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Free Classifieds Adland Digest #343
Weekly discussions on internet marketing and promotion.

This newsletter is supported and owned in part by Bogdan Fiedur
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Vol. 1 issue #343 May 08, 2003


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Vol. 1 issue #343  May 08, 2003

Topics in this issue:

Sponsor Message
Word from Publisher
1.3 Freebie Marketing Strategies!

C o n t i n u i n g   D i s c u s s i o n s (4)

1.No hype, just honest advice
~Amalia Sotiriadou
~Cathy Wagner
~Cynthia Holmes

2.Storm Pay and Paypal
~Katheryn Labosky

3.Aussie Ideas !
~Heni Bosh

4."Best Hundred Bucks" by Bob Osgoodby
~Andrew Anderson

N e w     P o s t s  (2)

~Where's the Beef?

2.Jack Herndon
~Mailing purchased emails

Site Review Requests   (0)

Site Review Responses   (0)

G u e s t   A r t i c l e    (1)
1.New Product? Give It Nine Lives
By Marcia Yudkin

Joke of the Day

================== Word from publisher ====================

Greetings All

Welcome  490 new subscribers who joined list since last mailing.


Our lives are being constantly affected by situation around us and if we lose
people who are very close, we usually withdraw ourselves from many usual
activities. Pain and sorrow are taking place of things which used to be our
enjoyment or just something we liked to do. It has passed over two months since my ill dad passed away and I haven't posted much in the digest since then.. No matter what one feels and goes through, live just goes on. For me one chapter just has been completed and and I guess now I'm left to just write my own from this point on.

Adland Digest has been for me this kind of activity which regardless of what was going around, one issue has been posted each week. Either I did this myself or I asked somebody to do it for me.

Adland Digest is an integral part of my business. It allows me on keeping in touch with many of past or future customers, affiliates or  friends and receive feedback about the internet business directly from those who are using them on daily bases.

I wished many marketers and internet business owners would realize that in order to run the business on the internet, they need to be as personal as possible.
They need to build trust and show that they care.

What is the better way to show your personality like not through some periodic publication which Adland Digest is for me.

I regret only that because of unscrupulous marketers who produce tremendous amounts of spam, email is losing its power comparing to what it used to be 3-4 years ago.

Average lifespan of email address today is about three months.
If you do the math, this would mean that you have to build your list on average every three months from scratch.

This is increasing cost of running of the business on the internet and makes it much harder for those who are just starting.
I feel that we are now seeing merging of the internet with our lives on such a scale that internet is just becoming another necessary medium to run the
business. It is not hype anymore.

Bogdan Fiedur



One of the longest Adlandpro users, who joined on 4/12/99 write me this.

Hi Bogdan,

I just wanted to let you know that people I do business with by mail-order
write to me and tell me they've seen my ads on AdlandPro.  That says a lot
about your service, AdlandPro is heavily visited by mail-order marketers
and taken very seriously in other marketing venues besides the internet,
as one of the 'absolute must' places to advertise.

Kathleen VanBeekom

Thank you Kathleen,

I appreciate your letter very much.


Linda Popenhagen wirtes.

I am very pleased to see how you report on visitors who clicked on my ad. 
Your report is outstanding when compared with several other advertisers I
have used in the past. I also appreciated the way you reminded me of the
content of my ad, because I do vary the wording from time to time.

Feel free to quote me if you want to use my comments as a testimonial.

Linda Popenhagen


Brett & Glynda Schuler write.

Dear Bogdan,
I was so concerned after our conversation that if I cancelled our account I would also have to start all over again. You made it so easy. Thank you. I have begun to establish a very lucrative business thanks to the tools you provide me with. My wife and I agree that your tools are the Best on the net for the type of marketing we do. People are what counts in this world, "hits" mean nothing if no-one is there. Your tools bring real people to our products. Thanks again.

Brett & Glynda Schuler



Aubery writes about renewable ad service.

I am pleased to say my little ad got me 22 free and
3 paid signups.  I knew it was good for me to have
your page on my website.


Hi Bogdan,
Thanks for your reply. AdlandPro is my preferred advertising tool, Excellent
service and Good People.

If I am sending this testimony to the incorrect place, I apologize, but I
am so excited about your traffic exchange.  It is absolutely wonderful,
and I am very excited about promoting it to my Internet friends!  Thank
you for a great, free, marketing tool!

