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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Draining the SWAMP!
4/7/2017 7:30:12 PM
This is what KP thinks. See if you agree with him.

Hold the Light FOR Syria… and Hold Syria IN the Light… 1 of 2, “The Data I’ve Seen so far” (or, the “I’m Feeling Pissed Off” part)

by Kauilapele

Syria children playing...

Holy Crap... when I heard/saw/found out about all of thhis, I truly felt extremely agitated... and yes, PISSED OFF. Can't "the Trump" see this is clearly a FALSE FLAG (dammit)?????!!!!! Guaranteed Bashar Assad did not use chemical weapons on his own people.

So before I allow myself to fly off the "Why the hell are we doing this crap again" handle (which really isn't happening, and won't happen), I'm just going to list a few things I've viewed, and a few comments I made.

This is a false flag. There's more to this story. Much more.

Bottom line, the most important thing to do right now is what is in the title:

Hold the Light FOR Syria... and Hold Syria IN the Light...

And now, the data I've seen. Along with my comments.

1. And this happens just a few days after the Trump administration stated that there'd be no more "Assad must go" policy (read this prior Kp blog post: Two RTs 3-30-17 (3-31-17)… “’Assad must go’ no more: US gov’t shifts priorities in Syria” and “Some are ‘ticked off’ about it").

2. The airbase they hit appears to be abandoned.

3. From Alex Jones' team and "Syria Girl"... Evidence mounts that it was a false flag.

4. Hillary "initiated" strikes? Called for attack hours before.

5. This image sums it up perfectly (thanks to Merv)... click to view.

Jim Allen

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RE: Draining the SWAMP!
4/28/2017 5:52:17 PM
Myrna, I agree with most of this article and we should shed light on this Tulsi Gabbard trip to Syria, all hush hush and all.

Syria trip and ethics controversy

In January 2017, Gabbard met with President Bashar al-Assad during a secret trip to Syria.[73][74] Gabbard said in a release that the trip was approved by the House Ethics Committee and sponsored by Arab American Community Center for Economic and Social Services (AACCESS-Ohio).[75] The trip has drawn controversy because she “reportedly declined to inform House leadership in advance, met with Bashar al-Assad, toured with officials from a Lebanese political party that actively supports Assad, and received funding from an American organization that counts one of those same officials as its executive director.”[76] Her tour sponsors denied allegations that they were tied to the aforementioned Lebanese political party.[77] Gabbard later paid for the trip with her own money.[78] On February 7, 2017, it was reported that she failed to comply with House ethics rules, as she had not filed the required disclosure forms by the deadline, but according to her office she complied with House ethics rules by filing her post-trip financial report by the deadline.[78][79] Remaining forms and her itinerary were submitted on February 8, 2017.[80]

Gabbard has been accused of violating the Logan Act and House ethics rules, but some, such as Marquette University Law School professor Ryan Scoville, say it would be hard to convict her for violating the Logan Act because of its significant ambiguity. It may also be that her failure to disclose gifts would not count as a violation of House ethics rules if she reimburses the sponsor of the trip, but she could face trouble for receiving funding even then, because House ethics rules hold that all funding for delegations on official business must come from the U.S. Government. Scoville concludes that because she appears to have been driven by genuine concern about U.S. policy and the conditions in Syria rather than self-aggrandizement or other improper motives, she will likely face no more than a letter of reproval or informal objection.[76]

This is what KP thinks. See if you agree with him.

Hold the Light FOR Syria… and Hold Syria IN the Light… 1 of 2, “The Data I’ve Seen so far” (or, the “I’m Feeling Pissed Off” part)

by Kauilapele

Syria children playing...

Holy Crap... when I heard/saw/found out about all of thhis, I truly felt extremely agitated... and yes, PISSED OFF. Can't "the Trump" see this is clearly a FALSE FLAG (dammit)?????!!!!! Guaranteed Bashar Assad did not use chemical weapons on his own people.

So before I allow myself to fly off the "Why the hell are we doing this crap again" handle (which really isn't happening, and won't happen), I'm just going to list a few things I've viewed, and a few comments I made.

This is a false flag. There's more to this story. Much more.

Bottom line, the most important thing to do right now is what is in the title:

Hold the Light FOR Syria... and Hold Syria IN the Light...

And now, the data I've seen. Along with my comments.

1. And this happens just a few days after the Trump administration stated that there'd be no more "Assad must go" policy (read this prior Kp blog post: Two RTs 3-30-17 (3-31-17)… “’Assad must go’ no more: US gov’t shifts priorities in Syria” and “Some are ‘ticked off’ about it").

