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Cheri Merz

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Re: Not Too Late To Learn An Old Lesson
2/8/2006 12:37:00 AM
Hi, Philena and Leon Sorry I was late replying to your posts as I was out of town and away from a computer I could use. Since my return I've seen some positive changes in the way these are being used, a great thread from Linda Caroll with similar views to this one, and a post from Bogdan in that forum that mentions a limit on the number of emails a given person can send per month. I'm still reserving judgement, but now that I see a way to opt-out of someone's messages, I have hope that I can cull the abusers. All in all, I still think the changes are positive. As far as the still-discounted price is concerned, I guess it's a matter of priorities. When I first joined an opportunity that helps manage personal finances, it amazed me that people would choose to continue paying about the same for their cable or satellite TV that my program costs, even though failing to make changes virtually guarantees an unsatisfactory retirement for most people. I chose to bite the bullet--even though it seemed counterintuitive to some of my friends that I would ADD a payment instead of putting the same money toward my debt. Two years later, I'm all but done and those friends are still struggling. Funny thing is, after the first two or three months, I didn't notice the expenditure. Kind of like the daily cup of coffee that caused someone to coin the phrase "the latte factor". We all spend money on what we value. But what we value is different for each of us, and that's ok. I particularly value the professional aspects of Adland, so it would have made sense for me to upgrade, even at the higher price. Cheri
Re: Not Too Late To Learn An Old Lesson
2/8/2006 11:11:51 PM
Cheri, I was amused today to receive two invitations to be a friend. Actually, both persons sent an ad for their business. There was no mention of "Will you be my friend?" Lawton
Cheri Merz

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Re: Not Too Late To Learn An Old Lesson
2/8/2006 11:38:21 PM
Lawton, Thanks for your post. I actually had two people initiate threads in one of my other forums without asking me to be friends! Can you imagine the nerve? I deleted one, but left the other because it was actually an interesting article, but really! BTW, I fixed your multiple posts but in the process inadvertently also deleted your apology. None is needed now, so no harm done. Does anyone know how that happens? I've done it myself, but I have no idea what causes it. Also can't figure out how to make the mad devil face...any ideas? Cheri
Re: Not Too Late To Learn An Old Lesson
2/8/2006 11:52:49 PM
Thanks for doing the deleting, Cheri. By the "mad devil face," do you mean :o( ? This was my sad face! (colon, o, and parenthesis) Lawton
Cheri Merz

1258 Posts
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Re: Not Too Late To Learn An Old Lesson
2/9/2006 12:02:55 AM
Lawton, You're welcome. No, I was talking about the little emoticons, like the smiley face :-) and frowny :-(. If you put a 6 in parentheses, you get a mischievous devil like this (6). There's a red one like it that's mad, but I can't figure out how to make him. You can see it in the private message formatting menu, but there you just click on it to insert it. Here in the forums you have to have the formula. There are about 10 of them, and I'd like to know how to make them all, but so far have only the three I mentioned and the wink. ;-) Cheri