit, more money, more time for things other than business, ability to buy a new car, ability to move. I sell success and success is the WOW factor.

When I sold labor in the tradeshow industry I sold time. Time to go to the show site and do some things other than worry and supervise the exhibit construction. I sold comfort, I sold fun at the show, the ability to get away from the construction site and see the city. Any one can sell you labor to put your booth up - I sold you piece of mind and time. Thus, I sold you WOW.

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When I sold computer consulting I sold success. If you bring us in we will make you look great by implementing the project successfully. I sold career growth, raises, glory, and the respect of others. Any one could sell technical skills, but that was not the WOW.

So, what is your WOW factor? I do not care what you sell; everything has a WOW factor.

If you sell healthcare insurance - you might sell respect and happy employees. You sell a staff that knows their families are taken care of; they do not have to worry about whether they are covered or who to call if there is a problem. They can relax and enjoy other things.

How about those in the print industry - what are you selling? What is the WOW factor for your industry? Why would I buy from you as opposed to your competition?

Many people ask how to increase their sales. Number one, find the WOW factor or create it if you cannot find it. Then build your entire sales process around it.


About the Author:
Manny Nowak has spent over 25 years helping people create success in their lives. An ex-marine and former top-notch computer programmer, Manny has an extensive background helping other achieve extreme levels of success. Manny is the author of over a dozen books; CD's and tools that focus on your ability to achieve greater success in all areas of your life (personal and professional). So stop hesitating - YOU CAN MAKE IT HAPPEN! http://www.MannyNowak.com
Manny@Mannynowak.com Looking for a speaker for your event - please give us a call 856 358 4021


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 Internet Marketing Tips That Will Boost Your Business

By Mark A. Abrahams
Websites play a huge part in Internet marketing. After all, that's what people look for when they are interested in buying something online. But not all websites lend themselves to helping in Internet marketing. In fact, some of them hinder good Internet marketing. So here's a checklist that is going to help you make sure that your website is going to help you with your Internet marketing.

User friendly

One of the first things that your website should be is user friendly. It should be easy to navigate and it should give people the ability contact you with any questions, whether it's by a messaging program, a contact form, or a guest book.


The second thing that a website should be is clean. It should have clean language so that it doesn't offend anyone, it should be nice to look at, and it should be easy to read. The colors on it should be easy on the eyes and they shouldn't be flashing so that people who are epileptic aren't affected.


The last thing that a website should have in order to have good Internet marketing ability is that it should give people choices. Not everyone has Paypal and it's a good idea to give people choices when it comes to paying for items.

These are just a few things to remember when it comes to your website. They are some things that can really help an Internet business stand out from others and help people want to come back again and again.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

About the Author:
Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

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I'm writing to tell you about my new website Business and how you can be making cash With your very own Internet Business and Website thanks to "The Web Cash System."! Here's what you'll discover when you visit my Website: - How to link with Fortune 500 companies like EBay, Amazon, Wal-Mart, Office Depot (and More) and get paid. - How to start a business where you don't have to sell anything, talk to, or manage anyone. - Start a business with no inventory. - Access to media Advisors who are available to answer questions you'll have. - Earn up to 45% and up to $1,000 per referral. To see my website click on the link below or call: 1-800-719-8268 x23785

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Adlandpro Tips

Some detail into Adlandpro's products and services for the new or experienced user.


Common Technical Questions

There are so many ads running in the Classifieds how does my Renewable ad stay at the top of searches?

The renewable ad is refreshed every hour based on the time you originally entered it. So at the moment your ad is refreshed you will be on top, the category the viewer is searching also plays a role. If the viewer is looking under a general category then it is possible that your ad may be a little further down the list depending on the time of the hour and the number of renewable ads in the category, but even on a general search you ad will be at the top or close to the top of a general search. However, most viewers use a keyword when searching in general or in a category, as this narrows down the list, the viewer will have a more specific target in mind based on the keywords and if it matches your keywords will put you first.

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