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Free Classifieds Adland Digest #342
Weekly discussions on internet marketing and promotion.

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Vol. 1 issue #342 May 01, 2003


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Vol. 1 issue #342  May 01, 2003

Topics in this issue:

Sponsor Message
Word from Publisher
1.Market Your Business by Sponsoring Printed Items

C o n t i n u i n g   D i s c u s s i o n s (3)

1.I just received SPAM offering to sell me anti-spam protection
~Pauline Phillips
~Glen Palo

2.Storm Pay
~Robert Lee

~John Olson

N e w     P o s t s  (2)

~Aussie Ideas !

2.Peter Fry
~no hype, just honest advice

Site Review Requests   (0)

Site Review Responses   (0)

G u e s t   A r t i c l e    (1)
1.Best Hundred Bucks
By Bob Osgoodby

Joke of the Day

================== Word from publisher ====================

Greetings All

Welcome  490 new subscribers who joined list since last mailing.



=====Market Your Business by Sponsoring Printed Items=====
From:Tom Falco

One great way to get exposure for your
business is by sponsoring certain printed

For instance, I recently moved and it was
interesting to see all the junk mail I
received from mortgage companies, banks,
movers, etc. Annoying, but interesting.

I noticed a few places were very clever
in their advertising and marketing

I received a bunch of change of address
cards to send to friends and relatives
and on the back of the cards was an ad
for various businesses. So each time
I would send a card out, that business
would have their messages seen by my
friends and relatives.

This is a very clever way to get someone
to actually mail your ads out for you.
It doesn't cost them a dime in postage
and none of the cards will be returned
address unknown since you are sending the
cards to people you know.

I got free cards to send and the advertiser
got free advertising. All they did was pay
for the cost of printing the cards.

My realtor gave me a sheet of return address
labels with the address of my new house.
These had my name and address and under that
in small print it mentioned: "Courtesy of
ABC Realty". So each time I used the stickers,
the realtor got a his name out there as well.

We sell various U.S. flag items including a
very popular bumper sticker with the U.S.
flag and the saying "These colors don't run."
We sell thousands of these.

On the side of the sticker in very small
letters is our web address:
www.TheDiscountPrinter.com .

I am sure that when someone is asked where
they got the bumper sticker, they can
easily refer their friend to our website
since it is right there on the sticker.

There are many clever ways to get your name
out there. Sponsoring printed items is one
great way.

Tom Falco is editor of XpectMore.com Marketing eZine
and also owns: http://www.TheDiscountPrinter.com
To subscribe to XpectMore.com Marketing eZine
mailto:ezine@xpectmore.com put "subscribe" in the
subject line or visit: http://www.XpectMore.com

comments  http://www.adlandpro.com/adlandpost.htm




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Bogdan Fiedur



===========C o n t i n u i n g D i s c u s s i o n (1.1)=============
From:Pauline Phillips
Subject:I just received SPAM offering to sell me anti-spam protection

In response to Julie Frost's post in issue 340:

Like you I have received spam mails trying to sell me anti-spam software
and online anti-spam solutions.>

The other day I got Spam eMail offering to pay me to delete Spam! Out of
curiosity I opened it. It seemeed some MLM or other get-rich-quick
scheme. I figured it was attempt to "justly" get my eMail address. I now
have the AOL Communicator which makes reporting Spam easy. So reported it,
and the other daily Spam, to AOL at a button click.

Pauline Phillips


comments  http://www.adlandpro.com/adlandpost.htm

===========C o n t i n u i n g D i s c u s s i o n (1.2)=============
From:Glen Palo
Subject:I just received SPAM offering to sell me anti-spam protection

In Issue 341, Adrian Elman calls Mailwasher the perfect solution to the
spam problem.

I have used Mailwasher for a year now.  I wouldn't go so far as to say
Mailwasher is the perfect solution.  While you are able to "bounce" email
back to the sender, most Yahoo email addresses are bogus.  Consequently,
mailwasher is unable to bounce the email and sends you a reply back.  Now
I just delete email that comes from Yahoo.