Connie Blango


I am so happy with Adland Pro. I/ve been getting responses to my renewable ads.
It really does work!
And you guys are so professional & your prices are wonderful.
Thanks so much,
Helen Jones




I just want to say thank you.  Your system was everything you said it was.  I will use your system again in the future.

Thanks again.

Paul Azerolo



Being Adland Digest subscribers tells me that you are interested in learning how to do business on the internet. Adlandpro is running several weekly newsletters on following topics.

1. Building of business on the Internet  
2. Marketing and promotion on the internet
3. Free stuff on the internet 
4. Special issue of Adland Digest

You can get those weekly articles delivered to you by just clicking the [Subscribe] button below.


Bogdan Fiedur

=============3 Freebie Marketing Strategies!==================
From:Larry Dotson

1) Offer Viral Freebies

Give away an electronic freebie with your ad on
it. Allow your visitors to give the freebie away as
well. This'll increase your ad exposure and attract
people to your web site at the same time. You
could also use it as a bonus for another product
you sell or as a free surprise gift for your most loyal

2) Submit Your Freebies

Submit your freebie to the online directories that list
your particular item or service for free. If you're
offering a free e-zine, submit it to all the free e-zine
directories on the Internet. There are free e-book
directories, web site directories, general freebie
directories, free article directories, etc.

3) Donate Your Freebies

Design graphics, templates, buttons and banner
ads for other sites. Allow people to use them in
exchange for your web link on their home page. For
example, you could require the users to say on their
web site, "These graphics were made possible by
(your business name and web site address)

10,000 Sales Letter Words, Phrases & Templates!
Just visit: http://www.ldpublishing.com  Also, feel
free to republish this article in your own ezine or
web site.

comments  http://www.adlandpro.com/adlandpost.htm



===========C o n t i n u i n g D i s c u s s i o n (1.1)=============
From:Amalia Sotiriadou
Subject:No hype, just honest advice

Dear Peter,

I have been paying Adland Pro my $5 bills for a long time to give my ads
"top billing", and I recently became a Gold member to take better
advantage of what they have to offer.
Does it work? I will answer a hesitant "yes" on this one. My hesitation
stems from the fact that it mostly depends on what you are selling and how
your ad is written. The same is true for every service you are placing a
written ad at. Sharpening your writing skills, being "different" instead
of using ads that people have seen a thousand times, offering true value
for the price you are asking... these are the things that will make people
click on your ads and subsequently make them customers.

Personally, I use safelists a lot. I don't agree with you that safelists
are not responsive - I have excellent results from safelists. In this
case, however, you have to play the numbers game. You need to post to MANY
safelists EVERY DAY to get a satisfactory response. Automatic posting
software such as Snazzy helps with that.

The free page exchanges work too if you can build a downline in many of
them and use their viral capabilities, but my opinion on these is that
they take a lot of time and have meagre results.

There are many ways you can advertise online, and my experience is that
you have to use almost all of them if you want good results. Experiment,
find out which suit your own personality best, and be prepared to spend at
least a little money in advertising. After you select what works best for
you, stick with it. Persistence is the best way to get what you want.

Good luck!


MoneyPops! Guaranteed Visitors Go MLM
TGeBiz: Your MAP to SUCCESS!

comments  http://www.adlandpro.com/adlandpost.htm

===========C o n t i n u i n g D i s c u s s i o n (1.2)=============
From:Cathy Wagner
Subject:No hype, just honest advice

Hello Peter,

I do not think it is a waste of money to run paid ads with Adland Pro, I am
currently running 2 myself and I get notices that they have been viewed on a
regular basis. $5 for a full month is a great price.

Safelists can be tough. You are right, many people just delete all of their
safelist mail, but there are others who actually look at it. The people who are
receiving thousands of messages per day are the most likely to simply delete it
all so, it is best to use small lists with less than 1000 members to increase
the odds of your message being read.

Click exchanges are really tough.  Many click exchange members barely even look
at sites that they have seen over and over again, but newbies are also drawn to
click exchanges as the fastest and easiest way to get their hit counter moving.
Remember you are limited to about 30 seconds per view with click exchanges,
don't even bother if your site does not load in 20 seconds or less.