2. The airbase they hit appears to be abandoned.

3. From Alex Jones' team and "Syria Girl"... Evidence mounts that it was a false flag.

4. Hillary "initiated" strikes? Called for attack hours before.

5. This image sums it up perfectly (thanks to Merv)... click to view.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Draining the SWAMP!
4/28/2017 6:30:33 PM
Thanks Jim for all the info.
Jim Allen

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Former National Security Adviser Susan Rice certainly has a reason to seek immun
5/20/2017 7:01:01 PM

Is Susan Rice Seeking Immunity to Tell All About Obama Administration?

Former National Security Adviser Susan Rice certainly has a reason to seek immunity.

Besides the atrocity of Benghazi and the outright lies in that cover-up, the Obama administration committed other egregious acts.

War Hero Says Obama Used Susan Rice to do His Dirty WorkWiretapping journalists and threatening them as well. We reported that the Obama administration prosecuted more journalists than all other administrations combined, yet the press fawn over the man.

Perhaps the biggest bombshell involved the spying on then candidate-Trump.

Because of the revelations around the Trump surveillance scandal, rumors float that Susan Rice may have requested immunity in order to testify.

According to Infowars.

Ever since the scandal has come to light, Rice has tried to avoid the glare of the interrogator’s light. For instance, she refused to testify before the Senate during their investigation into the Russian hacking conspiracy, via CNN.

On other counts, Rice has attempted to clear her own name by giving supposedly candid interviews to “serious” journalists. In each interview, the fact that Rice is a compulsive liar comes through time and time again, via FOX News.

Rice has a reason to be evasive. The House is currently looking into whether or not Rice ordered the NSA to spy on Donald Trump and his team before the inauguration. According to some evidence, all of this was done with foreign intelligence services as cover, via Washington Times.

If convicted, Rice could face serious jail time. With immunity, she may name bigger names than herself.

The main points are clear.

Rice presented a lot of conflicting information that could easily be picked apart.

The dismantling of the DC infrastructure leaves Rice complete exposed. Obama can no longer offer Rice immunity. But that’s not what bothers Rice the most.

It’s one thing for the powers-that-be to fall under the protective umbrella of the DC establishment. But the minions do not. It is they who Rice likely fear the most.

In scandal after scandal, the worker bees avoided the guillotine. From the VA to the IRS, no animals were harmed in the making of this film. However, that changes under the administration whose president is world renown for “You’re FIRED!”

But this time, “You’re FIRED!” doesn’t get you a ride in the chopper, unless that bird is headed to Leavenworth.

Susan Rice may be loyal. But she’s worth $50 million and I suggest she doesn’t want to hear about how her white husband is spending their fortune, as she enjoys vicariously from behind bars.

The deeper the Democrats dig into the Russian story looking for ways to hang President Trump, the more Democrats at risk.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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Paul Ryan: “22 Million Americans Choose To Be Poor, So It’s Their Own Problem If
7/3/2017 4:01:21 PM

Paul Ryan: “22 Million Americans Choose To Be Poor, So It’s Their Own Problem If They Can’t Afford To Be Healthy”

Kilmeade then asked Ryan to comment on the fact that the Republican health care platform is going to make health insurance plans significantly less affordable by decreasing subsidies for poorer Americans. Ryan replied by ranting about how being poor is “a choice.” “This is something we’ve been over on more than once occasion,” Ryan said. “I know why you’re asking me this; you want me to feel guilty for depriving 22 million people of health insurance, right? Well, I’m sorry Brian, but it’s not working. And the reason why it’s not working is, you’re using the wrong logic here. You’re using the wrong logic alongside millions of other Americans, because all of you feel that those who get up every day and work hard for some reason owe something to those who just lie around doing nothing. That’s not right.”

“Why should anybody who has the willpower to tackle problems and obstacles in order to provide a good life for themselves and their family be obligated to set aside some of their hard earned money to help other people who don’t want to work hard and, instead, rely on policymakers to ensure they have welfare or, in this case, affordable health insurance?” Ryan opined. “The answer is – they shouldn’t. This is a land of opportunities; but, the thing is, to be able to capitalize on those opportunities, one has to be willing to work hard. And that’s the only condition, working hard. If you work your butt off every single day, you can afford whatever you want, including the best health insurance possible. Now we arrive at my ultimate point: if you choose to work hard, if that’s a choice you make every time you wake up in the morning, then this is something that guarantees your success. But, if you choose to be lazy all day and expect the government to take care of you, then you’re doomed.”

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success
