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Cheri Merz

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Re: Spirituality and Success
10/10/2005 1:37:48 PM
Kris, Jack, Thomass Hola, from sunny Puerto Vallarta. I see you are having the kind of conversation I wished to spark when I asked Thomass to write an essay for this thread. I'm so pleased! In my opinion, we are not all required to agree 100% in order to have a stimulating and worthwhile long as we remain civil in its pursuit. I look forward to being at my own keyboard in about a week, when I return, and adding my 2 cents'worth. In the meanwhile, please talk among yourselves, lol. Cheri
Re: Spirituality and Success
10/12/2005 5:52:32 PM
This is such a great forum. Thank you for your feed back Jack as it is truly wonderful to read. It kind of set you back a bit this article I see but this is a good thing as we all need to stop and reflect before jumping in. The author which is I am not as you say making a leap of faith but speaking of the connection between a physical world and a metaphysical world. We each progress to the level of our understanding at the moment we are now in and when we are ready we open a new door to rise to greater heights then previously were. Yes everything is energy; this is certain; but comparing a piece of wood to this subject matter sort of deminishes the message. I have never heard of a law called the law of avoidance; this is a new one on me. We all have an inborn or inner wisdom that guides us; some call this intuition; that assists us on our chosen path to achieve our purpose. If this is what you mean by law of avoidance then I agree. But in our human reality there is nothing that you need to avoid; it is a matter of choice to avoid it or not. Choice is our free will. By placing a law called avoidance would interfere with that freedom. No disrespect but I do not see how the softwood lumber dispute applies here. May I be so forward as to ask you a question Jack? What does success mean to you or how would you describe the connection between spirituality and success? I would really like your opinion on this. "If you were born in a wealthy environment as opposed to a poor enviroment would I have success?" I would like to answer this question if I may. It would depend on your thoughts of your environmant. Do you feel that you have not been placed in the right environment for your goals! Then its the thinking that needs to be changed and then the environment changes. Thats how it works. It all begins with each individual self. Nothing changes until you do or how you are thinking about a certain thing. This is the law of attraction. It works in no other way for if it did again it would be interfereing in our freedom of choice. we have been given the power to choose and everything that we experience in this life we have chosen to. We are given what we choose to experience and that my friend is unconditional love; God's love for each one of us. Kris my friend I am so intrigued by your level of understanding and I am also much inspired to every post that you post. You truly have a fine grasp of the power within and I am honored to have you as a friend. This is wonderful and I welcome more feedback and insights from the soul. 'Is that of success measured on a earthly thought of limit or an inner guiding feeling of limitless! your friend Thomass Namaste
In Much Graditude and Love Namaste OWN A PIECE OF A LARGE INTERNET COMPANY FOR FREE: OWN THE INTERNET FOR FREE-Its that simple: To See My Art Work & Poetry Writi
Re: Spirituality and Success
10/16/2005 7:04:08 PM
Hi All, I have decided to respond to this thought provoking thread. Jeff, believe me I meant no disrespect in disagreeing and I sense from your words you at least have an open mind. When I said a leap of faith I was merrily suggesting that you may lean towards the spiritual side of life more so than the physical world. As for me, I took the position of success being more of a physical attainment as oppose to the emotions one gets from having succeeded. I used the expression, law of avoidance in a figurative way to your expression of law of attraction. I more accurately should have said the Power of Avoidance. As you, I too understand the importance of an open mind and it is because of this that I am responding and offering a different point of view. but comparing a piece of wood to this subject matter sort of deminishes the message. By no means was I trying to deminish your message. The thought never entered my mind until I read your posting. Note my posting; Even a piece of wood has energy and softimes it follows a law of avoidance and not attraction . Softwood Lumber Dispute ring a bell? I was referring to the Power of Avoidance that is generated by the simple inaction of responsibility. The power or energy (friendlier word) that one has within is also expelled and it's this outgoing energy that grows from one to many. I call it charisma you say laws of attraction. There has been many influential leaders in the pass (good and bad) and there will be many more. All great leaders possess a level of energy that is ultimately used to influence an outcome and achieve success. I guess in my view I was not placing a close connection of faith or some spiritual energy to a calculable achievement. You mentioned intuition and I believe some people have this and others have something similar; like trusting faith. What does success mean to you or how would you describe the connection between spirituality and success? Success to me is achieving a desired objective. It's not that complicated. I believe a connection between spirituality and success is weak to non-existence. In my world, I see a stronger bond between a vision and spirituality. Consider the number of people who struggle with life's emotions because they feel they are not successful. Successful at what? In most cases they try to achieve the end result before they have any idea of where they want to go, where they are and often they deny where they have been. I say, focus on a vision, define your purpose, set some objectives, execute a plan, measure your results and see if you succeeded. Do you feel that you have not been placed in the right environment for your goals! I guess you didn't understand my question and that is why you came back with one of your own. :-) When you suggested one either has success or they don't I was puzzled as to what you meant. As for the environment I was placed in (I assume born.) being right for my goals? I didn't choose the environment. I didn't have goals until my thought process matured to a higher level of understanding about the environment that supports my being. At some point in ones life you may have the ability to move from one setting to another. Since one is influenced by the environment and they as well can influence the same environment a change becomes a fact of life. Theres nothing profound here. I always remind myself of a saying that helps me accept certain things in life. "You are, what you were, when!" It simply means that you are a product of your environment. You can choose to interpret change in any way that makes it easier for you to understand a change but you can't stop change. Not everyone has the same ability to think at a level that you suggest and thus a freedom of choice may not exist. This is my opinion and I am not referring to any laws. Jeff, I expect that we have a different level of understanding, in particular to God's love, spirituality and the soul. I hope I have not offend you or your point of view in your article. I see this thread as an excercise for the mind and I do respect your view and I was glad you replied to my posting. Is Cheri on the sideline? ;-)
Re: Spirituality and Success
10/16/2005 9:28:53 PM
"Consider the number of people who struggle with life's emotions because they feel they are not successful." This is the prime factor that keeps people from having abundance in their life. A perception that they are not perfect. Once you realize God has given you all the tools to have abundance in your life. You no longer have emotions about being unsuccessful. You also have a lot more time and money on your hands. you are not trying to fix something that is not broken. The individual is able to quit wasting time with lessons unneeded to feel better. You are perfect already. You quit wasting effort. you already know what you need to do. You can expend all your energy on your purpose and live a happy abundant life. Free of any external illusion that keeps you away from your true purpose in life. Success is a pop culture lie. Once you recognize the lie for what it is an illusion to keep you away from your natural ability. Your natural gifts will bring abundance into your life instantly. Listen to the divine voice inside you and the universe will come to you right now. Both in material needs and spiritual fulfilment are just a thought away. Enjoy abundance in your life today Everyone have a wonderful day Peace, Love, Liberty Kris

imercury aka Kristopher McCraw
Multicultural Social News Network
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Re: Spirituality and Success
10/18/2005 12:46:40 PM
Here is a little quote to help anyone who is feeling down about their place in life, and how to fix it. The sea does not reward those who are too anxious, too greedy, or too impatient. One should lie empty, open, choiceless as a beach - waiting for a gift from the sea. -Anne Morrow Lindbergh Enjoy abundance in your life today Everyone have a wonderful day Peace, Love, Liberty Kris

imercury aka Kristopher McCraw
Multicultural Social News Network
Watkins Naturals Home Business OpportunityWatkins Naturals Home Business