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Vol. 1 issue #17 Jun 25, 2002


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4 Parallel-Logic Templates That Make Your Sales Letters & Ads More Enticing
� 2002  Mike Jezek.

By Psychological Sales Letter Specialist (TM) Mike Jezek "$ales Letters That Create Buying Frenzies"
Pay attention for the next few moments as I'll reveal 4 tricks of the trade that'll make your sales letters and ads more enticing.
These 4 effective tricks are found in the art and science of persuasion.
Called Parallel - Logic phrases, they can definitely give your copy a more magnetic appeal. As you use these phrases you'll begin to notice your sales letters and ads taking on a new level of believability and effectiveness.
What is a Parallel Logic phrase?  Quite simply, a Parallel Logic phrase is a sentence that takes an unproven claim and ties it to a known fact.
The following are 4 types of Parallel -Logic templates along with examples of how to use them.
"Just as... So does... "



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Example: Just as Penicillin was the breakthrough of the century, so too will 'X' become the latest breakthrough in fighting sickness and disease.
Example: Just as Ted Hikes achieved an incredible profit of $45,000 in 90 days, using these investment strategies you'll also have the potential to see incredible results like Ted's.
"If you... Then you'll... "
Example: If you love watching war documentaries, then I know you'll love "Confessions Of A Navy SEAL."
Example: If you hate paying outrageous money for 'X', then you'll be excited to know you can save 10% with our Early Bird Program.
"If they did... So can you."
Example: Over 60% of our seminar's attendees go on to become rich in real estate. 
And if they can do it, so can you!  Here's why:

Example:  Let me tell you, if my sales force can accomplish extraordinary results like these, then so can yours! "The same (thing/item) as (person/organization) uses."

Example: This is the same exact pair of sunglasses as worn by Tiger Woods.

Example: This is the same material used by the United States Army.

As you can see from the examples above, creating copy with Parallel - Logic templates is a snap.  Simply take some time to practice writing statements utilizing these Parallel - Logic templates; the more you work at it, the better you'll get.
Soon, with a little practice, you'll be able to smoothly weave them throughout your copy to create enticing sales letters and ads that get results.

Yours FREE: 10 Minute $ales Letter Critique by Psychological Sales Letter Specialist (TM) Mike Jezek.  Find out where the weak spots of your sales letters are and how to make them capable of starting buying frenzies. Get your FREE critique from Mike Jezek now.  Email: miknlisa@gtcinternet.com www.irresistiblecopywriting.com  Copyright 2002 Mike Jezek

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