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Michael Derowin

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Living the Fear Once Again
11/22/2008 5:50:25 PM
Living the Fear

Watching and listening to the words
of others that are spoken,
Feeling the anger and hurt from
a trust that was broken.

Knowing this was happening before
your own saddened eyes,
Now knowing that your first emotion
that it was all a bunch of lies.

Always being told they would be
there for any kind of need,
Then finding its all about them even
if your emotions turn to seed.

Never having a chance to get to tell
how Love started to bloom,
Pushing everything way deep to the
inside where you have room.

Not wanting to be that involved
with someone ever again,
Not to want to ever feel that
kind of regret and pain.

Watching your life turning in circles
like it never had before,
Like the Universe attempting to show
you what’s really in store.

Showing you what’s got to be done
to stop you from going insane,
It is like looking at yourself spinning
around thru a window pane.

Time to get off this roller coaster and
recover from this insane ride,
Knowing everything to do and the
path which you must abide.

To find your true Love which you
will spend the rest of time,
Be as peaceful inside of oneself as the
soft breeze on a wind chime.

That is the right time to leave the
negative behind in the past,
Your dream will come true if your
natural love will last.

Written by,

Michael Derowin
© 2008
Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Re: Living the Fear Once Again
11/22/2008 6:39:41 PM

Dear Michael,

Once again I have felt drawn like by a spell to one of the most intensely expressed poems I have ever read. They appeal to me as only authentic poetry can do. They are so charged with energy and beauty that I feel like reading them several times and very slowly before I feel satiated.

Thank you,

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Re: Living the Fear Once Again
11/22/2008 6:41:24 PM

Michael, it is a beautiful and well-written poem and it touches my heart.  I feel a real sadness behind the spoken word. 

You will be fine, friend.



Dennis Turner

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Re: Living the Fear Once Again
11/22/2008 6:54:51 PM

Michael, it is wonderful that you are expressing yourself in poetry! Keep it up and you will be strengthened, my friend.



Lost Love Quotes

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Judy Woodson

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Re: Living the Fear Once Again
11/22/2008 7:27:28 PM

Bravo, Michael

Not an easy thing to do, let alone talk about.

I love this poem

