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John Leal

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Re: The Truth About Bottle Water
2/26/2009 7:09:41 PM

Hi Len

As our Pommie friends would say, I'm "doing over" your forum, I hope you don't mind, lol.

Bottled water is another myth, or fad, akin to the great global warming con. If you aren't walking around with your bottle of "Spring Water" (or mystery juice) you're not with it. The day I buy water is the day my tap won't turn on!
Steven Suchar

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Re: The Truth About Bottle Water
2/26/2009 11:55:43 PM
Hi Len!

I'm visiting everyone who posted their forum link over in LaNell's thread. :)  I'm so glad you did!!

WOW...thanks for sharing the video about bottled water.

Personally, I drink Glaceau Revive vitamin has a fruit punch flavor and I love it.

Have a pleasant day...your OREO friend Steven.

Len Berghoef

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Re: The Truth About Bottle Water
2/27/2009 9:34:56 AM
Hey John,
I love it that you are checking out my forum again! :)
One thing about tap water watch out for the nasty bugs or
lead and other metals in your drinking water.
Bottled water is not the answser either.
Your better off with a quality water filter.

Take care mate! :)


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Len Berghoef

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Re: The Truth About Bottle Water
2/27/2009 9:54:04 AM

Hi Steven,
Fabulous that you came took the time to visit.
It was a great idea of LaNell to do that. It is hard to stay
on top of all the forums that come by the way things are
set up now in Adland. 
Glad you liked the video! :)
Sounds like you found a good tasting drink... good for you! Do you use it to make coffee also? :) 

Thanks for sharing my Oreo friend!



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