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Donna Zuehl

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Fibromyalgia Input requested
5/30/2011 2:46:17 AM
I would like to know if anyone has tried a new product or lifestyle change that has helped their fibromyalgia. I haven't read any new articles lately on this topic so would like input from personal experience.

RE: Fibromyalgia Input requested
5/30/2011 3:17:29 AM
Hi Donna!

Yes I have many many customers who have tried Max GXL for their fibromyalgia. I have many testimonials from these people who have had a major change from their symptoms. Max GXL is a Glutathione Accelerator. It is not Glutathione but the pre-cursors your body needs to make its own. Glutathione is in every cell of the human body and is the number one line of defense. If you google "Glutathione and Fibromyalgia" you will see many articles written about what this can do for you. Sadly it is not yet mainstream. Dr. Oz himself did a segment on his TV show recently trying to educate people about Glutathione. Having low Glutathione is linked to over 74 major diseases, so it makes perfect sense that increasing your body's ability to produce it would assist. You can also go to and search "Glutathione" and see that there are over 90,000 articles written about it. I believe there are approximately 40,000 articles written on Vitamin C. So my suggestion is to discover what MaxGXL can do for anyone suffering with fibromyalgia. If anyone wants to hear from others who are taking this product for their symptoms, I would be more than happy to forward that information on to anyone who wants it. Sorry for the long message, however we are all passionate about what this is doing to create a better quality of life for others and are dedicated to making it our mission to provide this to everyone without a prescription. It was created by Dr. Robert Keller, named one of the top 2000 Scientists of the 21rst Century. The more you investigate what he created, you will discover that this has a pharmaceutical patent however it is a supplement. It is also verifiable with a simple blood test and clinical studies prove that it can raise your glutathione levels by 276% in 8 weeks.

If you or anyone who is suffering want more information, please do not hesitate to contact me as there are alternatives. Thank you for allowing me to post and I hope this information helps people. Sincerely, Loretta Monteiro,
Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Fibromyalgia Input requested
5/30/2011 10:15:41 PM

Hi Donna,

I will try to find out from my daughter who is a sufferer. She lives in Scotland.

I will ring and ask if she can help.


Donna Zuehl

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RE: Fibromyalgia Input requested
5/31/2011 5:11:21 AM
Thank you for the information, Loretta. I will check it out online.
Donna Zuehl

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RE: Fibromyalgia Input requested
5/31/2011 5:12:31 AM
Thank you Roger. It would be helpful to those with fibromyalgia and/or their families to learn if there are any advances in this area.

