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RE: What Would Jesus Say - Spiritual Evolution
6/9/2015 5:00:23 AM
 I do not have a clue as to what Jeshua would say. However, in the last three years, I am rising up from rock bottom in health. It is hard to put in a few words so the best I can share is via a descriptive place. It was like being in a lake that was void of water. I could see a lush forest and needed help to get there. Somehow, I made it to the forest and am still there resting. Last year, my mother was laid to rest. I dreamed about her, several weeks after her celebration of life. She was smiling and dancing. I pray this was her way to let me know, she is all right. She lived 82 years. I praise Abba Father that I was available to her, during her last days. I was home (my mother's home) pursuing medical evaluations at VAMC-Dublin. Stones were discovered in my gall bladder which had begun to ossify. Via outpatient procedure for removal, I was in and out in less than 5 hours. I refused their pain medication against surgeon's recommendation and have fully recovered. Prior to the surgery, in May 2013, I had been suffering with queasiness and regurgitation since 2000. Only a few of my family members knew I was ill for I suffered in silence. I prayed and meditated a lot. Even in my declined health, I was able to keep moving, until I arrived to the help the Holy Spirit had in place for me. I made a couple of tiny songs, the following is one: Down in the valley Valley so low Where roots wrap around dirt And flowers grow ------------- I still have a couple of medical issues left and they are not major ~ Praise Jahaveh
Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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RE: What Would Jesus Say - Spiritual Evolution
6/9/2015 9:50:03 AM

Thanks for sharing such a beautiful post, Jan.

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Patricia Bartch

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RE: What Would Jesus Say - Spiritual Evolution
9/6/2015 4:19:38 AM
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RE: What Would Jesus Say - Spiritual Evolution
9/6/2015 11:58:51 AM
 I know this is real. All one need to do is humble oneself, like a child and ask Him for what one wants. Our Creator made us to be happy. It is up to you to connect with the Spirit of His Love.
RE: What Would Jesus Say - Spiritual Evolution
5/25/2017 9:33:22 AM
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