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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
3/7/2018 2:24:35 AM
Montague’s Message for Sunday, 25 February 2018

You have been left in no doubt of the lengths the Cabal will go, to hold on to power. Even you were shocked. You did not realise how low they will go to destroy anything that may stop them completing their evil plans. Many of them have faced the fact that their plans are doomed to failure and have asked for mercy. They know they cannot hide the truth from humanity for much longer. Absolutely everything humans were allowed to know was strictly controlled: total lies. Everything was designed to prevent people from progressing. All knowledge was hidden. The Cabal controls the manufacture of food and drugs. They have successfully convinced people that they need their deadly vaccinations and drugs.

Man was successfully living on the earth long before the Annunaki arrived, looking for gold, and then decided to take over. They are still controlling it to this day. They have assumed many guises. They always ensure that man looks up to them. But their exposure is assured. They can no longer hide behind a veil of lies. They are in positions of power everywhere; sometimes hidden, sometimes in plain sight. Your governments obey them while your politicians pretend to hold power. They are the hidden hand, the real power that controls all. You can see for yourselves the power wielded by religions. Ask yourselves why religion is accepted without question. Why is religion forced on you? Why were you forced to accept such lies.

Love and peace should be the objective of humanity. Now you have the opportunity to take back your power and ensure that love and peace prevail. You now have the numbers to take back control. You can see that the Emperor has no clothes. It was all an ILLUSION and you were all taken in by it. But the illusion cannot hold you hostage one moment longer because you are free. Free to explore the truth, free to see what was used to create fear in your lives. Free to see all that was used to hold you hostage. Free to protect your precious children from the paedophiles that are everywhere, so organised that they have been operating right under your nose, though you failed to see them until now. You can never close your eyes to this problem ever again. You owe it to your children to prevent them being exposed to the lies that you were forced to accept. Do not allow the lies to take another generation into control. Education fails to teach truth, as it is totally controlled by the Cabal. It is dangerous to you. You must ensure that your children are prepared to accept the truth at an early age so they can recognise it when they see it. Such an education should begin in the cradle, gradually opening their eyes to the reality. They will thank you in later years.

Be very wary of what are known as ‘Old Peoples Homes’. Many are not as they appear to be. Some are dangerous, taking control of the residents and acting as though the person is in prison. There are many of these homes in different parts of England that would shock you, if you knew the truth of what goes on in them. There are vile predators everywhere, always ready to pounce on unsuspecting people. Husbands that are not allowed to visit their wives is common. Protect your loved ones, as they are not safe in many of these places. Medication is administered without disclosing what is being given. They are sedated without consent. This is a disgrace. Veronica is trying to help one such person who has asked for help and is going through hell. Please pray for her and all the others in the same predicament. When questions are asked, the predators reveal themselves, and threaten legal action in the hope of frightening away the questioners. No one is safe from such vile people who live off the suffering of others. Do not allow them to get the better of you.

You ask, who can you trust? Very few in positions of power. Exposure does help to remove some of them, but you must strive to remove all of them. Be prepared to take steps to remove all predators before it is too late.

So much has been put in place to hold humanity under control that you must now take down all the control, whenever you come across it. It takes courage and a belief in your own ability, to see it through to full exposure. Support each other, as you have the numbers to free yourselves from your predators. Many obstacles have been removed and the energy of the earth is in your favour. So this is your big opportunity to actually achieve freedom. Do not let it pass you by, through lack of courage. We have put so much in place to free you from slavery and to release the truth of who you are, of the earth you live upon, and of course, the predators who hold you captive. Freedom is yours to take and own. This is your opportunity to expose and remove the banking cartel that has ensured that life on earth is a struggle for survival.

