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Cheryl Baxter

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Re: It's Never Too Late To Love
2/14/2006 8:33:29 PM
Hi Cheri, What a great person your grand father was. I am glad that he was such an example of love and support for you. We need more inspirational people in our lives, that's for sure. I am finding as I get older, that love comes from all sorts of directions. When we are young and looking for love, we feel that if it doesn't come in a certain way & in a certain package that it doesn't count for much. Accepting love from those around us, & showing it in return is something that can warm our hearts and make us feel such joy. Romantic love is a wonderful feeling...but feelings fade, & there's got to be more substance to it than the quickening pulse rate & the flushed feelings of passion. Love is all around us, & when we learn to accept the love & give love to all that we meet, I believe our lives will be full of meaning and purpose. For me, I once had a dear friend named David who loved me & accepted me more than any man has ever done. We could talk about anything & everything. We were close for about 5 yrs until he died in a car wreck. There have been others...but I don't think any of them really accepted me like David did. He was always for me & cheering me on...even when I failed, he always believed in me. This is such an important part of loving someone. Support, acceptance, encouragement...& David taught me this. I am thankful for the lessons, & hopefully, one day I will meet another man who can love me like this. Until then, I will love others & accept the love that is all around me. I will not insist that I have love only in one way....but I will enjoy it in all of it's forms. Thanks my friend for sharing your grand dad with us. Happy Valentine's Day!!! ;-) Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
Diana Briere

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Re: It's Never Too Late To Love
2/14/2006 8:39:56 PM
Hi Cheri, Thank you for inviting me to your forum. Your story was amazing. I find the elderly are soooo awesome in their knowledge and an inspiration to all of us.My dad died when my youngest son was a year old in 1982. They had a bond that even my son remembers to this day. My dad would pull him up on his knee with much effort I would watch both stuggle to get my son up there and they would sit for a very long time just soakinfg up each others presence and watch T.V. When I mention about it to my son, He still remembers this. At a year old this very unusual. It has been 25 years now and it seems like I could just pick up the phone and talk to him as if he's been here all the time. His presence seems so close to me. Everyone stories are warming my heart. Happy Valentines to you all. From Diana
Cheri Merz

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Re: It's Never Too Late To Love
2/14/2006 8:43:18 PM
Roz, Nice to see you, thanks for dropping by. Cheri
Cheri Merz

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Re: It's Never Too Late To Love
2/14/2006 8:54:03 PM
Hi, Cheryl Thank you for sharing your story of love. It's so hard to lose the physical presence of a loved one, I know. It sounds as though you have wonderful memories to get you through the tough times. Although I agree that all forms of love have value, I can't say that I agree that passion always fades. After 27 years, there's a certain tender smile that still makes me swoon when I see it on my husband's face. But it wasn't that smile I fell in love with. It was the strength and character that made him go without proper footwear in a Utah winter in order to put shoes on the feet of my two small sons when I couldn't and their father wouldn't. Love wears many faces, I think we all agree. Thank you for being here and sharing your perspective. Cheri
Cheri Merz

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Re: It's Never Too Late To Love
2/14/2006 9:01:56 PM
Diana, How wonderful for your son that he has those early memories. Their relationship is a heart-warming story, itself. My earliest memory is of walking up the sidewalk hand-in-hand with my grandfather in front of my grandparents home. I was wearing a coat and bonnet I was very proud of. I remember it to this day, almost 55 years later. I was later told, after describing the coat, that this was on Easter Sunday when I was two and a half years old. We were living with my grandparents at the time, while my father was in the hospital recuperating from a broken back. Grandmother had taken me shopping for a new dress for Easter, and I was given the choice between the dress and the coat and bonnet. My choice was "both", and I guess I got them. Privilege of being the first--and at that time only--grandchild, lol. I shared a very close bond with my grandmother, too, as you may have deduced if you've read through the whole thread. It's over 20 years since her passing, and I know what you mean by the feeling that I should be able to just pick up the phone and talk with her. I'd like to think that both of them are pleased that their story and it's continuation through Granddad's second marriage is providing pleasure and perhaps inspiration to a few of my friends. Cheri