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Adland Digest  #885 Feb 02, 2013 | View online
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What's New at Adlandpro

Adlandpro Offers New Catered Advertising and Online Store Services to E-book Readers and Sellers

Adlandpro Classifieds has introduced an entirely new category to its classified ads – Ebooks! Ebooks are one of the best things to arise since the internet was created because it gives power to people to express their own ideas without a publisher. This gives a voice to anyone who can find access to the internet to share their knowledge, thoughts, and experiences.




This week at Adlandpro community and blogs

» When You Don't want to use a REAL Image of yourself!

I had a message from a member this morning about profile images ( something that keeps getting talked about) and he stated that he does not want to be seen on the net. This post is for you and to others who would rather not use a real image. I hope it helps give you a different point of view with suggestions to get around that squirmy issue!

» Did you know? 5 Facts about Ebooks + 1 more

In 1949, Angela Ruiz ( a teacher from Galicia,Spain) patented the first electronic book ( ebook). Her reasoning?
To decrease the number of books her students had to carry to school

» Tips to Stay out of the Spam Folder Jail!

When was the last time you read the Can-Spam act?
Sometimes it is the little things that can create total chaos when it comes to delivering marketing emails and after reading an article by Boris Segalis titled


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New Discovery Reveals How To Make $500-$1000 In Less

Than 3 hours! If you're interest about  learning how you can  make money over fist in 3hours or less just like this ordinary guy  then...learn more here

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