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Adland Digest  #924 Apr 12, 2014 | View online
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Adlandpro Friday News| Health Musings

A collection of different health musings on the Adlandpro Friday News where you can learn more about heat stroke, egg allergies and other health topics



People to follow|Marie Forleo

introducing a new series on the social media and marketing blog – “Good” People to follow and the first person I want to introduce to you is Marie Forleo



How to Write an About Me that works

My thoughts on how to write an about me that will motivate you to doing yours better. For example have you thought about your picture and how you are seen?




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Making money has never been easier with thirteen ( 13 ) streams of income, and a great anti-aging product .The company did 300,000,000 last year .
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Are you an ugly Betty when it comes to social media?

No one ever wants to be told that they are ugly, and people generally do not like calling others ugly. Then again there are those that self absorbed and are so preoccupied with themselves, with no concern for others. Maybe that does not describe you, after all everyone likes you and you are the life of the party. Have you ever met an ugly person?




Niche Selection: How to find the best niche for you?
Read more at http://blogs.adlandpro.com/#4fLRJSpFDU4zz29H.99

Credits: Was it better to buy or surf when earning them?

Niche selection is the basic starting point of starting a business online. How many times have you heard an entrepreneur complain they have “too many opportunities!” or “which industry should I tackle?
Read more at http://blogs.adlandpro.com/#4fLRJSpFDU4zz29H.99

Building an email list is probably the best and important thing you should consider for your business because this will not only build a closer relationship with your target audience or future customers. List building has a much higher percentage of user engagement rate than any other platform and converting these leads into sales.



Social Media Strategies: Tired players injure the easiest

When it comes to social media, you cant depend on guesswork, stop wasting money on social media strategies that do not produce any results



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Disadvantages of Trading Your Time For Money

Are you a success conscious person and do you feel that trading your time for money is worth it?