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Lisa Reddell

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Re: Senior Moments?
7/19/2006 11:06:46 AM
Hi Cheri,

That's quite alright :)

I do what any red blooded American girl would do... I talk to them about my concerns. They know what needs to be done, as to their memory loss, as it has been brought up with their doctors. It's just a matter of getting them to remember to follow through... hmmmm...

Yep, I'm of the sandwich generation. It's very, very difficult to juggle time, kids and parents. There's so much to do and it never stops. And although I'm not ready for it (who is), the time is now. And I'm afraid I'm alone in this, as my older sister only lives 45 minutes away, but seems to be oblivious to whats going on. Or maybe she just doesn't wish to face it. I live less than 15 minutes from our folks. So I am the one they call on when they need help with something.

Dad works out at the local gym three days a week, doing a cardiac workout. He has heart disease, diabetes (treated with diet, so far), high blood pressure and other various health problems. He just came out of the President's seat at the local Lion's Club (3rd term), and is actually talking about taking a part time job as a salesman (the customers won't know what hit them - dad could sell ice cubes to Eskimos - LOL). All-in-all, he stays pretty active. Anyway, he's on lots of meds for the health issues. I've voiced my concerns that perhaps in some way, the meds are a contributing factor with the memory problems.

As for Mom... she has been a housewife for many years. She's never ill, ever. (the last time she was in the hospital was a few years ago when her blood pressure bottomed out (62/40). We almost lost her). That was the first time she had been in the hospital for more than 20 years.  Overall, she's healthy as a horse. Altough she's a homebody, she goes with Dad to play cards (she doesn't play, just visits), and to breakfast once a week. They have card parties at their house, with their friends, and other get togethers as well.

I've been concerned about their driving as well. A couple of months ago, Dad had a heart cath appointment. As their usual taxi driver (mom won't drive in town anymore, it scares her), I was along for the ride to the hospital to drive them both home. Dad pulled up to a red light, waited for the traffic to clear, and then pulled out... right in front of a car... I thought I was going to have heart failure.

I've also be thinking about attending their doctor's appts as well. Sometimes when they tell me about their doctor's appt, things they tell me don't make sense (like something is left out). So I feel that I should hear it from the horses mouth, so to speak.

As to me... I'm trying to overcome my lack of confidence. I have gotten active here at Adland again, and that's a start.

I will check the writings of Ester and Jerry Hicks... I need all the teachings I can get right now. :)

My kids play Sorry with my folks, and love it. I think I'll challenge them to a tournament of Scrabble. (even though Dad always kick my behind - LOL).

Oh, and I've found wonderful resources from AARP. Thanks!

I didn't mean for this to turn into a gut-wrenching glimpse of my life. But I thought perhaps someone might read it who is going through the same thing, and help them. Or maybe they can connect with me and we can support each other.

I've been told I'm stubborn as a mule, as I can say I come by it naturally.

Thanks for listening,

Lisa :`)
Lisa Reddell :`)
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Cheri Merz

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Re: Senior Moments?
7/19/2006 12:59:06 PM
Lisa, Thank you for sharing. Sounds like you're as much on top of it as anyone could be. And believe me, your story could be written by millions of people struggling with almost exactly the same issues. You're very right, and very welcome, to use this thread as a way to connect with others in the same situation. That connection is what I started the forum for. One thing at a time, but your sister needs to help. Maybe some of the support you receive here will help you find a way to gain her cooperation. I'm the last person in the world who can make suggestions, as I live over 1300 miles away from my mother (my father is deceased) and my sister lives even further away. My brother, at only 100 miles distance, has to bear the brunt of driving my mother to specialists as she too is afraid to drive in a big city, though she gets along fine in the little town where she lives. I feel fortunate to be a business owner, which gives me the time freedom to go to their aid if something serious happens. It wouldn't be easy, but it would be possible. We are just now reaching the point where we can see our way clear to at least offer financial help if necessary, and now we're needing to bail one daughter out of a credit card mess* and our other daughter just got engaged. Thank goodness she's giving us a year to save for the wedding expenses! See--you're not alone. Hope you'll be back to contribute more...I can see this turning into a good resource for the many others who are in similar situations. Cheri * Everyone, I want to call attention here to an important point about credit cards that I wrote about in my Money101 forum. If you missed the thread on Universal Default, please visit it now. My daughter's interest rate was just raised to 30%, not because she has missed payments or been late with them, but because she is carrying too much debt for her income. That happened when her salary was reduced after she maxed out her creditworthiness. I could go on a rant here, both about the ethics of the credit industry and about daughters who don't listen to their moms, but I won't. Just, please don't let this happen to you.
Ana Maria Padurean

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Re: Senior Moments?
7/19/2006 2:19:46 PM
hello Cheri,

This one looks to be a very good article.
I have to be back for another read when I'll be not so tired.
Thank you for sharing.
Your friend,
Cheri Merz

1258 Posts
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Re: Senior Moments?
7/20/2006 12:42:23 AM
Anamaria, Come back when you've had a chance to read it and let me know whether you enjoyed it. Is there an Alzheimer's disease problem in your country? I don't know if it is prevalent elsewhere. Cheri
Jenny SJ

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Re: Senior Moments?
7/20/2006 6:46:32 AM
Hi Cheri, This is third time I have tried to post on your forum, but i had a couple of senior moments on the way, and forgot where I was trying to get to!! I have looked at your link. it is a very interesting and practical article. Another thing than affect your short term memory is medication for other illnesses and yes Alzheimers is becoming a very big problem here in Spain and I believe all over Western Europe. I have the idea that it has always existed, but was always called something else. Now it has been properly diagnosed, it is recognized for what it is - before it was just grandma going loopy in her old age. It is a terrible disease, which causes great suffering for the families - one day you have a wife or husband, and then next day you lose your partner and companion. Because they start turning into a very difficult child to be cared for. It is a terribly lonely disease for carers to cope with. Thanks for posting this forum. Saludos Jenny