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G. Lee Meyer

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Back to Basics
1/27/2009 12:49:01 PM

Hello Friends,

Since the first of the year I've been pondering on a question on my mind... In these times of economic strife, how can I best serve humanity?

I have a strong belief that everything happens for a reason. It's all part of God's plan.  I feel perhaps the reason our Divine Creator has given so many people hard times these days is so we'll get back to the basics. That we'll step up and serve our communities and help each other out. That instead of spending money on frivolous things we'll help others in need. That we'll gather with friends and family for fun, entertainment and prayer.

In my case, it means being the best mate, parent, friend, teacher, and mentor I can. It means being genuine and having integrity. It also means being humble and admitting when I make mistakes.

It  means to see the divine in all humanity through eyes of love and compassion.

To live life and be grateful for even the simplest of things like breathing, seeing and having a voice, hands and a mind to communicate with. Actually, when you think about it these aren't really simple things. They're just things we often take for granted.

Finally to be passionate about what I do and to live with  purpose on purpose. To listen carefully and see with eyes of wonderment. To speak truthfully, live with respect, harmony and love for all of God's creation.  


G. Lee

G. Lee Meyer
Thomas Richmond

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Re: Back to Basics
1/27/2009 1:04:30 PM
Greetings Gail, thank you for the post, i do think God works in all of us, we just have to figure out what he wants from us, i think you have found that out perfectly in your case as he gives each of us lot's in life to suite our individual basic life skill needs my friend. God_bless you. Have an awesome day! Bizzy Thomas :)
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G. Lee Meyer

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Re: Back to Basics
1/27/2009 1:14:06 PM

Thank you Thomas, I'm sure I haven't figured it out "perfectly" . After all, life is a continuous process of growing and learning. And I know I still have a lot to learn! Thank you for your very insightful post.

God bless you as well,


G. Lee Meyer
Judy Smith

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Re: Back to Basics
1/27/2009 8:59:49 PM

Hi G!!

Thanks for that wonderful post.  I have felt for a while now, that getting back to basics is what we are all going to have to do.  I think Thomas is right and you have done a wonderful job of putting it here.  I get through so muc by being grateful for what I have and who I am.  I thank our Creator every day for just giving us a brand new day!!

Thanks for sharing your thoughts here.  I have missed seeing you here and it is so nice to see you!!


Rinna Rani

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Re: Back to Basics
1/28/2009 1:56:31 AM
Hi G,
Thanks for sharing this statement and you have made a good point.

Thinking out of the box or seeing out of it actually shows a lot of us a spectrum of love care kindness.  Back to basics being in simple life or religion is a need for a many but a forgotten step for a lot of us.

Thank you for sharing the simplicity in life and may 2009 be an abundant of great health, wealth and love for you my friend.

Take care with love,