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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
8/29/2017 2:54:12 PM
Heavenletter #6122 Bright Light Is Your Name, August 29, 2017

God said:

At the present moment, of all the exact locations on the Planet, somehow you are at this particular spot, here and not at another. How did this happen? How can it be? Why here and not there? There must be a momentous difference, or why would this be so? Or does it actually make any difference what is right-side up or upside down? To whom does it matter?

At this point in fictitious time, you are eating from this pot of soup and not from another.

You are called by the name you are and not by another. You still do not believe in: “Hey, you!”

Had the choice been yours, down the line, you might have chosen another name for yourself, and sometimes someone does change his or her name, yet, what does that change? Anything, everything, something or nothing? What does it matter? Does it matter?

What would you change if you could, or would you? If there were no going back, would you? Who has the temerity, you ask yourself.

Sometimes it feels to you that you can only be a rocket that randomly landed on Earth. From where did you come, and now, where are you going, and what on Earth are you doing or not doing in the first place? It does seem as though you are carried by an unseen hand, and other times you feel your existence is a mirage, some kind of sleight of hand that has nothing really to do with you. You just happen to be there, reason unknown. A happenstance.

Because toast pops up from a toaster, does that make toast as if it popped up by itself? For what purpose? To what avail? What difference does it make if the toast popped up or not? What is the significance, and who can know it? You feel full of presumptions that you do really take stock in.

You feel full-blown by the wind, and there is no relying on the wind. You never know where it will take you, where it will put you, when it will pick you up again and what surprises the wind has in store for you.

At the same time, you may feel you are a random impulse from somewhere or nowhere. You may not even feel like an impulse, more like a stick in the wind or a bird on the wing who is impelled to fly north or south depending upon the Sun.

Sometimes you want to flee somewhere, if only you knew where. Sometimes you are wrested from your very own grasp. Do you or do you not have say over where the wind takes you or how far?

You wouldn’t mind being a prisoner of Love, yet you may feel more like a runaway from Love or a has-been on a dreary corner that, inevitably, has to be of your own making, as bizarre as that may seem.

What corner are you running to, and you wonder if it is any concern of yours whether you go right or left or, perhaps, or if all paths lead to the same destination regardless. How much does it matter if you are a kite or a bird, and, yet, you know it matters deeply, and that you must know this, so help you God.

For now, you keep turning pages. Yes, that could be the extent of your purpose, to keep those pages turning, and, somehow, by golly, you keep churning the butter of the world, and it is good, and Life is sweet, and Life is a search for the right track to be on, and you succeed in alighting on it! Hallelujah! You are a Successor to the Throne. You are a follower of the Light as far as it goes. You have become Bright Light. Bright Light is thy Name.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
8/30/2017 3:53:32 PM

Heavenletter #6123 New Glories in Your Own Heart, August 30, 2017

God said:

If I may make a suggestion, and, of course, I can, may I suggest that you inspire yourself? Now, that’s a good suggestion! Isn’t it a novel idea? I like it. When you are bored or disgruntled or anything at all, try taking it upon yourself to wake yourself up to something new. Undisgruntle yourself. Rise and shine. Take yourself in hand.

Perhaps you would like to do something you have never done before.

Of course, it isn’t exactly that you have to do something new. You can do something you have always done a lot. You don’t really have to challenge yourself. You are not really looking for a remarkable experience. A fine experience can be good enough.

You are not necessarily looking for the thrill of a Lifetime. What particular value does that hold for you? Maybe all you need is to wake up.

Surely you have not as yet seen all the beautiful sunrises and sunsets in all the land, for the fact is that there are no two alike. If you are looking for new Glories in the Universe, certainly they exist. Certainly, new Glories exist in your own heart. Maybe you want to go down a new corridor of your own Life that you have not yet gone down so far, or go up a ladder you have not yet climbed.

Surely, it is within yourself that you want to shake the rafters, or, perhaps, simply want a rest from all the jogging of your memory.

Maybe you want to lie on your back on the grass and settle in.

Maybe you want to lift off the ground and soar to the High Heavens.

You have the possibility of doing anything you want.

There is no same old except as you declare it.

There is no hall that you can’t walk down again and find new joy in. Nothing wrong with old joy either. Joy does not have to be reinvented or gilded. Joy does not have to be reconstructed or renamed or require a new coat of paint. Worn old joy is also joy. Joy is irrepressible. Joy probably can only be received as a new gift.

It has been said that there is nothing new under the Sun. Ah, yet everyday, the Sun Itself is new, fresh, and enjoyable. Long live the Sun. Long live all the Hearts under the Sun and under the Moon and under the Heavens and above the Heavens.

What can there be to be tired of when you are visited by a new day day after day? What is there to be entrenched within? What is there not for you to take delight in? Delight does not grow old.

There are many things for you to take joy in. Open your eyes. There is an endless reservoir within you.