People do look at these things and yes, some of them even spend money.

I feel your discouragement and I want to remind you that every successful online
business person uses every promotional method they can think of. Some of the
most often overlooked effective free advertising methods online are forums,
discussion lists and chat rooms.

If you search in any engine, you will find huge lists of all 3 that relate to
nearly every topic under the sun. The key is to select venues that relate to
your product. For example if you are selling nutritional supplements, you could
search for Health Forum, Nutrition Discussion List or even Alternative Health
Chat Room.

Granted these things do not stand out as advertising locations, but the truth is
they can be awesome! The idea is not to advertise so much as mingle, network and
share information. Your hit counter may not register hundreds of visits, but
those who do visit as a result of reading one of your posts will be highly
targeted prospects who have a genuine interest in your offer.

Look for more free and low cost ways to promote your offer at my web site:

Have a Profitable Day,

Cathy Wagner

ONE STOP Internet Business Services
Your ONE STOP for high quality marketing
information, tips and recommendations.

comments  http://www.adlandpro.com/adlandpost.htm

===========C o n t i n u i n g D i s c u s s i o n (1.3)=============
From:Cynthia Holmes
Subject:No hype, just honest advice

Ah, Peter, the $64,000 Question! Do I stick to the day job? Well my main
goal has been to replace my husband's income...and then some. He works
nights and I hate this! Not to mention we need more than one income.

Last year my 'Biz' COST me around $5,000 (half of that with one looks very
good, but scummy biz: my opinion, avoid Phil Piccolo and UNS1.com). This
was at least good for a tax write-off!

After fiddling with affiliate programs, I decided upon legitimate MLMs as
the best chance of earning a decent income.

I got much more sceptical, objective and inquiring about what I was going
to spend my time and money on.

So my advice would be to:
~Pick a good company, ethical, established. (So many start-ups fail, why
risk your time and money on a new company, especially if you are working
part-time and are new at this and/or have limited money to invest.)
~Make sure it has a product that is exclusive and in demand. ( I was in
Free Coral Calcium.com and the product is NOT exclusive, even with all the
TV infomercial support, the MLM has stagnated already.)
~Make sure you have an upline that has earned some money and has tools and
resources for you to duplicate them.  (Your sponsor may be new, that is OK
, just make sure in their upline there is someone, a leader. In my case, I
have uplines that know how to BOTH sell the product and recruit. I would
be wary of an upline only focused on recruiting.)
~ If you are quite sure you've picked a good company, focus on it to the
exclusion of all else. (This has been my weakest point. You might want to
put a few more eggs in your basket, but be clear where your priorities of
time/money are.)
~Make a simple website about you and how great a sponsor you would be and
offer some useful information for people looking for a biz opp and promote
that. This is called 'relationship building'.

Hubby is now involved with my Biz efforts (he's got biz-management
experience and I think he wants to make sure we start earning!) We have
two main companies, we love both their products and both have the features
I listed above. I just checked my email for one and I got two orders from
my online email to opt-in leads efforts and already 10 in my downline. My
sponsor has earned $5400 in his 5th month of full time effort, so I know I
am on the right track and have good role models.

Regarding safelists, new people still read them. I have found the 'click
for credits' and big name safelists to have good response. My  sponsor in
one program is signing someone  he got from a safelist ad he placed who is
coming in and buying $11,000 of product! People are still looking.

I know you can replace the day job, but it requires some careful
selection, planning and action. All the best to you Peter!

Cynthia Holmes

Cynthia Holmes from Money4moms.com
My Top Biz Opps:
No money? mailto: nomoney@seasilvermail.com

comments  http://www.adlandpro.com/adlandpost.htm

===========C o n t i n u i n g D i s c u s s i o n (2.1)=============
From:Katheryn Labosky
Subject:Storm Pay and Paypal

Katheryn Labosky writes: Both Pay Pal and Storm Pay "bother" me, as there
is no obvious regulation of either one, unlike banks, credit card merchant
accounts, or other financial institutions.
End Quote.

Robert Lee wrote.
Katheryn, despite your supposed "little in-depth article" you may now be
in place for a liable suit.

Hello Robert,

It really pains me to think that I've upset you this way with my article,
and I quite honestly don't know the reason for this reaction, as you don't
go into that in your reply to me.