Religions have destroyed the religion of LOVE which all people lived by in bygone days. It was replaced with lies that would ensure that they could set one religion against another. This was their plan, and you fell for it, and continue to pay a heavy price for it. But the truth can no longer be hidden. The internet ensures this. The predators are trying to remove the internet from you. Do not allow this to happen. Find your voice and say NO to any control of it. Remember, the Cabal CAN ONLY GO AS FAR AS YOU ALLOW THEM TO GO. YOU ARE THE 99%.

You are watching every move they make and they know it. They are at your mercy and they are not used to this, for AN AWAKENED HUMANITY IS THEIR GREATEST FEAR.

Protect yourselves by refusing all vaccinations, and when possible, refuse their drugs that were designed to shorten your life. Removing the Cabal’s control of your lives with all the information you now have at your fingertips will be like a walk in the park. Without your assistance they will lose all their power. They will be helpless. Never betray your fellow man and freedom is yours for the taking.

My dear, I am proud of the way you are handling the serious issues regarding some Old Peoples Homes that have been taken over by corrupt individuals with no regard for human life. These people care only for the money they can extract in whichever way they can. Many old folk quickly become prisoners. You must protect the vulnerable in your care. Living your final years in fear, trapped in such places, should not be allowed in any country. Yes dear, life gets tough when you question such people. The man’s hand, without a body attached, that tightly gripped your arm as you worked at the computer, was done to scare you off.

Please do try to rest, and be prepared to act when necessary.

Forever, your adoring, Monty.

Message from Veronica

Dave wants you to understand how much your letters mean to him. To hear his name called when post arrives, makes him feel that he is not alone anymore. To know that people care and are interested in what happens to him, gives him hope. He reads and catalogues them and re-reads them, over and over again. The lovely cards are now on his wall beside a beautiful drawing sent by Ruth. They have changed the energy of his cell. Sadly, the jail returned all cards that had glitter. Some contained envelopes and stamps. He appreciates your kindness but the jail only allows people to send things through the jail’s Commissary, and books through Amazon. It is important that the jail and lawyers know that there are people out there who care and are watching out for Dave.

I thank you, also. You have made a big difference to Dave’s life. I am so grateful to you for this.

Contact Details
Dave McCann
, MJ 03 A Pod 11, Booking Number 1621184, Prisoner ID 7076771, P.O. Box 872,
, California, 93712, USA.

Justice for Dave McCann. Irishman framed in California | Legal Expenses Fundraising with GoGetFunding

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
3/12/2018 2:10:11 AM
Montague’s Message for Sunday, 4 March 2018

Many who planned and worked towards the destruction of the human race are being removed from the Earth. Some "deaths" are being reported, many more are just being edited out as if they had never existed. Many, like Zuckerberg, have lost millions, and as money equals power, his power has gone. Without it he is nothing.

The bubble is bursting. That is all it ever was. There was never any substance to it at all. Their control is fast disappearing and the evidence of this is there for all to see. There is nothing they can do to stop it. One of their last underground bunkers in TORC mountain, Co Kerry, Ireland, was demolished last week. This was a significant blow to them.

Use your energy in meditation to bring down all their strongholds in all parts of the world. When you direct your energy and your thoughts, you will be amazed at what you can do and what you can achieve. Your rewards will exceed all you thought possible. When huge numbers of you come together with one thought in mind, then you will realise your own power. Things are moving fast and you must be ready and willing to move forward. Use this window of opportunity. The lies of the Cabal are now laid bare before you. You must consider each case carefully as they seek mercy. Read the Jesuit Oath of Office. This is what they live by. This is what you are up against. It matters not what they call themselves, Zionist/Jesuit, since they have many guises. They hide in plain sight. They are everywhere.

If you stand together, the Cabal can be taken down, and within two weeks you could be free of them and their evil laws. Everything is ready to be put into action when you open your minds to it. Do you have the courage to embrace a new way of life with no more war, poverty, or Cabal-created illnesses. What are you waiting for?

Changes visible to all may happen on March 18th 2018. That will be the first step forward. The second step forward will happen 8 months later.

