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Barb Doyle

1469 Posts
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News bites.
5/24/2014 11:19:11 PM

With how well the stock market is doing you would think
that this would not be true. Did you know that 40 percent
of all workers in the United States actually make less than
what a full-time minimum wage worker made back in 1968
after you account for inflation? Much of what you are told
and see is simply not true. Below are some recent news
bites you might find interesting.

Dr. Peter Glidden, BS, ND, has shown that a 12-year study shows that chemotherapy has a 97% failure rate. The only motive in prescribing chemotherapy is to make money.

A documentary from 1997 shows the link between the polio vaccine and cancer in children.

In Donetsk, Ukraine the banking system has shut down because the town is under siege, and it is too dangerous for employees to go to work. Without banking services, the local economy has collapsed. Two great lessons from this. Have a home based business. Have cash which is not in a bank.

Did you know that the FDA is now reporting that aspirin use raises serious health risks like bleeding in the brain and internal bleeding of the stomach? The FDA now does not support the drug's use for preventing a heart attack or stroke.

A cell phone basically lets off radio waves which are absorbed by the nearest tissues of the body. If a person carries a phone in their pocket all day long, energy can be absorbed into the person's side and midsection. More than 15 hours of cell phone use per month may triple brain cancer risk. Increased risk for glioma for patients who first used cell phones before the age of 20. Kids should not have cell phones. Cell phones are the new tobacco.

Peace, Health and Prosperity,
Barb Doyle, Sc.

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