You Must Not Want a Job If...

You Must Not Want a Job If...
This course is all about the TRUTH! The TRUTH about what you are doing during your job search that is preventing you from getting the job. Nothing will be sugar coated, I am going to tell you that you should not show up to your interview smelling like an ash tray. You may not like to hear that, but it is the TRUTH. And showing up smelling like an ash tray can prevent you from getting the job. This course will give you over 50 things you need to STOP doing immediately in your job search.
This self-led course is for you if:
You are new to the job search world.
You are wondering why you aren't receiving calls about your job application.
You want to know What Not To Do during your job search.
4 Powerful Lessons-What Not To Do
Lesson One: 21 Things Not to Include on your Resume
Are you aware of the things you should not include on your resume? What you leave out is almost as important as what you put in.​​​​​​​
Lesson Two: 7 Things You Sould Not Do When The Recruiter Calls
You have submitted your application and are waiting for a call form the company. Here are 7 things you should NOT DO when you get the call.
Lesson Three: 15 Things you should NOT wear on an Interview
It is important to understand appropriate interview attire. I explain in detail what not to wear to an interview.
Lesson Four: 10 Things Not To DO on your Interview
You have been invited to interview. Now, don't mess it up. Here are 10 thngs NOT TO DO during your interview.
Lesson Five: After The Interview - What NOT To Do
Course only $20.20
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