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RE: A list of Symptoms for toxic mold
6/21/2011 2:16:54 AM
Hi Roger.. It is good to see you again. Yes,, I believe this is a very important cause. Some estimates claim that mold kills 500,000 people in the U.S. every year and yet it is almost unheard of in the medical community.. There is a lot of politics involved in mold and nobody wants to talk about.. As this group moves forward you will discover some facts that will amaze you I'm sure. Thanks for stopping by Roger and I look forward to you coming back real soon.
May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
RE: A list of Symptoms for toxic mold
6/21/2011 2:29:19 AM
Hi Myrna.. Welcome back . Have you noticed the drug ads on TV lately.. They tell you all of the side effects and then they say ,, at the end,, this drug can really enhance your life but check with your Dr first. Well,, it may enhance your life but I don't think taking a chance on dying makes it a worth while gamble. Most of the drugs for mold exposure related illnesses are natural remedies.. AS well it should be since mold is a natural part of our environment.. Problems arise though , when they prescribe drugs like prednizone and antibiotics for mold related illness. These drugs will really hurt you and they never diagnose mold as the problem so this is a very wide spread disaster happening and it is growing by the day.. There is a lot of research about mold but it is being suppressed by the drug industry,, the insurance companies and their main cohort,, the govt. There are just too many industries who rely on our being sick for a living. If people ever found out how much sickness and disease is caused by mold the medical community would lose so much money they couldn't survive. There is no profit in healthy people so they will do what they have to to make us sick.
May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: A list of Symptoms for toxic mold
6/21/2011 3:04:22 AM
Hi Bill,

I have decided I would rather have the problem then medication. Because the problem doesn't have side effects. Seriously, the medication just scares the crap out of me. I don't take any medication. I was to take Lascix but I have found water pills that I think is doing the trick. Any how I feel pretty good most of the time. I think a good diet of good veggies and fruit with nuts and some good oil is the best thing you can do. Isn't that what our creator gave us to eat!

It is so good to have you back, you have been missed.
RE: A list of Symptoms for toxic mold
6/22/2011 1:47:27 AM
Hi Myrna.. Yes,, the side effects from drugs can actually be worse than the illness they are supposed to treat. I think this would be a good place to start posting some of the horror stories that people in my mold group on Facebook have been sending in.. I wanted to compare symptoms with the many people affected by mold to get an idea of the seriousness and the incidence of these symptoms.. It amazes me how similar their stories are.. Here is a post from one of the member's of my group.
Bill asked about misdiagnosis. How about symptoms? Mine include(d): loss of arm/leg hair, loss of hearing, eyesight, memory, and cognitive function; thyroid dysfunction; heart attack and hypertension; hand tremors; bleeding nose (when in environment); numbness/tingling and pain in hands and arms; loss of feeling/reaction in hands and feet; vocal cord dysfunction/reactive airways; chemical sensitivities; fatigue; muscle aches/pains; blurry eyes; bloating; red face, ears, and hands (when in the moldy environment); in hospital for 3 days for acute "bronchitis" and have had "bronchitis" and ear infections various times after exposures; frequent urination; cold/heat intolerances - cold intolerance especially now; breathing issues; mood changes; and probably more, but this is what I can think of off the top of my head.

May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: A list of Symptoms for toxic mold
6/24/2011 2:45:38 PM
Hi Bill,

I just found this article on Dr Mercola's site. I was just wondering how much this could help with keeping the mold alive. I don't truth the medical field must at all, especially when it comes to hospitals.

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