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Minks Thom

262 Posts
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Please tell us how You advertise | promote
4/29/2006 6:13:02 AM
having a Busines on-line is just the begining. The fact is: "Are you losing sales? Then you are losing money". ** Your prospects don't care how intelligent you are. ** Your prospects don't care how much money you make. ** Your prospects don't care about anything except: Why should they read your message? Take a look at what you are offering at your web site. Think of the various ways your product, service, or opportunity can help solve a problem. Now... make that the first thing your readers see on your ad and your web site. There is no such thing as "luck" in business. You are either doing something right... or you are not. When you see someone else producing results, they are not luckier than you. They are simply doing something you are not. Find out what that "something" is and adapt your own approach to create the required results For most people, getting high-quality targeted visitors to their site is probably one of the "hardest" things to do ... unfortunately it's also the most important. A Quick and Free Way to Get a SWARM of Visitors to Your Website:
Let Me Show You How To Turn 6 Bucks Into $690 Income! \\\ GO TO =>>
Re: Please tell us how You advertise | promote
4/29/2006 6:37:24 PM
This is just one of many traffic portals that I have found works better than anything I have tried. Part of the Veretekk marketing and lead generation system is your very own search engine. Many people wonder why they would want to have their own search engine since other people get to submit their web site to be listed in it. It's called reverse advertising and it's the most effective way to market yourself on the Internet today! is the world's first self replicating search engine that allows you to build a database of contact information for you to get up close and personal with the prospective client. You now have the option to call, write, fax, or email these leads to show them that a real life person exists beneath this website. And this closer communication with clients is what will lead you to never ending success. We truly want you to succeed - we're offering you this service for FREE! You could spend countless hours submitting and resubmitting to your web site to other search engines chasing that elusive Top 10 listing. By spending enough time and money, it may eventually serve its purpose and bring more traffic to your sites - but why not have the traffic come to you? This is exactly what your own search engine will do. You can promote it in a million different ways - to name a few: Promote your search engine along with your current websites to generate direct traffic and submissions. Offer free submission to your eTracking search engine from each of your existing web sites. Offer other web sites a way so that THEY can offer their visitors the same FREE service. Contact a few of the 1000s of search engine submission services and ask them to add your search engine to the list they submit to. Regardless of where a submission comes from, anytime your search engine receives one you will reap the rewards and profits by automatically obtaining their contact information for you to contact on your own time to promote your own opportunity to them. It just can't get any easier! Try these other free services: Blast-o-Matic FFAFarm FreeFFAs Free Page Web Catch Spam-Wars First Family
Tyrone Reichardt
Minks Thom

262 Posts
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Re: Please tell us how You advertise | promote
4/29/2006 7:23:03 PM
Thanks Tyrone for your professional presentation of your powerful marketing tools. You prove it to be true that:" No Ads, No Sales". I like your point: "By spending enough time and money, it may eventually serve its purpose and bring more traffic to your sites - but why not have the traffic come to you?" For sure we got to be active to get traffic come to us. Thanks again, Minkailu.
Let Me Show You How To Turn 6 Bucks Into $690 Income! \\\ GO TO =>>
Re: Please tell us how You advertise | promote
4/30/2006 4:18:30 AM
Hello Mr.Minkailu, thanks for the invitation, I appreciate your business and your offer. Here also my best program listing: 1# > 2# > 3# > 4# > 5# > 6# > The last 2 links are excellent Forums to promot your Opportunities with success. Need a good and new New Payment Processor : To our success, greetings from Switzerland H.R.Brand
Think Positive!- Dream It!- Believe It! Achieve It - 2013
Phillip Skinner

16 Posts
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Re: Please tell us how You advertise | promote
4/30/2006 6:21:17 AM
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