Of course, you can branch out. Today can be a new day. Today is a new day that you have never gazed at before. What new song can’t you sing? What new day can you not herald into the Universe? What New Day can there not be?

You are you. You have you, and you have Me, God, and you and I are ever new, and ever holding hands.

The Present is here. The Present is right here in your grasp! Grasp it!

This is what you do with this moment right here! You grasp this moment, and you let it go. You unfurl it like a flag. And you raise it high for all the world to see and fly out from. You are a bird on the wing. You are a heart, and you are a soul in Heaven, for Heaven is truly your abode. Where is the Kingdom of Heaven? Why, the Kingdom of Heaven is right where you are, right here, right here in front of you. By all means, take a step. Enter. Leave the past behind over your shoulder because a new dawn has come for the asking. Ask anew. See anew. Give anew. Be anew.

I am holding out something new for you. Take it. It is yours.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
8/31/2017 4:16:52 PM

Heavenletter #6124 God Smiles, August 31, 2017

God said:

You give Me much Joy on Earth. I, Who give to you Joy on Earth, I am filled to the brim with all the Joy that you give to Me.

Tonight I was bemused to overhear a psychic tell a certain weary heart who seeks Me that My advice to you is always: “Keep your chin up.”

Well, of course, wouldn’t I minimally request this of you, My Child created from My Breath? This request is so sweet and simple, I can only smile wide and pick you up and hold you close to Me and say:

“Yes, Dears, keep your chin up!”

And so I say to all.

Naturally I say this, and I say more than this. This is the least of what I would say to you, and so My Smile is all the Greater.

To keep your chin up is also the least of what you can do. This goes without saying, yet I adore that others also express this from Me to you so simply. Everyone has My guidance. This is the least you can hear and the least you can give in all good faith. You will not go amiss.

You can further say: “Everything will be all right.”

Of course, you can say, “All will be well.” This is a foregone conclusion.

You don’t have to know in advance how all this will befall. You don’t have to be able to draw a picture. This is more than a Promise. This is a certainty.

All will rejoice with Me in Heaven and on Earth. This goes without saying, yet go ahead and say it and mean it. This is not a probability. This is a foregone conclusion. The mute will sing. The lame will walk. The deaf will hear. All will be well in Heaven and on Earth.

All IS well on Heaven on Earth. As yet, the blind may not see. Many who have sight do not yet see. Surely, you already know this. You Who are perfected do not yet recognize your perfection. This is understood. This is nothing new.

All of your limited perception on Earth you take as Reality only so long as it takes you to open your eyes in wonder and admit to yourself this that I await for you to realize and to sing:

“Yes, dear God, I am risen. I have heard You say this often enough. It took me so long to accept this wonder, and now, yes, I do see. My eyes have opened. I am no longer blind. I can see. I can see!”

I, God, have cried out in the world to you with all My Heart: "See! You can see. Open your eyes and see!”

Behold, you opened your eyes, and you say:

“Yes, thank You, God, for I can see. I can see with the eyes You gave me. Thy Will is done. What greater gift can You give me than to open My eyes? You did not prop my eyes open. You opened them once and for all. I can see. I can see. I see now all the Glories that You cast before me. God, mine eyes have seen the Glories You poured out before me. You washed my eyes with Your Love. My eyes shine now in Your Brightness. You blessed me. You always blessed me. Now I can see. Now I can see.

“Thank You, God, for my eyes that now can see.

“How thin was the divide. You and I both removed the blinders from my eyes. God. I don’t know why it took me so long.”

Now I, God, say to you:

“Beloveds, it took only a second.”

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
9/1/2017 3:41:57 PM
Heavenletter #6125 Mark Your Days in Joy, September 1, 2017

God said:

You don’t have to produce work seven days a week. You can be exonerated from delivering orders every day of the week.

Of course, enjoy every day of the week whatever you do. Go ahead and whistle while you work.

Alas, for some, there may be no day of the week that is joy. Something took away the Lightness of your Life.

Sometimes, even a day off is not really a day off for you. You may not find any respite for you.

Arrange for some creative time in your Life. It strikes Me that Life is too precious to spend in discontent. On the other hand, you don’t have to demand that Life Be a Piece of Cake.

It is perfectly all right not to be entertained. Every day does not have be to a blast! At the same time, let go and harvest the God-given Life you have. I like this way of thinking: Harvest your Life. Sure, while you are at it, go ahead and find joy in daily Life. It is not My desire that you trudge uphill each day.

Enjoy all your Days on Earth. Certainly, you are not meant to sacrifice them. It’s also possible to work hard in Life AND to enjoy Life to its full measure. Give yourself open Sesame to reap all the joy in the world.

Life is meant to be far greater than just putting up with it or somehow making it through by the skin or your teeth. Get some Joy back into your step. Joy is what you are here for.

