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Michael Caron

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Music Talent Showcase
3/28/2014 7:58:44 PM

 10_1_136.gifHi All,

Well, if you want to believe in others, you first have to believe in yourself.  Over the past ten years, Shirley and I have devoted our time and money to help talented song artists make it in the music world. Most of our clients did just that, to varying degrees.  We, however, kept putting out our money and not getting anything in return. Shirley and I put together four Talent Showcases in the past, video taped the performances, and sent the finished product to an Independent Record Label in Nashville, Tennessee. As the results of our efforts, many of the performers forged forward in their careers.  We sometimes got a pat on the backs for our efforts.  Once our talent was reviewed, those chosen were nominated for awards in Nashville at a taping of the E.I.A. Awards show that was taped twice a year.  By attending a taping of the E.I.A. award show you had to pay a pre determined fee.  Shirley and I had to pay the same fee as the clients that we brought with us.  On our next venture, we taped the performances, I spent a lot of hours editing half hour shows and managed to get them on the air on a local cable channels.  Not much about us was mentioned on these shows, however a lot was mentioned about the record label.  Therefore, if anyone was listening and wanted to get their talent recognized, all they had to do was contact the record label direct.  We had one client whose band's name was Robins & Wheeler.  Five weeks after they signed with us, they were nominated and invited to attend a taping of the show.  Within two weeks after the taping, Delton Robins was informed that they had won first place for their performance and had won a $1,500.00 Recording Contract.  We were not informed. Robins & Wheeler had a song called "Ghost of James Dean" that was number one on the country charts for six weeks.

Basically speaking, for ten years, we did all the work and took none of the credit.  

In 2009, Shirley and I made our last trip to Nashville.  During that weekend I realized for a fact that we were not being treated fairly. In this next video, Shirley is singing. Behind her, you can hear two voices. One was Sherri Lynn who was one of our newer clients.  The other was Cliff Ayres, owner of the Record Label.

This rudeness devastated me, bit also made me realize that we were being used from the very beginning.

I did not do anything for quite awhile to promote deserving artists because I felt that they were not that deserving. However, I began to realize that it was I who was not reading the writing on the wall.  I don't have to promote clients to a record label that doesn't play fair.  I have already proven that I can set up Talent Showcases and I can still promote my clients to record labels.  Ours will not be available for awhile because it cost quite a bit.  However, my plan is to put together at least one Music Talent Showcase by the end of the summer of 2014.  The first one will be in the Indianapolis area and depending on the degree of success we will try to have at least two per year.  I will be looking for record labels and radio stations in the Indianapolis area that would be interested in being on our panel of judges.  I will also be looking for people in our area that would be willing to help us get this project going. On our first showcase we will be looking for people to help with sound, location, announcing, ect. We will also limit the first showcase to Singer/Songwriters only so that we can introduce new music to the public.  The showcase itself will not be limited to local performers, as we will also accept mail in entries.  The judges will view these performers in a separate room and include them in their final judging.  At each Showcase, we will have special performers to begin each show.  At the 2009 taping in Nashville, one of our clients named Chuck Kesilman struck us as someone who was going places.  He has. Since the taping, he contacted me several times to let me know how he was doing.  He is well on his way.  Chuck sings in the style of the Beatles and at one time was sited as being the World's Greatest 12 string Beatles Guitarist by Julian Lennon, son of the late John Lennon of Beatles Fame.

chuck3.jpgRecently, Chuck headlined his own show in Shreveport, La and the same week his first album was released in the U.S.

Ad.JPGThere were times that he felt that things were going too slow, plus he was putting out a lot of money without getting results. I advised him to change directions and he took my advice. Now, he is well on his way.

Lastly, I will be looking for musically inclined people to introduce acts. I would prefer a nice looking woman because if she is nice to look at, people will listen. If she has a wardrobe malfunction others will take notice as well.  So, let me know what you think and if you are interested in being a part of this in any way.  I turn 72 tomorrow and I decided not to give up. I'm too young for that.





Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.
Michael Caron

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RE: Music Talent Showcase
3/29/2014 3:24:04 AM

 10_1_136.gifDuring our ten years of working for free, Shirley and I did manage to get some of our clients on stage at the world famous Nashville Palace.  After hearing the quality of our performers the manager of  The Nashville Palace told me that if I could bring ten artists with the same quality that he would set aside a night where our performers would be the only ones performing.  I also spoke with Gene Breeden, owner of the Gene Breeden Recording Studios who offered me a special deal to allow our clients to record in his studios.  Once I get the help that I need plus the time set for our first Talent Showcase, I plan to also set up a tome in Nashville for some lucky song artists to perform at the Nashville, Palace, plus record at the Gene Breeden studios.  By joining with us and signing up for our future Music Talent Showcases, it is a win win situation for all.



ufofleet.jpgAliens are still welcome.

Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.
Michael Caron

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RE: Music Talent Showcase
4/12/2014 4:38:11 PM

10_1_136.gif Hello once again.

It has come to my attention that, once again if you want to get something done, you have to do it yourself.  Therefore, in order to get the money needed to create our upcoming Talent Showcase, I am selling items on my website.  These will be party supplies.  Although the list is nowhere near being complete, I do have some items listed now that are very time sensitive.  The new racing season is very close, and these items will have to be ordered quickly in order for everyone to get their order on time.  Please remember that Shirley and I work alone and there is only so much that we can get accomplished without help.  All of the items can be found on our website at  

13626459.jpgInflatable Checkered Buffet

13634629.jpgDisney Cars Dream Table Cover

26_2215.jpgCheckered Flag Table Covers

5_292.jpgCheckered Flags by the dozen

5_648.jpgCheckered Flags by the dozen

3_1309.jpgLarge personalized Welcome Banners. These will have to be mailed out to have the names put on them, so we will not guarantee that they will arrive on time.  We will not promise that our prices will be the best, however we will ship free in the Lower 48 (United States)  Shirley and I will be busy for some time to come because the company that we will be working with carries party supplies in every category that you can think of.

Although I would like to think that there are enough caring people in the world that would help us in our desire to see deserving artists get the break that they need, I also realize that like our past clients (Except for one) people would rather have us do all the work and show up when it is time for them to take the glory.  That is quite alright, because we know how they got there.



smogmeinichols3.jpgWe still accept aliens

Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.
Michael Caron

2248 Posts
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RE: Music Talent Showcase
6/1/2014 6:37:53 PM
10_1_136.gifHello once again,
Well, I have been pushing and pushing for help to get our Hoosier Singer/Songwriter Talent Showcase together and finely there is some light at the end of the tunnel. Please bare in mind that news of this magnitude, I could bring in to Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, or a number of other communities, however I will always bring it here first. AdlandPro Community is my second home and a lot of friends that I have on other communities were my friends here first. So, with that in mind, I received a call yesterday from a man willing to help me get this project off the ground. He has the resources, the contacts, and the clout to make it all happen. We will be meeting to work out details, however, we are looking at either August or September for the event to happen. Until that time, if you, or someone you know, lives in the state of Indiana and are a singer/songwriter who wants recognition email me at with pictures, biography, MP3s of your music, and complete mailing address in case you are chosen. When this event transpires we will have a special entertainer open the show. His name is Chuck Kesilman. We signed Chuck in 2008 and since then he has made great strides in his career. chuckk5.jpegOn June 19, 2014, he will be at the Super Dome in New Orleans when Paul McCartney will be performing. Chuck is a Beatles Tribute singer and has his own originals songs, one of which is called "Return of the Walrus/Flight of the Blackbird" a tribute to Paul McCartney and the Late John Lennon. Sir Paul McCartney already has this song in hand. At the end of the performance, Chuck has a back stage pass where he will meet Sir Paul McCartney in person and present this song to him in person. He will be handing the song over to Sir Paul to do with it as he pleases. Our Motto has always been, "Let us help your dreams come true" and Chuck's dream is about to come true. When we promote artists we ask them what they want to do with their music such as sing on stage, produce an album, travel on tour, ect. In this way, we have an idea of which direction to go with it. We help you to connect with the right people to get you to where you want to be.
If you do not live in Indiana but would like us to promote you send the same info to the same email. We will have more info when it arrives.
ufofleet.jpgBring the whole gang.
Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.
Michael Caron

2248 Posts
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RE: Music Talent Showcase
6/1/2014 7:06:03 PM
10_1_136.gifHow far can you really go when you have a promoter who can connect you to the right people? I just received a new email from Chuck Kesilman.

Fwd: Official After-Party Release 1

Unstarred Sun, Jun 1, 2014 at 2:25 PM

Add star

michael caron

Sun, Jun 1, 2014 at 2:41 PM
Hi Chuck,
When we signed you and I heard you sing, I new that you were the real
deal. You are the only one of the artists in the past ten years that
has kept in touch and let me know what you are doing. Is there any way
possible that I will be able to get a copy of the show? Of course a
great big CONGRATULATIONS is in order. Shirley and I are very proud
of you.

On 6/1/14, <> wrote:
>> Owner: Max Millionz is an industry manager for all different types of
>> Talent.
>> Tileda Dunn Regional manager for Max Millionz Entertainment Enterprise.
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Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.