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Cheri Merz

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A Matter Of Time
1/9/2006 9:06:31 PM
Friends, Those of you who have been with me from the beginning of this journey know that my intention both here in Adland and in all my business ventures is to communicate one idea to everyone who needs to hear it. That is the notion that no matter where you start, no matter when you start, it isn't too late to achieve all that you desire. Today I'd like to introduce you to a man I admire greatly for his will to overcome adversity and all he has done to overcome his own circumstances. Poor decisions in his youth put Don Kirchner on the wrong side of the law, and eventually on the wrong side of a dangerous drug-smuggling cartel. The story of his journey from that place to the publication of his book, A Matter of Time; his creation of a foundation to assist inmates to find their way back to respectability (Society for Return to Honor), and now soon a major motion picture based on his book, is nothing short of inspiring. Don emailed me today that he will be signing copies of his book in Tucson on the 21st and 22nd of this month and in the Seattle area during three weeks in February. In both areas he will be at Barnes and Noble stores. He will also be featured as "Author of the Month" at all Borders bookstores in the Seattle area. I hope if you live in either of those areas, you'll take the opportunity to meet this remarkable man. Don has personally befriended me and my son, whose bipolar disorder sometimes puts him on the wrong side of the law as well. I know Don to be kind, wise and generous with his friendship and his time. His book reads like an adventure novel! I thoroughly enjoyed it, and would recommend it to anyone as a tremendous example of how it's never too late for the human spirit to heal itself through love and service to others. You can read more about Don's story and the latest news of his book, movie, and non-profit organization at A Matter of Time. You'll be glad you did! Cheri
Dave Cottrell

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Re: A Matter Of Time
1/9/2006 9:50:59 PM
Hi Cheri, Thank you for the information. It is always heartwarming and encouraging to see someone come up from a seemingly bottomless pit and then dedicate his or her life to helping others do the same. The forward from his book (on the website) by David McGee, shows just how important it can be to pay attention and give someone a second chance. (The link in your post needs to have the http:// added to it) God bless, Dave
Cheri Merz

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Re: A Matter Of Time
1/9/2006 10:12:31 PM
Dave, thanks for the heads up on the link, and thank you for visiting the website. For the benefit of others, here's a brief quote from David McGee's foreword. Mr. McGee is the Chief Deputy United States Attorney who prosecuted Don's case. "In over 21 years as a federal prosecutor, I sent a lot of men to prison. Until this day, I've never done a testimonial for one of them. Don, you've turned your adversaries into your admirers. For that you are to be congratulated. I can't wait to see what comes next..." I was privileged to see footage of this same man doing a video testimonial for Don's book and Return to Honor project. I think that's what impressed me most before I had read the book and met Don in person. The stature and reknown of men like Barry Goldwater, John McCain and Mr. McGee, all of whom have endorsed Don's work, certainly gave him credibility in my eyes in advance. Of course, once I met him, his own spirit would have erased any lingering doubt had there been any. You are so right about giving people a second chance. How many young people, young men especially, have not reached their full potential because they couldn't catch a break after a youthful error? That's what Return to Honor is all about...helping make it so for those who want the opportunity to turn their life around. And creating a space in the juvenile justice system to short-circuit the downward spiral that so many find themselves caught in. Cheri
Janise Collins

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Re: A Matter Of Time
1/9/2006 10:26:51 PM
Cheri, I think this is fantastic that Don has been able to turn a negative situation which occured in his life into a positive. What an awesome way to give back to those whom he was amongst in an earlier time of his life. Don is not going to be in my area but I will try to locate his book at Borders. Thank you so much for introducing Don to all of us here in AdLandPro community. Be blessed 2006' Your friend, Classic Corners
Hope to meet you soon! Regards, Classic Corners
Cheri Merz

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Re: A Matter Of Time
1/9/2006 10:33:20 PM
Janise, Thanks for dropping by, and for your interest in the book. If you aren't able to find a copy in your local Borders or Barnes and Noble, it is available on Don's website. He has expressed a desire to support the bookstores who have supported him and would prefer that you purchase it there. But if they don't have it, don't miss the opportunity to get it directly from him. It's a good read. Cheri