Be prepared to proceed to the New Age that many of you dream about. You are about to enter the best years of your lives, when you will remove all the blockages that have trapped you in darkness. You will explore the Earth. Everything will be open to you. Life will become exciting. All illnesses will be removed as these were a construct of the Cabal to keep you under their control.

Look closely at the faces of the Cabal. You will see that they are in fear. They know that their future is in YOUR hands. Though they know that they should not expect mercy, it will not stop them asking for it and expecting it. They do not have a conscience. They would do it all again tomorrow if they thought they could get away with it. They have used you as slaves and that is how they will always see you. They see themselves as SUPERIOR to you. You foolishly accepted it but this must stop. Build up your strength so that you are prepared to move forward when the timing is right. Both sides of life are working hand in hand to remove all that is dark, to restore the light so that humanity can establish itself once again as the Ruler of the Earth. Peace will reign once more.

The old Irish religion of LOVE will be available for those who feel they need it. This process has begun, so welcome it with open arms. Never again accept as truth what the Cabal newspapers and TV tell you. They are the chains that bind you to the darkness. When you stop reading their ‘newspapers’ they will go out of business, no longer able to control your minds. Let’s face it, you have been willing slaves to them, just like puppets, swinging whichever way the Cabal chose, without question. Learn to think for yourselves once more. I ask again that you do your own research as this will smooth the path of transition for you. Knowledge is power. All doors are open to you, so take courage and go through into a world that you could only dream about until now.

Think about how exciting it will be for you to explore your true history and to learn about the Earth you live upon. A time when HAARP no longer controls your weather, nor all the other controls that operate from it in Alaska. It is owned by the Queen and there are smaller installations all over your world that have been hidden from you, such as the one in Kerry in Ireland. The Cabal controls every corner of the Earth. They are not happy to lose their tight grip on humanity. But together, you will succeed. The 99% are awake and ready to take back all that is theirs. These times will be recorded for future generations to learn how their forefathers reclaimed their freedom from the Dark Cabal and restored peace and harmony on Earth.

My dear, they have been draining your energy as they try to hold on to their two hostages. We are helping you to put things in place so that they can be freed.

You are not alone, my dear, I am always at your side.

Your adoring, Monty.

Message from Veronica

Dave has asked me to thank all those who have written to him. Your letters have proved to be a source of strength to him. He knows that he is not alone and forgotten. Please pray for the two hostages, that they may be freed as soon as possible.

Thank you, Veronica.
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
3/28/2018 4:18:14 AM
Montague’s Message for Sunday, 18 March 2018

The Cabal is so desperate to hold on to power, they are prepared to do whatever it takes to prevent the inevitable. They were given every opportunity to come clean, change their ways, and ask forgiveness for their appalling crimes against humanity, but they chose not to. Now you are seeing their last desperate attempt to hold on by trying to start World War 3. This is so obvious, even to those in their control. The Cabal has used war over and over again when things become difficult for them, or when exposure looms before them. This is the reason they own and run the war machine worldwide. The Cabal produces all that is needed for war. Their killing machine is ever ready. Never forget "WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION". YOU WERE ALL TAKEN IN BY THOSE LIES.

They own the media, so they are able to control all the information that gets to you. Learn from past mistakes. Do not fall for the lies again. See them for what they are. Stop being puppets of the Cabal. You have a duty to explore the truth for yourself and act upon it. Never in your history has the corruption been more obvious than now. They will organise many more attacks, all false flags, to ensure the mindless are taken in by them. You have been conned into war so many times. Will you ever learn that it is the Cabal’s way of killing you off ? This is FACT.

The Cabal has no respect for human life. It gets its oxygen from the killing, the fear, and the suffering of those they kill. They kill thousands of your children every year. Human sacrifice is happening every day and you choose not to look at those responsible. WHY ? One day they will come for you. Who will speak up for you? By closing your eyes to all of this, you too, are guilty of allowing it to happen and you will answer for it.

