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Alain Deguire

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Re: To clear some concerns...
3/8/2009 6:04:36 PM
Hello Judy!

Thank you for your visit and kind words...

It is not always easy... I was feeling bad because I was not being able to be here. So I had to prioritize so that I could be able to give some time where and when it is important for me to be present... people are very important to me and, I just can't let go if their is an important event to celebrate, mention or support.

Regarding my graphics Dear Friend, I am not taking them in any special place... I am just searching images on Google using different keawords until I find the one that expresses or supports my expression. For me, graphics are a very important part of our online communication and it sometimes take quite some time to find the proper graphic or simply a different one... I do not like to present the same graphic to everyone either. I guess this is part of my perfectionism ;-)

With Lots of Friendship and Love,
Lydia Fokina

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Re: To clear some concerns...
3/8/2009 6:30:30 PM

Hello Alain, yes, we have to do much more the only taking part in AdLandPro...

Hope to see You again!

With friendship, Lydia


Alain Deguire

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Re: To clear some concerns...
3/8/2009 6:54:20 PM

Hello Dear Lydia,

Thank you for visiting...

You will see me again for sure My friend...

I am just starting to get to know you ;-)

With friendship,



Kim Stilwell

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Re: To clear some concerns...
3/8/2009 6:54:26 PM

Alain,   I had guessed as much.  It's true that being such a nice place as this is a person can easily get very involved, and then find that life and it's priorities like work and family are starting to miss our attention and perhaps even suffer due to our other involvements, so that we are confronted with some choices. I think it happens to alot of people just due to the internet itself, and no doubt there are families and obligations to work being ignored or taken for granted, not necessarily as much here I think, that are causing imbalance and problems in people's lives.

I'm sure Bogdan did not intend such, and I'm sure this very nice community has good purposes and they are realized by people according to the time they have to devote here.  I am guessing in some measure you have faced such an issue as I bet many have at times and I think it's just a natural thing that we may often in life have to evaluate how we are balancing things in our life, and God's order and wisdom does call on us to do that at times.

Friends are so marvelous to have and I will say again, that I havn't quite known a community that had the level of goodness such as here that holds people together so well over time, so that I do believe you when you say you really do want to and intend to remain a part.  And ofcourse friends understand things like other people's work and obligations and their families which are all very important and family above all needs and deserves our quality time above all .....

So let all people be encouraged that we do prosper ourselves and others most when we keep our lives and time properly ordered and even if we have to have limits on the time we give to all our life activites, I'm sure that we can still give qaulity with what time we have and often qaulity can make up a little for the lack of time we have in our busy lives.  So go on and give time where it is due, and I'm sure your friends will hold the fort down until you can visit.

           God then family then work and Friends!

                                                      Your friend,  Kim


Judy Smith

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Re: To clear some concerns...
3/8/2009 7:01:08 PM

Hi again, Alain!

Thank you my friend.  And again, I relate.  I have spent endless hours looking for JUST THE RIGHT GRAPHIC for the right person, for the right situation, and the right mood.  More times than not, lately, I have had to sacrifice a bit and keep the time and deliver a graphic that is good, but could have been better if I had spent more time (that I didn't have) looking for it. 

Tonight?  I decided that you deserved the time!!  God speed, my friend!

Hugs and blessings,

