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Donna Zuehl

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RE: How Fibromyalgia Affects Men
5/23/2010 5:02:06 AM

Hello Jennifer,

I have fibromyalgia. I exercise at least 4 days a week, sometimes 5 days. I have never lost any weight from exercising, but I think it helps me limber up a little. On days I don't exercise I feel stiffer and my joints hurt more, too. I walk for half an hour, plus twice a week I also ride a stationary bike for 10-15 minutes. I use toning tables at our senior center twice a week. You lie on the table and it moves your legs or whole body. I use 4 tables for 8 minutes each.

Weight is a problem for me as well. The only diet that ever worked was the Atkins diet. I was on that for about a year when it first came out, but was unable to maintain that type of diet for the long term.


Donna Zuehl

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RE: How Fibromyalgia Affects Men
5/23/2010 5:06:46 AM

Hello Linda,

Because of joint problems from osteoarthritis I have difficulty going up and down stairs, or squatting (getting down with knees bent). If I lie down on the exercise mat, I cannot put my weight on my right knee to get up, unless I put a pillow under it.

I have both osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia.


Leonie Parker

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RE: How Fibromyalgia Affects Men
5/24/2010 12:25:49 AM

Hi Donna (and others with weight problems)

I found as I got older dieting did not remove weight, but last year I discovered "Great Taste No Pain" by Sherrie Brescia. I do not have IBS and this way of eating helps this condition. But I did want to lose weight so I tried her suggestion of 'food combining'. No carbs with protein. Cut out potatoes mainly with proteins. I was amazed at how much weight I lost over quite a few months.

Her recipe book is great well worth the price. At the back she has a recipe for chocolate cake that is the best I have ever made, although she cousels it is only for special occasions.

If you want to check it out I think it is



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Donna Zuehl

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RE: How Fibromyalgia Affects Men
5/26/2010 3:57:54 AM

Thanks for the tip, Leonie. I am glad you have been able to lose weight using the described method. I will check out the link.


Roger Bjornerud

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RE: How Fibromyalgia Affects Men
6/2/2010 9:49:10 AM
I have fibromyalgia, which means i am one of the rare men.. ;)

Genes: It runs in the family
Overweight: Most of it comes from being unable to do the things I used to do, while eating the same or more than I did when I was healthy. Basically I have more time to eat now.. ;)
Memory problems: Feeling your mind slip away is not a good thing.
Exercising: Has made me cry a few times, but I know it makes things easier for me in the daily life. Not exercising would be the same as not taking care of your car or your house. Breaks down much faster if you don't do anything.

Only thing I know that has helped me is drinking Aloe Vera. Biggest help is that I don't get punished for days after exercising if I drink while I exercise. Exercising still hurts just as much as if I didn't drink.

Can do most things if I can decide when to do it. :)
Roger Bjornerud - Back from vacation - Planning the next :)

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