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Diane Bjorling

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RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
12/4/2013 9:04:37 PM
Hi Roger and everyone else.

Bogdan had announced the changes that would be happening in the last Friday review

Like anything it takes time to adjust but it's not that difficult to understand

Having the site run faster is something that was needed and to have it looking cleaner is also something that was required.

I'm unsure if I can help answer questions, but will do my best

Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
12/5/2013 7:30:07 PM

thank you ROGER.

the question i had ... bogdan answered. MY QUESTION was about all the links that were hidden on left side. he said to make place faster, they were removed and to click to make them come back. i didn't know to click i would see all the important places .... adland inbox, friends etc. now i know.


Yes, Its so good that we get such instant answers.

Do you use the RECENT ACTIVITY button on the right of the site?

Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
12/5/2013 7:32:06 PM
Hi Roger and everyone else.

Bogdan had announced the changes that would be happening in the last Friday review

Like anything it takes time to adjust but it's not that difficult to understand

Having the site run faster is something that was needed and to have it looking cleaner is also something that was required.

I'm unsure if I can help answer questions, but will do my best


Hi Diane,

So glad that you dropped in.

Do you use the RECENT ACTIVITY button on right hand side.


Diane Bjorling

2586 Posts
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RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
12/5/2013 7:39:56 PM
"Hi Diane,
So glad that you dropped in.

Do you use the RECENT ACTIVITY button on right hand side.


To answer your question Roger, the answer is yes I do, but not all the time.
When you use the recent activity, you can keep an eye on who has logged in, so you can say hello, welcome them to the community. You can keep an eye on what is happening on the wall and forums you belong to, so that you can go and answer a question or add to a topic of conversation ( this is how I saw your comment btw).
You can tell how people are viewing what you are saying ..if they like something you will see that action and it gives you a good idea on how to talk to people and what to talk about.

How would you use the recent activity tab Roger?