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Jayson VanBeekom

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RE: Morality
11/18/2009 3:47:32 PM
I agree Jan. I've watched some Springer a while back, and its quite the circus. His show seems to be the father of all those "whose the real father of my baby" shows, like Maury and the Steve Wilkos Show.
Jayson VanBeekom

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RE: Morality
11/18/2009 3:52:20 PM
Hello Cherly, and thanks for your post. While there are plenty of those who play nothing but video games all day (people who are referred to as "Sun Haters"), others play games as a sort of relaxant from the day's grind. Those who work long hours in their cubicles or manufacture cars play games in their spare time to remind them that life does have an imaginative side, and its fun to explore that side from time to time.
Cheryl Maples

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RE: Morality
11/18/2009 6:01:56 PM
Hi Roger,

I've done some personal development in the past. What I am participating in now is with a group where we read one chapter a week in Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, the original manuscript as newer versions are not the same. When we get through the 15th chapter, we start over. It is amazing what a person can read in the same book the third and fourth times through it.

The negative words we say to others and to ourselves is incredible. We don't even realize it because it's all we've heard all our lives. I am on the trail of another book about the negative way people say things that at first don't seem negative because we are so used to it. I'll let you know when I read it.

I see you do NLP. I am not very familiar with that. I went to massage school 5 or 6 years ago because I got interested in CranioSacral Therapy and wanted a license to be able to practice that. I am only licensed in Florida and I am spending some time in Washington state so I have not been practicing. However, those hours in massage school introduced me to many other things. One of them was my husband! He is an electrical engineer and is interested in other types of energy. It is some journey. It kind of led to the personal development series with Klemmer. That was interesting but studying Think and Grow Rich is proving to be quite a journey, too. They are all steps that move you forward.

We truly are, and have, what we think. It's amazing!
Cheryl Maples, LMT Catch Your Dream 727-504-4721
Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Morality
11/18/2009 8:26:48 PM


I must be careful not to take over Jayson's forum but it's always exciting to find others on similar voyages.

Napolean Hill features big in my positive thinking library. Another GREAT book of his is "Unlimited Success". A great book to pick up and put down. You could take your time and re-read because it's 52 Steps to Financial Reward. Although it's finance orientated it has great lessons for any goal-setter.

Some of the oldies are unbeatable. "Seeds of Greatness" by Dennis Waitley is an amazing mix of values and truths which still hold true. Many years ago I was first introduced to positive mental attitude by the Amway Corporation here in the UK. No matter what is said about them, they changed my life. When I saw, heard and met Dennis Waitley at an Amway conference I was blown away. This book is a must have.

I was unknowingly introduced to NLP long before qualifying as a practitioner. I had read "Unlimited Power" by Anthony Robbins. Although he gets dismissed by many for making millions from his versions of things his mix of NLP and many other techniques is a model for my basic approach to therapy and development. It was his influence that made me into a professional goal-setter. I cannot recommend this book enough.

Oh to join your group. You are a little distant from me however.

I have done goal-setting forums here before and would love to invite you to a new forum on Therapies and Self-growth.

Would you be willing to join in?

Jayson my friend. Your forum has inspired a special lady. Thank you.


Cheryl Maples

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RE: Morality
11/19/2009 3:11:32 AM
Hi Roger,

Yes, I'd like to join your forum.

Also, the group I belong to is worldwide. We all get on a conference call. For some, it is the first personal development they've ever done. Others have taken seminars for years. We are just a group of average people. Most of us belong to one network marketing company but there are a few from other companies and some may not even be in network marketing. We do not talk about that on these weekly calls.

If you are interested, I'll give you more information including how to join the group.

I am honored you consider me a special lady.

How do I join your forum?
Cheryl Maples, LMT Catch Your Dream 727-504-4721

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