Glen Palo

No cost 5-day email course jam packed with
info to maximize your affiliate profits.
Send an email to: tamsmarketing@sitesell.net

comments  http://www.adlandpro.com/adlandpost.htm

===========C o n t i n u i n g D i s c u s s i o n (2.1)=============
From:Robert Lee
Subject:Storm Pay

Katheryn Labosky writes: Both Pay Pal and Storm Pay "bother" me, as there
is no obvious regulation of either one, unlike banks, credit card merchant
accounts, or other financial institutions.
End Quote.

Katheryn, despite your supposed "little in-depth article" you may now be
in place for a liable suit.
Saying that PayPal is not regulated requires an honest retraction on your
They sell stock shares in America and are closely regulated, as they are
based in America. They are owned by Ebay.com, also regulated, also issuing
stock shares and also regulated as any other business in America. Maybe
even more since they are one of the largest Internet companies.
You lack on "depth' is startling and your condemnation of a company
without conducting due diligence investigation is careless and harmful to
say the least.
Here are articles about PayPal from News.com:

StormPay, on the other hand, is an off-shore company and accountable to a
different authority. They would require much more diligence, only because
you'd have a very hard time making any type of monetary recovery from
them, since they are offshore.

Katheryn, stop the scare tactics and provide information we can honestly

Robert Lee

AKA smartguy @ stupidnewbiews.com
Trying to change the way you'll look at online business

comments  http://www.adlandpro.com/adlandpost.htm

===========C o n t i n u i n g D i s c u s s i o n (3.1)=============
From:John Olson


You got some good advice from Cathy Wagner in last weeks Digest and I
meant to get a reply out to you, but time got away from me. So I am going
to offer another idea you can kick around this week.

You say, "I am involved in the wellness and natural products industry so
it is a legitimate, solid business."

If you are in that business and have knowledge about the products and the
industry, then put that knowledge to work for you. Start a Newsletter or
put together a set of E-mails that address Health issues and treating them
with Natural Products. You can offer advice and ideas of what works for
most people and what doesn't.

Look at the products your company offers and what they do for people and
then base each E-mail message around the benefits of one product. Don't
make it a sales letter so much as an advice piece. Tell your readers about
the problem and how people have addressed that problem up to now and why
using a product that contains such and such is a better idea then what's
been tried before. Then at the end of your message, offer a link and a
short piece about the product you offer and why it's a good choice for

Don't write with the idea of getting a customer. Write with the idea that
you are going to offer free advice about certain Health issues and leave
the sales part to the end of each message. But even then, don't hit people
over the head with it. After you've gone through Health problems and
normal solutions, offer your product and tell them why it's better.

I am sure your company offers several products that do different things,
focus each letter in your series about a problem that one of the products

Working this way, you will start building a mailing list and that's the
key to making money online. It's all in the list.

You can set this up with just an autoresponder if you want, there many
different responders being offered all over the Web. I like Quick Tell
myself, but there are free ones if you can't afford to pay for one.
FreeAutoBot.com offers one of the best free AR's without ads.

But the best thing you can do, is set up a small Website, if you don't
have one all ready. It doesn't cost that much and all you need is a page
or two. If you just promote with the autoresponder, you will not have the
ability to personalize your messages. You will have to promote and just
ask people to send a blank E-mail to such and such E-mail address. But if
you have your own site, even a small one, you cannot only personalize the
site but by placing a Web form on the page for people to put their name
and E-mail address in, you can set the responder to place their name on
each message. That really helps you gain their trust.

As the messages work their way down, you can even start mentioning how
someone can make some extra money by being a rep for your company, don't
over sell this, but work it into what you are writing about.

Once you have a list growing, when something new comes out, you can mail
the list and keep them informed. You are much more likely to be able to
build a mailing list offering free Health advice then just promoting your
program out right.

I wish you all the luck in the World and I hope this gives you something
to think about.

John Olson

Shop-Money-Time.com It's Your Money. It's Your Time.
Let Me, Help You, TGIF-Marketing.com

comments  http://www.adlandpro.com/adlandpost.htm

==============N e w P o s t i n g  (1)=============
Subject:Aussie Ideas !

Aussie Ideas !

Erika (Rikie) Matheson

Hi fellow Adlanders,

I am looking for suggestions for a new site I am wanting to create which is
to be primarily FOR Aussies.
I would like to include sites created BY Aussies,
Sites/Programs created FOR Aussies and
Sites about Australia .