Do not believe anything on your television or in the newspapers for they are all owned by the Cabal. Their purpose is to keep you under the control of the Cabal. The opportunity to free yourselves has presented itself: act on it. Remove all that is dark, those things that make slaves of you. The Earth is yours. Do not be responsible for destroying it. The wrong people have managed to get into power worldwide. Watch how they support each other while destroying the human race. Look carefully at how your so-called ‘leaders’ got into power. It was all carefully stage managed. Every one of you has a voice, so use it to prevent even more killings. War is never the answer.

Connect with your higher self and be confident, for all knowledge is within you. Within you, you have memories of every life you have ever lived. All you need to do is to tap into it. You will be surprised at just how much you do know. When you go to certain places, they seem familiar to you, yet you know you have never been there in this lifetime. For you were there in a past life. When you meet someone for the first time and you feel that you know them, you are recognising them from a past life. Sometimes you see a place and you feel fear. The darkness may overwhelm you. This is because something bad happened to you at that place, in a past life. Alexandra Palace in London has bad past memories for Veronica. Egypt, on the other hand, was exciting and magical for both of us.

Your minds are continually bombarded by noise. This is deliberately done to prevent you thinking for yourself and connecting to all that is important to human life. Connecting with nature is a wonderful way to connect will All That Is. Meditate to connect with who you are. Connect with your own personal mission in this life. Many have come from other planets to assist humans in their recovery from slavery and to help them find their true selves again. Your humanity has been beaten out of you. You sank down to the level in which you find yourselves today. But you are wiser now. It is time to rise up and be the human being that, in your heart, you know you are. People who respect all life will never go to war against their fellow man. So refuse to be lied to about why you should accept war. Did you see Tony Blair and George Bush fight their War? What you did see was Tony and George enjoying their war. They could not contain their excitement. Rest assured, you are never told the real reason for war.


These are dangerous times for those who try to awaken others to the truth. The ordeal my dear wife was put through on the 5 March was horrendous. She felt she was being raped again.

I was brutally raped by a priest when I was young. It felt like I was being raped again. I am having problems with TalkTalk, my ISP, so I complained to them. Then I had a phone call from a man who said he was from TalkTalk and that he would deal with the problem. I believed him. He told me to go to my computer and I did so. HE WAS ALREADY ON MY COMPUTER. He was doing all sorts of things to it. He had an assistant who showed my Bank Accounts. I was shocked. He took money out of my account before my eyes. I turned my computer off immediately and put the phone down as it was making shrill noises in my ear. The two of them kept ringing me on both telephone lines. I do not believe they were amateurs. They were experts and their intention was to scare me, and to show me what they could do. It left me very stressed, threatened, and without a computer for two days. They had also placed many viruses on it. A later report by a computer engineer stated that those who attacked my computer gained entry by using Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool.

The Cabal will use every means to hold on to power. No one is safe. They are single-minded in their determination to stay in power. They will even allow one of their own to be publicly attacked and stabbed in an effort to persuade you to get into line. THE CABAL FEARS YOU NOW, SO THEY WILL ENSURE THAT YOU FEEL UNSAFE, so that you will support their war plans. Wake up!

My dear, this attack left you feeling helpless and exposed. However, you have dealt with worse things. My blood family were pure evil at the time of my death, and took as their right, all that I had left to you. But you survived and progressed, and you will do so again, my dear.

Always, your adoring, Monty.

To those who have written to me: you have given me something to look forward to each day. It has made a huge difference to my life. I thank each and every one of you.

Ireland won the Rugby Grand Slam on St Patrick’s Day. I told him about the game and he asked me to promise that I would watch it for him, which I did. Ireland 24, England 10, a result that pleased him.

Dave has logged all your letters and cards. You have made him feel part of the human race again. One day he will be able to thank you himself. It is his birthday on the 5 April. He still has the card I sent him last year. He read it to me yesterday. You have all made such a difference to his life and I thank you.