If you requested the article (and you obviously did, as this is the only
way you could have received it, as my ezine goes out only to my
"dedicated" customers usually), and you didn't like it, that is your
prerogative.  My article simply gave my own reaction to both StormPay and
PayPal, both of which I have as payment methods, and I'm also a member of
Ebay.   I just never feel "safe" with either of them, given the horror
stories that abound.  If you find either of them to be good providers,
then I'm really quite pleased.  I suppose I just need more regulation than
they seem to have (just my opinion).  I am an old-fashioned "girl" that
likes to see "FDIC" insured somewhere on their documents, which I,
personally, couldn't find (which some of my readers had believed they

If it is there, then of course, I retract the statement about the
regulations.  In my article, though, I simply said that they needed "more
regulation".  That is an opinion, the way it is stated, and my own readers
value my opinion, although you, of course, don't necessarily need to.  My
ezine more resembles an "editorial" and that is the way the article was
written, and perceived by my readers, as it is a "continuing discussion"
between myself and them, based on their questions to me throughout the
month.  I felt I did a good job of going "in-depth", but if it wasn't as
"in-depth" as you felt it should have been, then of course you're also
entitled to that opinion.

Their TOS is incredibly difficult to read for the average person, (in my
opinion), and I was honestly just imparting knowledge that I had acquired
through actual use of both services for my readers, and to a reply for
information in the Adland Digest by another reader.  Again, throughout the
article, I make mention of the fact that this is "only my opinion".

Your tone to me, though, Robert, is somewhat "combative" (in my opinion),
and I'm really not going to turn this into a "combative" public
discussion, as it is not the way I do business.  I'm really more confused
by that than anything else, as I'm quite mellow and non-combative, and if
you had concerns, I would've gladly addressed them personally with you, in
a rational manner.  I never believe for one minute that I know the "One
True Way" of thinking or believing, nor do I ever express to anyone that I
am the "Ultimate Answer" to every question.  I simply do the best job I
can with the resources and answers  I am able to obtain.  Others are
always free to follow their own instincts and make their own decisions and
judgements, which is why my readers probably do value what I write, as I
take their concerns into consideration with each issue.

I truly am sorry that you did not enjoy the article, as it was meant to be
enjoyed, but I am entitled to my opinion.  Please feel free to unsubscribe
at any time, or simply email me with the address you used to subscribe,
and I'll take you off the list.


Katheryn Labosky

"The Reluctant Entrepreneur"

comments  http://www.adlandpro.com/adlandpost.htm



===========C o n t i n u i n g D i s c u s s i o n (3.1)=============
From:Heni Bosh
Subject:Aussie Ideas !

Hi Rikie and Everybody who can benefit,

It sounds like you are looking for good value
exchange. I highly recommend the Site Sell
Value Exchange. This service is free
and does not include any FFA sites.
If you have a friend who would benefit from using this link, please pass
this on.

Warm Regards
Heni Bosh

International Welcome.
For more info about the package please visit the link.

comments  http://www.adlandpro.com/adlandpost.htm


===========C o n t i n u i n g D i s c u s s i o n (4.1)=============
From:Andrew Anderson
Subject:"Best Hundred Bucks" by Bob Osgoodby

Thanks for an extremely timely article Bob. I was going to do something
similar today as my "wanted to buy" only classifieds website is presently
being inundated by ads, mainly from Asia, promoting all sorts of rubbish.
I've contacted the Companies like Ad-placer. com who "con" people out of
their money, asking for my site to be taken off their lists, but have had
no response after several emails.
I'm lucky in a way as all my ads are hand submitted, so I just delete the
dozens of these ads daily and none are seen on the site.
I'm just wondering how the ad sites who accept auto submissions cope, and
if anyone's had any success getting their sites' URL's off these spammers

I look forward to this thread continuing in the next issue,
Andy Anderson

Hundreds of only "Wanted to Buy" ads.
 Free "Wanted to Buy" ads for Buyers.
 Sellers Browse/Search for your Buyer.

comments  http://www.adlandpro.com/adlandpost.htm

==============N e w P o s t i n g  (1)=============
Subject:Where's the Beef?

