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Re: Doing the Remarkable by Jim Rohn
9/23/2006 4:36:54 PM
Jim Rohn...

One of my absolute favorites.  I don't know how many times I've listened to the article shared here and, as always, he's just plain good. 

I do believe the power of change is something to be grateful for and to get excited about. 

Absolutely not. 

But possible?

Reading once again Jim's thoughts prove once again to be a positive influence for me -- even as I sit here at a very, very messy desk and take a few moments to refocus prior to plunging into getting ready for a major conference I'm responsible for within two short weeks.

I can at least straighten a pile... tonight.
I can at least take time to reflect and rejoice... tonight.
I can at least seek to be a positive influence somewhere, somehow...tonight.
I can at least create part of something for Monday... tonight. 

Good article.
Thanks for sharing.


