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Terry Gorley

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One Child At A Time
4/28/2007 10:17:40 AM


My Power Mall is about making a difference in the lives of people around the world, but most importantly to the lives of Children who need it most.

MPM is TOTALLY FREE to join.  It has more than 1,000 stores for your shopping convenience.  

A percentage of Corporate profits goes to support a Special Needs Child and their family as well as building orphanages where needed. 

Join our Team today and begin making a difference of your own.

Please Note:  Names with a PM beside it means they own a Personal Mall.  You will not be able to join their mall unless they change to a Business Mall.  Personal Malls are for shopping only.  You may support that member and One Child At A Time by asking them for their Mall link. 

Business Malls allow you to build a TEAM and receive commissions from their Malls 9 levels deep for long term financial freedom!   

Terry Gorley 

Judy Smith

Marty Bromberg (PM)

Nguyen Van Thanh (PM)

Chris Agastarola (PM)





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Terry Gorley

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Re: One Child At A Time
4/28/2007 10:19:49 AM

Angel Marie Donner


Angel Marie Donner is our current recipient for the One-Child-At-A-Time award. And she is one special little girl.


Born 8 years ago in Nebraska, Angel came into the world with a big, loving heart. She also came into the world with some challenges: Cerebral Palsy, Spastic Quadriparesis, severe Static Encephalopathy and a secondary Seizure Disorder. She lives with a tracheotomy and G-tube.


 Angel may be non-verbal, non-ambulatory and dependent on others for all of her daily activities, but she is very interactive and a dynamic part of her family.


Angel & brother AnthonyWhen she isn't running a low-grade temperature, Angel enjoys going to school. She is a lively part of the Learning Center and thrives in their caring atmosphere. On the days she must stay home, Angel loves spending time with her 10-month-old brother, Anthony.


One of Angel's favorite activities is people-watching. She enjoys watching other families spending time together while she's spending time with hers. She also loves to watch Shirley Temple movies and the Disney movie, Snowdogs. Angel enjoys being read to and listening to Cher with her grandmother. She delights in going for walks and she adores animals. The family has a cat named Midnight and a brand new miniature dachshund named Oreo.


Angel has to visit her doctors in Omaha nearly every month. It's a long trip, and her family needs a more reliable wheelchair-fitted van for these frequent and important trips.


Every purchase made on MY POWER MALL helps us fulfill this important need for Angel and her family.


We may not be able to help every child, but together we can help One-Child-At-A-Time.


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Annie Parker

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Re: One Child At A Time
4/28/2007 10:21:11 AM
Hi There! I am already a member.One of the reasons I joined was for this very reason! Thanks for your alert, though! Hugs! Annie
Live simply, Love generously, Care deeply, Speak kindly....Leave the rest to God! Miss Annie
Joe Downing

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Re: One Child At A Time
4/28/2007 10:25:08 AM
How awesome Terry!

This is a very special thing you are doing.  I hope everyone supports your mall so that Angel can continue her trips to the doctor in greater comfort.

Thank you my awesome friend and partner!

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Terry Gorley

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Re: One Child At A Time
4/28/2007 10:26:45 AM

Angel Marie Donner ... Special Needs Child

Angel Marie Donner


That's great Annie!

That's how MPM will succeed at their goal to help the Special Needs Children.



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