Question:  Where's the real Beef in on-line advertising for someone with
no site, no list, just info to sell?

comments  http://www.adlandpro.com/adlandpost.htm

==============N e w P o s t i n g  (2)=============
From:Jack Herndon
Subject:Mailing purchased emails

I am jack herndion and have been working towards earning money on the in
internet without too much success and I want some who may read this message
to contact me via email to explain step by step how I can deliver the
double opt-in emails that I have purchased. I have two lists, one with 55
address and one with 150 email address.  I have tried 3 times to mail them
and have not been successful yet.  Is there anyone out there that can help

Jack Herndon


comments  http://www.adlandpro.com/adlandpost.htm


=====================G u e s t   A r t i c l e   (1)===============
New Product? Give It Nine Lives
ByMarcia Yudkin

The closeness between the words "new" and "news" provides a
telling clue to how easy it can be to get media coverage for
something that's new. By definition, the media are in the
business of covering what's fresh, what's unprecedented and
what has just happened. Follow a few simple steps and
publicity can make your product launch a significant

First, carefully and honestly define specific markets for
your product. Media that target those markets are those you
should concentrate on. Forget about the mass media unless
even a sceptic would have to agree that your product would
matter to practically everyone.

Second, identify the primary benefit your product will bring
to each target market. String that together with the
identity of the corresponding population in a press release
headline, using the formula "New [generic product
description] brings [benefit] to [target market]." For

New Bridal Shower Game Ends Gift-Opening Tedium, Makes
Shower a Memorable Event for Hostess, Bride and Guests

Third, reword your headline for each target market. An
editor's paramount question when screening release
headlines, whether in a stack of faxes, in an email in-box
or on the Web, is "Is it relevant to my readers?" Naming the
readers in the headline answers that question without
forcing the editor to think. For example, while the headline
above would go to brides' magazines, the one below fits
publications for wedding planners:

New Bridal Shower Game a Sure-Fire Add-on for Party Planners

Fourth, complete the releases and distribute them to the
relevant media. The narrower a niche, the more you may want
to supplement established industry distribution circuits
with additional research and one-by-one mailing, emailing or

Fifth, get to work turning your Web site for the product
into a magnet for folks searching for something like what
you've just released. Brainstorm generic keywords by which
people would search for your item and include as many of
them as possible on the home page and throughout the site.
Register your site or new product page not only with major
search engines but also with specialized industry
directories and submit your link at industry portals.
Include customer or expert testimonials for greater
credibility, and add links to media coverage when that
starts coming in.

Whenever possible, link the timing of your product release
to a holiday, the season, current events or a trade show to
increase its newsworthiness.

Most specialized magazines feature selected new products
near the front of each issue, often with a product photo.
You needn't send product samples or photos everywhere to get
such coverage, as editors will call for those if intrigued
by the release. The more lively and reader-friendly the
writing in your release, the more likely a busy editor is to
choose your item from the candidates received.

After half a year or so has passed, your product will no
longer count as "new." By upgrading the item in a relevant
way, however, you can consider it a new edition and start
the cycle over again.

Marcia Yudkin <marcia@yudkin.com> is the author of the
classic guide to comprehensive PR, "6 Steps to Free
Publicity," now for sale in an updated edition at Amazon.com
and in bookstores everywhere.  She also spills the secrets
on advanced tactics for today's publicity seekers in
"Powerful, Painless Online Publicity," available from
www.yudkin.com/powerpr.htm .

comments  http://www.adlandpro.com/adlandpost.htm

=====================Joke of the Day   (1)===============

Provided by Marianne Payton,

The old Cherokee chief sat in his hut on the reservation, smoking the
ceremonial pipe, eyeing the US government officials sent to interview him.

"Chief Two Eagles," one official began, "you have observed the white man for
90 years. You have observed his wars and his material wealth. You have seen
his progress and the damage he has done." The Chief nodded that it was so.
The official continued, "Considering all these events, in your opinion,
where did the white man go wrong?" The Chief stared at the government
officials for over a minute, and then calmly replied,
"When white man found the land, Indians were running it.
No taxes.
No debt.
Plenty buffalo.
Plenty beaver.
Women did all the work.
Medicine man free.
Indian man spend all day hunting and fishing, all night making love to
The Chief leaned back and smiled, "White man dumb enough to think he could
improve system like that."

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