Contact Details
Dave McCann
, MJ 03 A Pod 11, Booking Number 1621184, Prisoner ID 7076771, P.O. Box 872,
, California, 93712, USA.

Justice for Dave McCann. Irishman framed in California | Legal Expenses Fundraising with GoGetFunding
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
3/29/2018 2:40:50 PM
Received from

I saw this a moment ago on a readers page and felt that the message given here could not be made stronger by a million words. The saying that we have ‘a picture speaks louder than words’ is truly applicable here: Congratulations to the artist who created these powerful pictures. Thanks Sanela for sharing. Namaste

Power of Pictures to Show the Truth

I saw this a moment ago on a readers page and felt that the message given here could not be made stronger by a million words. The saying that we have ‘a picture speaks louder than words’ is truly applicable here: Congratulations to the artist who created these powerful pictures. Thanks Sanela for sharing. Namaste TZ

Here the explanatory text in English

Cuban Artist Erik Ravelo referred to violence against children.
The first picture symbolizes pedophilia in the Catholic Church.
Second-sexual exploitation of minors in Thailand.
Third-child war victims in Syria.
Fourth-illegal trade in child organs in poor African countries.
Fifth-victims among children during attacks with firearms in the United States.
Sixth-in my opinion, the most dangerous – represents the role of fast food in youth obesity and their subsequent (premature) death.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
3/29/2018 2:49:54 PM

Alien Tech at the Vatican + The Jesuits + Archons ++

Cosmic Disclosure: Alien Tech at the Vatican

I was guided to take a look at Corey Goodes blog a few days ago and the article that caught my eye wasCosmic Disclosure: Alien Tech at the Vatican’ The article is simply the transcript of a discussion that David Wilcock had with his whistle-blower friend Emery Smith who has suffered many attacks of various kinds from the cabal due to his speaking out. Emery Smith claims to have autopsied about 3,000 different types of ET humanoids. The day after we announced his coming forward, he was hit with an attack that landed him in the emergency room.”

Emery and David were travelling somewhere by car when this discussion was recorded. They were discussing the autopsies Emery made but the conversation ended up being about a visit he made to the Vatican library to get more information on a particular type of ufo…!! “So, a private organization went to the DoD [US Department of Defense] and the mil [military] labs I was working at, and they needed some technicians and some scientists to go to the Vatican to look at their archives, because they know that they had some information on a craft that was taken in New Mexico.”

After nearly 8 years of learning new things from the places that I trust for information, I thought I heard it all. However, this discussion between David and Emery reveals things that were new to me. An example,

Emery; “And, of course, the Vatican has always been a huge database. It has a huge archive of many things: artifacts and things they have found from space and have collected over many, many, many, many years.

And they have an underground base under the Vatican.

So two scientists and myself were deployed to that area to the Vatican to an undisclosed location in the Vatican. And we took an elevator down about seven or eight floors.”

You will not be disappointed when you read this article and what it reveals. My reaction to it is something like this. My GOD WE ARE LIVING IN THE DARK AGES ON THIS PLANET WITHOUT HAVING A CLUE ABOUT IT. I released after reading this that if we were not in quarantine here on this planet that we would have reached the level of technological knowhow that we have to day already about 200 years ago.

I’m guessing that if that were the case then at this point in time we would be in a position of where we could be nearly 300 years ahead in time from where we are now! I’m hoping that you will understand where I’m coming from when you read the info from Emery.

Just to whet your appetite for reading on I will give a short quote from further down this article and then the link to the entire post.

“Emery: It’ll be cities will be put up everywhere. I know even our government has contacted me to orchestrate and architect a special city here that’s self-sustainable, that’s off-grid, has its own communications, its own electric, and all this stuff, because they’re preparing to do this model everywhere.” ….

Then this quote from Emery’s visit ‘inside’ (below) the Vatican

read more
