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Michael Derowin

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Re: Do You Know Someone Like This?
12/24/2008 10:41:12 AM

Greetings Trina,

Thank-you for coming back and sharing more of your thoughts and opinions. Trina when you write what you feel I find people will respond without thinking of what they say.

I am sorry to hear about your forum for teaching as I also have noticed the English used by many here. Your forum was not a failure for you, it was a failure for others not wanting to learn. Writing my Poetry I find that I also do not use proper grammar or punctuations.

Networking is about making relationships first before the sales as I have been taught more of lately by a couple of Mentors. Having others trust you will make them more eager to buy from you than a stranger. I have found here people attempt to push sales before getting to know me at all.

Yes in the United States you vote a President into office not the Pope even tho some think they are that Spiritual. We in Canada with the Prime Minister voted into office. They are given to much power and it swells their heads, which makes them think they are the one and only in the world. I have found everyone votes for the same person as everyone else if they like the Politician or not. Most need to be lead like a mule to drink, dangle a carrot in front of them or a bunch of no good promises. This is why I stay away from political forums as I get carried away with responses.

Trina I also do not allow posting of advertisements  in my forum, as they are deleted and the people do not come back.

I attempt to stay away from the Religious and political forums so I do not voice to much of my opinion. The two never have or will go well together, like politics and crime. Did I say that? They fit better than people would like to admit.

Merry Xmas to you and your Loved ones Trina. Enjoy your Holidays.


Trina Sonnenberg

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Re: Do You Know Someone Like This?
12/24/2008 10:46:13 AM
Hi Michael! Thank you for the encouragement. When it comes to poetry, grammar rules don't really seem to apply. I argue with my grammar checker all the time, when it comes to poetry. LOL Getting your feelings out with meter and all that goes with poetry just doesn't compute with word processors. Merry Christmas my friend! Trina
Trina L.C. Sonnenberg Freelance Commercial Writer TLC Promotions & The Trii-Zine Ezine ISSN 1555-2276
Re: Do You Know Someone Like This?
12/28/2008 9:04:55 PM

Hey Trina, how well I know about spell checker and poetry!!  Wow, it does not like it when I don't want to captalize each sentence or when I use poetical words it does not recognize.  Forget grammar when writing poetry.  Michael does great don't you think?

I even have trouble with my books in using quotes or Bible scripture...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,


Thomas Richmond

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Re: Do You Know Someone Like This?
12/28/2008 10:12:47 PM
Sorry Michael for being late. Love the Poem, very encouraging.  HAPPY NEW YEAR!  :)
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Pauline Raina

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Re: Do You Know Someone Like This?
12/28/2008 10:34:08 PM
Just  dropped by to send you these greetings Michael,

warm regards & Blessings for all thats best for 2009 & beyond !!


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