Life absolutely does not have to be a trial.

Oh, if only you could stop a moment and simply breathe in Life and acknowledge that Life is Good. Make it a habit that Life is for Happiness. Let Life be free-flow. Have a ball in Life.

If Life must be excruciating, make Life Excruciating Joy!

It’s fine to muster your own Joy. You are capable of adding Joy to your day by the bowlful.

Whoever said that anyone’s Life is to be bereft of Joy? Not I. Never did I have the idea that suffering is a good idea. Suffering is a waste of time. Give yourself wide-open sanction to be Joyful. Sing a Song of Joy. Sing loudly while you’re at it.

Sure, little steps of Joy are fine, yet there are no restrictions on the Immense Joy that can leap in tandem with your Heart over hill and dale. Why not Hopping Joy? Why not Leaping Joy greater than you ever dreamed of? Your Joy is to be given by the eyedropper? No, not the way I see it. Not I. Never. Plant great crops and reap them. Do it now.

Enjoy Life in the Sun. Rise and shine with the Sun. Never be stingy with Joy. I speak of the Joy that arises from within you.

Let your Life on Earth bear Good Fruit.

Three Cheers for Joy! Anticipate Joy. Stumble over Joy. Honor Joy. Follow Joy. Be your own Harbinger of Joy.

When you get into future or long-range prediction of Joy, this is when you may find yourself on the outskirts of Joy. Moment by moment, give yourself the Choice of Joy. Joy is not an add-on. It is a key ingredient to you. You are supposed to roam in the Hills of Joy. Joy is to be with you always. Accept that you are Joy, Mighty Joy, and that you are to be filled with Joy to the Brimful. This is your birthright. This is your entitlement. Give yourself the Go-Ahead. Get ready, get set, go from this Moment to the next. Be established in Joy.

Please Mark your Days in Joy.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
9/2/2017 1:57:37 PM
Heavenletter #6126 Love Is on the Wing, September 2, 2017

God said:

Deep within you, deep within the depths of you and everyone else, lies a Bubbling Brook of Joy that runs through you, such Happiness that you can hardly remember feeling, yet this Fulsome Brook is Full of the Joy you have read about and long to remember. Clearly, this Brook of Resurgent Joy runs through your bloodstream.

This is greater than a Gurgling Brook, greater than a Murmuring Brook. Deep within you, rising to the surface is this Wildly Laughing Brook That Knows No Bounds. It is within you now, and it is rising, rising to the surface. It cannot be kept contained forever. The Truth will out. Within you, often kept as a secret, your Heart is rife with Immense Joy that keeps the Earth rolling with Laughter in Mid-Air.

You may find such Happiness in Dreams and in Unexpected Moments of Joy ready to revolutionize your Life. Another way to say this is that your Native Joy is being brought back Home to you in All Its Splendor. This is the Joy You Were Born For and somehow skipped over, alas.

You are being slided back to where you began. Your debut is beginning. I kid you not. You haven’t even yet started yet. Your Shining Light is rising to the surface. There is no stopping it. There is no longer any stopping you. You errantly found a way to plug it, and now you are going to open this Bubbling Brook of Joy.

This is Life as it is meant to be. Life was never meant to be trammeled. Come, line up right here. Sign your Name on the dotted line. Your First Name is Unbounded Happiness. Your Middle Name is Love. Your Last Name is God’s Love. All Joy on Earth comes along with God’s Love. This is your Family Name. This is your Soul’s Name.

You are the epitome of My Name. I am Love, and you are My Love too. There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it. This is more than inevitable. It has never been otherwise despite your plaints. Now have plaudits. Laud the Family of God you arose from. Keep not its depth a secret from yourself any longer.

This is your Moment of Truth-Telling. Dare to say what has always been true yet buried beneath the surface for some strange reason, or for no reason at all, for what only can be a moment of Forgetfulness. It is your Mind that went blank, your Heart plugged up with Nonsense and No Sense at all.

What a strange thing, that your Heart would be stilled, that your Heart would be disconnected, cut off, estranged from the Merriment of Itself. What an aberration has been glued to the world. Unthinkable, yet it was thought. It was masterminded for some slight yearning for anonymity.

Beloveds, haven’t been adorned with Love -- Love is Who You Are. Love is not foreign to you. Love has never been a stranger to you. You have always been longing to exercise your God-Given Right to Love as Love was meant to be.

No longer infringe on Love. Let Love burst through the imaginary chains Love has been beset with. Remove that starched uniform you put on. It was a costume. It was never real. It is see-through. See through it now, and toss it away.

Love needs no disguise, no armament, no cover-up, no excuse, no defense. Love needs nothing but what it already is. The Freedom to Love is built-in. Exercise your Love. Ah, that is all Love needs, and that is to be given and given again and again until Loving is old hat to you which it truly truly truly is and is forevermore.

Love is on the wing.

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