What I DON'T want is a heap of aimless MLM links or outright advertising.

Please send your ideas to AussiesUnited@rikies-biz.com .
Australian and proud of it!

NEED HELP with all those Programs?
Got a Problems that needs a QUICK FIX?

comments  http://www.adlandpro.com/adlandpost.htm

==============N e w P o s t i n g  (2)=============
From:Peter Fry
Subject:no hype, just honest advice

I've taken a couple of $5 paid ads in AdlandPro for the first time. Am I
wasting money?
I have joined safelists but believe people don't read them as there are so
many. Rotators....I'm not sure.
What is the best way? Is there really people looking at these things and
spending money. Will I stick to the day job?

comments  http://www.adlandpro.com/adlandpost.htm


=================G u e s t   A r t i c l e   (1)===============
Best Hundred Bucks
ByBob Osgoodby

Did you know there is software available for about a hundred
dollars, which will allow you to automatically submit your ads
to web sites that accept free ads, and to newsletters that do
likewise? This software will submit any number of ads you wish,
in any frequency you desire.

"Wow - what a great idea!", you might think. I can submit my ads
to thousands of these sites with a single keystroke. "What a
time saver!"

Some people send out a dozen or more like this everyday. Is this
doing them any good? Well maybe yes, and maybe no. Let's first
examine the different types of web sites that accept free ads,
and why.

Many web sites that accept free ads, do it purely to collect
email addresses, which they can then sell as targeted lists.
They don't really care if your ad is ever seen. In fact, many
have a high limit of 300 ads. When the next one is submitted,
the oldest is dropped, and the process continues.

With thousands of ads submitted hourly, how long do you think
your ad will remain on their site - a minute or two - hardly
worth your time. The flip side is you will suddenly find a lot
more unsolicited email arriving daily from those who bought
your address. If you like receiving unsolicited email, I guess
this is good.

Other web sites do care if your ad is seen. So what is their
motive? They are trying to build an advertiser base, and hope
you will purchase a paid ad from them. Ads submitted to sites
like this usually have a life of a week or more, and can be
renewed indefinitely. Their goal is to attract people to their
site and hope that you do business as a result of your ad.

The first group couldn't care less if you send them multiple
email addresses on a frequent basis - they never see the ads.
Their software automatically collects your email address, checks
for duplicates, and adds it to their file.

The second group however, and all newsletters published on a
regular basis that allow free ads, are a different story. When
they receive ads, each one is checked manually. They usually only
permit one ad per cycle, and if you submit 7-12 ads a day, you
will quickly overwhelm their processing capabilities. To them,
this is spamming. Their only recourse is to "fight fire with
fire". What they do is automatically filter out the ads
submitted using this type of software. They will never see your
ad submissions.

So what does this automatic submission software do for/to you.
In the first example, your ads might have a useful life measured
in minutes. In the second case your ads are "blocked" from the
sites that will produce your best results.

Once you are blocked (depending on how they do it) you may never
be able to submit ads to these quality sites again - even if you
do it manually. Some block at the email address level. Once an
address is blocked, their filters will automatically delete your
incoming email, whether it is an ad or not.

Maybe that automatic submission software isn't the best hundred
bucks you could ever spend.

Did you know that subscribers to Bob Osgoodby's Free Ezine the
"Tip of the Day" get a Free Ad for their Business at his Web
Site? Great Business and Computer Tips - Monday thru Friday.
Instructions on how to place your ad are in the Newsletter.
Subscribe at: http://adv-marketing.com/business/subscribe2.htm


comments  http://www.adlandpro.com/adlandpost.htm


=====================Joke of the Day   (1)===============

Coming out of church, Mrs. Peterson asked her husband,
"Do you think that Johnson girl is tinting her hair?"

"I didn't even see her," admitted Mr. Peterson.

"And that dress Mrs. Hansen was wearing," continued Mrs.
Peterson, "Really, don't tell me you think that's the proper
costume for a mother of two."

"I'm afraid I didn't notice that either," said Mr. Peterson.

"Oh, for heaven's sake," snapped Mrs. Peterson.  "A lot of
good it does you to go to church."

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